Calorie Content Of Yogurt For Weight Loss

Calorie Content Of Yogurt For Weight Loss
Calorie Content Of Yogurt For Weight Loss

Calorie content of yogurt

Calorie content of yogurt - 65 kcal per 100 grams
Calorie content of yogurt - 65 kcal per 100 grams

The calorie content of yogurt is small and allows it to be attributed not only to useful products, but also to components of the dietary menu for losing weight and cleansing the body.

Features of yoghurt for weight loss

Low-calorie yoghurt is a healthy dietary product based on the thermophilic streptococcus starter culture. There is a minimum amount of calories in yogurt, and beneficial microorganisms in the composition of the product are regenerating and improving the intestinal microflora. This product is especially suitable for people with diseases of the digestive system, dysbiosis and digestive disorders.

The thermophilic streptococcus in yogurt stimulates the production of interferon, enhances the fight against pathogenic microorganisms and improves the functioning of the liver, kidneys and pancreas.

Yogurt for weight loss should not contain sugar and preservatives, but it can contain natural fruits (banana, kiwi, apple, etc.) and berries (black currants, blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries).

For weight loss on yogurt, you should use a natural product that is prepared at home without containing harmful substances. The calorie content of yogurt is 65 kcal, and it also contains 5 g of proteins, 3 g of fat and 3.2 g of carbohydrates. Natural yogurt for weight loss should be kept in the refrigerator for no more than 15 days.

Yogurt diet

How many calories are in yogurt depends on its effectiveness for weight loss and usefulness as a dietary product.

During the period of weight loss on yogurt, you can lose from 5 to 8 kilograms in 10 days, as well as fill the deficiency of nutrients. If you are on a diet, you should consume 500 grams of natural yogurt daily. The meal should be divided into 4 servings and 2 fruit snacks. You can add honey, pieces of fruit and berries to yogurt.

You can lose weight on yogurt by 5-8 kg in 10 days
You can lose weight on yogurt by 5-8 kg in 10 days

The last daily meal should be no later than 19 hours. You should drink a lot of liquid every day - compotes, still mineral water, green tea, natural juices. The permissible daily intake of fruit is 300 grams, but the use of grapes, pears, melons and watermelons should be excluded.

An approximate daily yogurt weight loss menu may look like this:

  • breakfast - natural yogurt or yoghurt jelly with fruits, green tea;
  • lunch - vegetable broth, yogurt with fruit, a glass of pomegranate juice;
  • afternoon snack - apple, banana, still mineral water;
  • dinner - boiled asparagus or broccoli, a glass of natural yogurt, green tea.

It is necessary within 10 days to calculate how many calories are in yogurt and determine the daily allowance. The diet lasts 10-12 days, and before repeating it you need to make an interval of 15 days.

Weight loss tips and calorie choices for yogurt

The low calorie content of yogurt can be compensated for with fresh fruits, vegetables and natural juices. In order to avoid depletion of the body, it is necessary to regularly snack and provide the body with a sufficient amount of fluid.

When following a low-calorie yogurt diet, you can be most effective with regular exercise, massage, and physical therapy.

When compiling a 10-day diet, you need to calculate the calorie content of yogurt, and also determine the days of consumption of 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% of the product.

If the weight deviates a little from the norm, then you can spend weekly fasting days with the use of only freshly squeezed juices and yogurt, which has 60 to 80 calories. Such dietary days will allow you to restore normal weight, cleanse the body, normalize bowel function and improve skin condition.

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