Lose Weight On Vegetables And Fruits

Lose Weight On Vegetables And Fruits
Lose Weight On Vegetables And Fruits

Lose weight on vegetables and fruits

We use fruits and vegetables for weight loss
We use fruits and vegetables for weight loss

Losing weight on vegetables and fruits, especially in the summer season, according to nutritionists, is a great way to get your body in good shape. Due to the low calorie content of fruits and vegetables and the high content of vegetable fiber in them, which does not break down in the stomach, but creates a feeling of satiety and relieves hunger for a long time, a fruit and vegetable diet is tolerated quite easily. Fiber cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, improving peristalsis; due to its absorbent qualities, it absorbs toxins and toxins, removing them from the body. And the content of a large amount of useful nutrients allows you to lose weight on vegetables and fruits, providing the body with a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, complex carbohydrates, vegetable protein, structured water.

Fruits and vegetables for weight loss are used in fasting days, diets for 7-10 days, and in special cases and in diets lasting up to a month.

Lose weight on vegetables and fruits: fasting days

The one-day diet is very popular, especially during the summer season, and is fairly easy to tolerate. The menu on such days consists exclusively of fruits and vegetables. Vegetables can be eaten raw, unprocessed, or cooked. Cooking rules are simple - do not use oil, salt and spices. Boiling, baking, steaming and grilling vegetables is allowed. Fruit in the diet can be used fresh or dried.

It is not recommended to include potatoes, bananas, grapes, raisins, prunes in the diet for weight loss due to their high calorie content.

The basis of the unloading day menu is made up of vegetables and fruits of low calorie content, it is permissible to eat a little dried apricots, prunes or raisins (30-50 g) if you really want something sweet. It is recommended to drink purified, table or still mineral water, green tea without sugar, freshly squeezed juices diluted with water 1: 3.

To make the fasting day more effective, you can take a mild laxative the night before, thus preparing the intestines. Arranging such days once a week, in a month you can lose weight on vegetables and fruits by 3-5 kg. Eating a one-day fruit and vegetable diet once a week is allowed for a long time.

Fruits and vegetables for weight loss in long-term diets

Long-term diets should be well balanced in basic nutritional components to fully supply the body with everything it needs. Since fruits and vegetables do not contain animal protein, which is a source of essential amino acids, it is not recommended to follow a strict fruit and vegetable diet for more than one week.

With long-term use of low-calorie fruits and vegetables for weight loss, nutritionists advise a balanced diet. To do this, the menu must include fish, lean meats, soy "Tofu" cheese, chicken fillet, eggs, a small amount of bran bread is allowed. The basic principle of such diets is a combination of fruits and vegetables with a small amount of animal protein. Protein products, like vegetables for dietary meals, should be boiled, steamed, grilled or baked without adding spices, oil and salt.

When composing a diet menu, you must use the calorie table of fruits and vegetables and take into account the following recommendations:

  • Meals should be five times a day, preferably the distribution of the daily ration in equal portions;
  • Products containing animal protein are best eaten at lunchtime, no more than 150 g per day;
  • Fruit is not recommended to be consumed after 6 pm as it contains a significant amount of carbohydrates;
  • For the duration of the diet, categorically exclude flour products, sweets, fatty foods;
  • Preference should be given to seasonal vegetables and fruits during their natural ripening;
  • Out of season, freshly frozen vegetables and fruits are better than dried and canned ones, the preservation of vitamins and nutrients in them is higher;
  • For dressing vegetable and fruit salads, use low-fat kefir, sour cream, yogurt, lemon juice, wine and apple cider vinegar;
  • Single portions of fruits and vegetables should not exceed 150-200 g, so as not to stretch the stomach;
  • During the day, you should drink 1.5-2.0 liters of clean water.

Losing weight on vegetables and fruits in long-term diets can be 5-10 kg per month, but it is imperative to consult a doctor, especially in case of previous diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Since fiber is the main component of vegetables and fruits, food is rather coarse and in significant quantities can provoke an exacerbation.

Calorie table of fruits and vegetables

For effective weight loss, you should choose the most useful and low-calorie fruits, vegetables and berries.

Calorie content (per 100 g) of the most useful fruits for weight loss and the content of important nutrients in them:

  • Apples (43 kcal) - a large amount of vitamin C, fiber, pectin;
  • Apricots (38 kcal) - provitamin A, B vitamins, vitamins C, E, citric, malic and tartaric acids, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, silver, iron;
  • Cherry (47 kcal) - vitamins C and PP, provitamin A, B vitamins, iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, glucose, fructose and sucrose;
  • Cherry (50 kcal) - rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, iodine. Contains vitamins of group B, PP, C, carotene, coumarin, flavonoids and pectin. Contains a large amount of citric, malic and folic acid;
  • Orange (35 kcal) - one medium orange covers 60% of the body's daily need for vitamin C, is rich in potassium;
  • Pineapple (46 kcal) - contains bromelain, which promotes the breakdown of fats, a large amount of ascorbic acid, citric acid, vitamins of group B, PP, C, a lot of potassium and magnesium;
  • Avocado (223 kcal) - Recommended for weight loss, despite its high calorie content, due to its high content of unsaturated fatty acids, potassium, fiber and protein.

The calorie table for fruits and vegetables also includes berries that are most useful in weight loss diets:

  • Strawberries (35 kcal) - 50 g contains half the daily value of vitamin C, is rich in potassium and fiber, folic acid, iodine;
  • Currants (56 kcal) - a rich source of phytoncides, folic acid, contains all the main vitamins and minerals, essential oils and tannins, an excellent diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent;
  • Watermelon (25 kcal) - high in vitamins A and C, excellent kidney cleanser.
How to determine the calorie content of fruits and vegetables
How to determine the calorie content of fruits and vegetables

The most useful vegetables in diets for weight loss:

  • Carrots (32 kcal) - a source of carotene, vitamins B6, K, C, contains a lot of iron;
  • Spinach (22 kcal) - a lot of iron, calcium, copper, vitamins A, B6, E, C, K;
  • Broccoli (28 kcal) - a source of fiber and vitamins A, B6, E, C, K;
  • Pumpkin (21 kcal) - a vegetable necessary in diets, containing all the main vitamins and minerals, pectins, a large amount of niacin;
  • Onions (38 kcal) - a natural antiseptic with a high content of vitamins C, K, B6, fiber and folic acid;
  • Tomatoes (20 kcal) - contain a lot of potassium and vitamin C, rich in sodium, magnesium, calcium, sulfur. A source of strong antioxidant - lycopene;
  • Cucumbers (15 kcal) - a source of potassium and iodine, other trace elements and vitamins, structured water.

Using the table of calories for fruits and vegetables, you can balance your daily diet, focusing on losing weight.

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