9 Folk Remedies For Bedsores

9 Folk Remedies For Bedsores
9 Folk Remedies For Bedsores

9 folk remedies for bedsores

None of us is immune from a serious illness of a loved one. It also happens that one of the family members becomes bedridden and remains in this state for a long time. This is extremely overwhelming for the victim himself and all his household, whose life is radically changing.

In addition to the help of doctors and the moral support of loved ones, the bedridden patient needs daily sanitary and hygienic care. A particularly serious problem is pressure sores - lesions that develop against the background of constant squeezing of the skin in those places where the patient's body comes into contact with the bed surface. Tissues deprived of normal blood flow undergo necrosis very quickly, which, without proper treatment, can lead to damage to large areas of the skin and subcutaneous tissues and even to the spread of the necrotization process deeper, up to the destruction of bones. General sepsis is not excluded. At the same time, the patient experiences severe pain, the quality of his life is significantly reduced.

There are many popular recipes for dealing with bedsores. Some of them can compete in effectiveness with drugs recommended by official medicine.

Essential Oil Blend

The composition of the medicinal product includes 5 drops of essential oils of tea tree, chamomile and myrrh (myrrh), 12 drops of lavender oil and 2 tablespoons of jojoba oil. The mixture is shaken well and stored in a cool, dark place. For the treatment of pressure ulcers, 2-6 drops of the agent are applied to each wound 2 times a day. Oiled damage is covered with dry gauze.

Essential Oil Blend
Essential Oil Blend

Source: depositphotos.com

Camphor alcohol

The composition for cleaning the body surface is prepared from camphor alcohol and hypoallergenic baby shampoo (in equal proportions). The mixture is rubbed daily on the skin. The procedure leaves a feeling of freshness and cleanliness, which significantly eases the condition of patients.

Comfort alcohol
Comfort alcohol

Source: depositphotos.com


Small damage is well healed by an ointment made from calendula flowers (marigolds). To obtain it, 20 g of dry plant materials are ground in a coffee grinder and thoroughly mixed with 50 g of petroleum jelly. The ointment is applied to the ulcers 1-2 times a day.


Source: depositphotos.com


Pure beeswax (30 g) is dissolved in sunflower oil (100 g), previously brought to a boil. After thorough mixing and cooling, the mixture is ready for use. Problem areas can be lubricated 2-3 times a day.

This is a good remedy for preventing pressure ulcers and accelerating the healing of injuries that have already appeared. Application requires caution: the ointment cannot be used to treat patients prone to allergies to bee products.


Source: depositphotos.com


You need to peel 2 onions, chop them, mix with 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and cook for 20 minutes in an enamel container. Then strain hot, squeezing out the thick. Melt 1/4 of the wax (church) candle in the resulting oil. Store the cooled ointment in the refrigerator, applying to bedsores 2 times a day. The tool is considered one of the most effective.


Source: depositphotos.com

Wheat grains

The grains are steamed in boiling water, then the water is filtered off, and the warm wheat is placed in small portions in bags made of thin cotton fabric. The poultices should be placed under the bedsores daily and kept for 4 hours.

Wheat grains
Wheat grains

Source: depositphotos.com

Baking soda

Soda lotions are used to disinfect and dry wet skin areas. For the procedure, 1 teaspoon of baking soda is dissolved in 1 glass of boiling water. The solution is slightly cooled, moistened with a linen napkin, which is applied warm to the wounds.

Baking soda
Baking soda

Source: depositphotos.com

Decoction of medicinal herbs

In the case of the development of purulent processes, the wounds are disinfected with a decoction of chamomile and sage (2 tablespoons each) in 500 ml of water. The product is prepared in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled, filtered and used to wash the damaged areas.

Decoction of medicinal herbs
Decoction of medicinal herbs

Source: depositphotos.com


Raw potatoes contain substances that promote wound healing. To prepare the product, add 1 teaspoon of honey to 100 g of the pulp of a root crop, chopped on a fine grater. The mixture is spread on a napkin with a layer of 1 cm and fixed in the problem area for 20 minutes.


Source: depositphotos.com

In the fight against pressure ulcers, it is especially important to start treatment quickly and carry out procedures regularly. The patient's skin must be kept clean, try to keep it dry. It is necessary to help him change his posture as often as possible.

The presence of an anti-decubitus mattress, which maintains air circulation and skin tone, is of great help. The device can be made independently: for this they sew a special honeycomb cover made of natural fabric and fill its compartments with millet or unpeeled oats.

Bedsores do not appear in all bedridden patients. At risk are patients suffering from diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, as well as people who, due to health conditions or old age, are not able to control their natural excretions. They need particularly careful care. When the very first signs of skin damage appear, urgent measures must be taken, since bedsores progress extremely actively and quickly create problems that are very difficult to cope with.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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