Pregnoton - Instructions For Use, Reviews, Price, Composition, Analogues

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Pregnoton - Instructions For Use, Reviews, Price, Composition, Analogues
Pregnoton - Instructions For Use, Reviews, Price, Composition, Analogues

Video: Pregnoton - Instructions For Use, Reviews, Price, Composition, Analogues

Video: Pregnoton - Instructions For Use, Reviews, Price, Composition, Analogues
Video: Сперотон и Прегнотон 2024, October


Pregnoton: instructions for use and reviews

  1. 1. Release form and composition
  2. 2. Pharmacological properties
  3. 3. Indications for use
  4. 4. Contraindications
  5. 5. Method of application and dosage
  6. 6. Side effects
  7. 7. Overdose
  8. 8. Special instructions
  9. 9. Application during pregnancy and lactation
  10. 10. Use in childhood
  11. 11. Drug interactions
  12. 12. Analogs
  13. 13. Terms and conditions of storage
  14. 14. Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
  15. 15. Reviews
  16. 16. Price in pharmacies

Latin name: Pregnoton

Active ingredient: L-arginine (L-arginine), vitamins (Vitamins), microelements (Microelements), macroelements (Macroelements)

Manufacturer: Vneshtorg Pharma LLC (Russia)

Description and photo update: 2018-27-11

Prices in pharmacies: from 438 rubles.


Oral powder Pregnoton
Oral powder Pregnoton

Pregnoton is a biologically active additive (BAA) that replenishes the deficiency of vitamins, micro- and macroelements. It is used in women in preparation for pregnancy.

Release form and composition

Dosage form - powder for oral administration (5 g in sachet-bags, in a cardboard box 30 sachets and instructions for use of Pregnoton).

Content of biologically active substances in 1 sachet:

  • L-arginine - 915 mg;
  • vitamin C - 90 mg;
  • magnesium - 80 mg;
  • sacred vitex extract (contains iridoids) - 40 mg;
  • vitamin E - 15 mg;
  • zinc - 12 mg;
  • vitamin B 6 - 2 mg;
  • vitamin B 2 - 1 mg;
  • folic acid - 0.6 mg;
  • iodine - 0.15 mg;
  • selenium - 0.055 mg.

Pharmacological properties

Pregnoton is a drug that improves the functional state of the female reproductive system, reduces the relatively increased level of prolactin and allows you to normalize the menstrual cycle (in case of stress-induced disorders), replenishes the lack of vitamins and minerals necessary for the correct formation and development of the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy. Helps the body recover from stress and increased emotional stress.

The dietary supplement does not help to lower blood pressure, therefore it can be used in case of hypotension.

Properties of individual active ingredients in Pregnoton:

  • L-arginine: an amino acid from which nitric oxide is formed, which dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation and oxygenation of tissues;
  • vitamin C: ascorbic acid that supports the synthesis of collagen (the main connecting element of the walls of blood vessels and bone tissue), participates in the processes of carbohydrate metabolism, cholesterol metabolism and other important biochemical reactions. Possesses anti-inflammatory activity. Strengthens capillaries. With a lack of this vitamin, immunity decreases, and also the walls of the capillaries weaken, which can cause thinning and premature rupture of the membranes;
  • magnesium: a macronutrient that regulates more than 300 biochemical processes in the body, including the activation of amino acids and the synthesis of proteins that occur intensively during pregnancy. Provides the transfer of electrical signals between cells. The lack of magnesium, which is often found in women during pregnancy, is dangerous because it can cause fetal growth retardation, spontaneous miscarriage or eclampsia;
  • extract of sacred vitex: stimulates the production of progesterone (pregnancy hormone), while reducing the release of the hormone prolactin, which is very important when planning pregnancy, since a high level of prolactin with a lack of progesterone makes it difficult to implant a fertilized egg;
  • vitamin E: an important element involved in the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Improves tissue oxygenation. It has an antioxidant effect, thereby protecting cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. Vitamin E deficiency is manifested by muscle weakness and pain, and can lead to involuntary abortion. With a lack of this vitamin in the orgasm of a pregnant woman in a child, in case of premature birth, visual impairment and hemolytic anemia are possible;
  • zinc: participates in the work of the genetic apparatus, the formation and development of the cell nucleus, the growth and division of cells. Takes part in the regulation of the synthesis of nucleic acids, fats, carbohydrates and proteins. This trace element is especially necessary during pregnancy, since it prevents premature placental abruption, the development of congenital malformations of the child, complicated labor, etc.;
  • vitamin B 6: participates in the synthesis of amino acids, from which proteins are synthesized, which are the main building materials for the cells of a new organism. Provides normal intrauterine development of the baby's nervous system and brain. In women, it reduces aggressiveness and irritability, manifestations of toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy;
  • Vitamin B 9: folic acid is necessary for cell division and growth, therefore, in the stage of early intrauterine development, it is required in increased amounts. This vitamin plays an important role in the formation of the placenta and new blood vessels in the uterus. When taken in preparation for conception and during pregnancy, folic acid reduces the risk of spontaneous abortion, bleeding, and the development of neural tube defects in newborns;
  • Selenium: Found in a wide variety of enzymes, including those that increase fertility (i.e., the ability to conceive). The lack of this microelement can cause hormonal imbalance, increased toxic effects of heavy metals.

