How to make yourself lose weight

If you do not know how to force yourself to lose weight, then you need to start the process by defining goals and motives for losing weight. Psychologists say that planning a weight loss schedule and daily self-motivation give the best results in the fight against excess weight. You need to make sure that the goals you choose are really necessary and worth the effort, because losing weight will change a large part of your life and will take most of your time. It is better to set a goal for a specific number, for which there is a desire to become slimmer, then subconsciously you will do everything possible to achieve the desired weight. Then, depending on personal preference, you need to choose a diet and a set of physical exercises that will lead you to achieve your goal.
How to make yourself lose weight: psychology
Before embarking on any diet or exercise routine, you need to make sure that you decide to take this step without self-loathing and with inner self-confidence. This aspect is very important, because if initially you do not love yourself and do not perceive your body as it is, at the psychological level, the body will perceive the diet as a punishment. The more positively and more lovingly you treat your body now, before starting to lose weight, the easier it will be for you to be given this difficult period of restrictions on food and exercise. If you do not love yourself in the form in which the body looks before the moment of transformation, then it is unlikely that after losing weight, this love will come to a renewed appearance.
A very correct and effective approach to losing weight from the point of view of psychology, how to force yourself to lose weight is to make a list of 10 character traits and body parts that the person intending to lose weight appreciates and loves most of all. It can be laughing, smiling, walking, ears, nails, eyes, or something else. Then you should make a similar list, only in it you will need to indicate what is most appreciated and loved by the people around you. To do this, you need to interview your colleagues or relatives with passion, and based on their answers, find those character traits or body parts that will coincide. After compiling both lists, you need to hang them in a prominent place in order to visually constantly collide with him and remind yourself again and again about your positive qualities.
Thus, instead of dwelling on the hated parts of the body, a person appreciates and thanks himself for what he has and for what he loves in himself. However, in order to get the most out of any diet or exercise, over time, you need to love your whole self. This can be achieved by looking at your body in a new way or from a different angle. So if, for example, most of all a person does not like tight hips in himself, it is necessary to focus not on their fullness, but, for example, on the color or smoothness of the skin, in general, on what this part of the body can like and constantly about remind this. With every kilogram lost, the hips will become slimmer and tighter, and over time, a person will start to like them for real, without self-hypnosis.
How to make yourself lose weight: motivation

Motivation is an equally important aspect of losing weight. She can be anything, for example, losing weight in order to fit into a prom dress that will be two sizes smaller than what is currently sitting on the figure.
If you can't set a specific goal, then you need to relax in a quiet place and listen to yourself. Then you need to focus on the reasons why you need to lose weight and think about how you will feel when you become slimmer, what clothes you will wear and how you will behave.
To better understand motivation for how to make yourself lose weight, it is important to make a list of short-term goals (buy new clothes for the summer), medium-term goals (to look better at 40 than you did at 25) and life goals (to always look good and feel great). …
Now that you know why you want to get slimmer, you need to choose pleasant daily routines that can stimulate you to achieve those goals, such as body scrubbing, pedicure, manicure or fake tanning.
Reward yourself every time you lose weight (by going to a massage therapist or beautician, buying makeup or smaller clothing).
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