Calorie Content Of Vegetables

Calorie Content Of Vegetables
Calorie Content Of Vegetables

Calorie content of vegetables

How to determine the calorie content of vegetable salad
How to determine the calorie content of vegetable salad

The calorie content of vegetables shows how much energy they provide to the body when eaten. Vegetables are an important part of the daily diet and a source of fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Calorie content of fresh vegetables

It is important to know the calorie content of vegetables for overweight people who want to lose weight. The composition of the calorie diet takes into account all the components of the diet. Calories in vegetables are most often calculated per 100 g of food weight. Now you can find different options for online calculators that allow you to calculate the required daily calorie intake depending on gender, initial and desired weight, occupation and age, as well as find out how many calories are in vegetables for a particular dish.

It is known that plant foods are lower in calories than animal products. This makes vegetables a valuable dietary product. Individual vegetable crops can be combined in a variety of ways, which allows vegetable salads for weight loss to become the dish that diversifies the daily diet.

Some examples of the calorie content of fresh vegetables (kcal per 100 g of product):

  • Eggplant - 24;
  • Green peas - 72;
  • White cabbage - 28;
  • Potatoes - 83;
  • Onions - 43;
  • Carrots - 33;
  • Cucumbers - 10;
  • Sweet pepper - 27;
  • Parsley greens - 45;
  • Radish - 20;
  • Tomatoes - 15;
  • Salad - 14;
  • Green beans - 32;
  • Garlic - 106.

The calorie content of vegetables can sometimes be quite high, these include legumes (peas, beans, beans) and starch-rich vegetables (for example, potatoes). They can be included in the diet on a diet only periodically, replacing them with other high-calorie dishes. Watery vegetables are the lowest in calories (e.g. cucumbers, tomatoes) and are recommended to be consumed daily. Vegetable salads for weight loss from them, among other things, are valuable for the structured water contained.

It is important to remember that the calorie content of a vegetable salad is influenced by what it is seasoned with. Mayonnaise, fatty sour cream or sauce significantly increase the calorie content of vegetables, so it is best for people on a diet to season salad with vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, etc.) or even better - lemon juice.

Calorie content of stewed vegetables

Slimming vegetable salad recipes
Slimming vegetable salad recipes

In addition to fresh vegetables, thermally processed ones are always present in the diet. For those people who follow a low-calorie diet, it is recommended to cook or stew vegetables. Heat treatment makes it easier to digest many of them, although a number of useful vitamins and other biological substances are destroyed. But stewed vegetables create a feeling of fullness while keeping them low in calories. So, the calorie content of a vegetable salad of vinaigrette is only 92 kcal per 100 g. You can improve the taste of stewed vegetables with spicy herbs and vegetables - basil, garlic, onion, thyme, etc.

Vegetable dishes are tastier if combined with each other, for example, in the form of a vegetable stew. It can be consumed both as a stand-alone dish and as a side dish. The calorie content of stewed vegetables will be summed up from the calorie content of individual products in its composition - potatoes, green peas, tomatoes, cauliflower and sweet red pepper. If desired, the list of ingredients can be supplemented or changed. It is also beneficial to eat cabbage more often - even stewed, it is a rich source of vegetable protein, vitamin C and dietary fiber (fiber), which improves bowel function.

The calorie content of vegetables allows them to be included in the diet of obese patients every day without worrying about weight gain.

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