Indications for use

Pregnoton recommended for women during pregnancy planning as Supplements - L-arginine source, additional source of folic acid, vitamins B 2, B 6, C, and E, micro- and macroelements (selenium, magnesium, zinc, and iodine), iridoid.

The supplement can be taken to reduce the negative influence of external factors and improve the functioning of the female reproductive organs.

Supplements are also used in the complex therapy of diseases of the female reproductive system.


  • disorders of carbohydrate metabolism;
  • pregnancy;
  • period of breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance to the components in Pregnoton.

Pregnoton, instructions for use: method and dosage

Pregnoton should be taken once a day with meals. Immediately before taking, the powder contained in 1 sachet-sachet must be dissolved in a glass of water (200-250 ml).

The recommended duration of admission is 1 month. On the recommendation of a doctor, it is possible to extend the course until pregnancy.

Side effects

In case of individual intolerance to any component of Pregnoton, allergic reactions may develop.


Overdose cases have not been reported. With uncontrolled intake of dietary supplements, an excess of its components in the body is possible.

special instructions

Patients with thyroid diseases should consult an endocrinologist before using Pregnoton.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnoton is prescribed at the planning stage of conception. During pregnancy and lactation dietary supplements are not used.

Pediatric use

Pregnoton is not used in pediatrics.

Drug interactions

In order to avoid overdose with caution, Pregnoton should be taken simultaneously with other complex preparations containing various vitamins, micro- and macroelements.


The analogues of Pregnoton are Profertil Female, Iodofol, Fertilofit F or 2, Gammafertil Prenatal, etc.

Terms and conditions of storage

Keep out of reach of children, protected from moisture and direct sunlight, at temperatures up to 25 ° C.

Shelf life is 2 years.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Available without a prescription.

Reviews about Pregnoton

On various thematic forums and sites, there are many positive reviews about Pregnoton, due to the popularity of this supplement, since the topic of family planning is currently very relevant.

Many women write that this remedy helped them become pregnant even in rather difficult cases (for example, with multifollicular ovaries), although before that pregnancy did not occur for several years, even with appropriate treatment. However, some patients indicate that their men were simultaneously prescribed a course of taking Speroton, a drug from the same manufacturer that stimulates spermatogenesis, increases the concentration of spermatozoa in semen and increases their motility. Doctors believe that this approach can significantly increase the chances of conception.

In addition to the desired pregnancy, other positive effects of Pregnoton are noted, such as normalizing the menstrual cycle, reducing the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and improving the general condition.

Price for Pregnoton in pharmacies

The price for Pregnoton is approximately 580-799 rubles. per package containing 30 sachets.

Pregnoton: prices in online pharmacies

Drug name



Pregnoton powder for oral solution 5 g 30 pcs.

438 r


Pregnoton Mama capsules 30 pcs.

RUB 599


Reviews Pregnoton Mom

RUB 599


Pregnoton for preparation for pregnancy sachet 5 g 30 pcs.

641 r


Pregnoton Mama capsules 1120 mg 30 pcs.

869 RUB


Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
