Tansy - Useful Properties, Treatment, Use Of Worms

Tansy - Useful Properties, Treatment, Use Of Worms
Tansy - Useful Properties, Treatment, Use Of Worms


Instructions for use:

  1. 1. Useful properties
  2. 2. Application recipes
  3. 3. Contraindications
Tansy is a herb of the Astrov family
Tansy is a herb of the Astrov family

Tansy is a plant from the Astrov family that grows in Central and Near Asia, Europe, the Far East, Siberia, Japan, China, and the USA. In the wild, tansy can be found in the steppes, in meadows, along roads, on river banks, but recently it has begun to be cultivated as a medicinal and spicy plant.

For medicinal purposes, flower baskets of the plant are used, sometimes tansy leaves. Flowers are collected at the beginning of their appearance (end of June, July), dried in the air, protected from the sun or at 40 degrees in a dryer.

Useful properties of tansy

The flowers of the plant contain proteins, carbohydrates, glycosides, alkaloids, bitterness, organic acids, tannins, carotene, rutin, vitamin C, minerals, flavonoids, essential oils.

The toxic and poisonous properties of tansy are known, but in therapeutic doses, decoctions from plant flowers have a choleretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, tonic, antitumor effect, tone up the gastrointestinal tract muscles, increase the production of gastric juice, increase the amplitude of heart contractions, slow down its rhythm, increase blood pressure.

It is known that tansy helps from worms: ascaris and pinworms, heals gastrointestinal ulcers. Preparations based on it can be taken for liver disease, constipation, flatulence, gastric colic, gastritis with low acidity, enterocolitis, nervous disorders, epilepsy, migraine, inflammation of the kidneys, bladder.

Treatment with tansy is prescribed for gout, rheumatism, pulmonary tuberculosis, colds and fever, malaria, furunculosis, Tansy essential oil has a local irritant effect, stimulates the nervous central system.

Application of tansy: recipes

The juice from the plant helps with fever, gastrointestinal ulcers, low acidity of stomach juice, rheumatism, nervous diseases, migraines, gout, joint aches, acute respiratory infections, incl. infectious diseases, inflammation of the kidneys, colon, small intestine, urinary bladder, with urolithiasis. Also, the juice is used for heavy menstrual bleeding, menstrual irregularities, insomnia.

From worms, tansy is taken in powder made from dried flowers, mixed with syrup or honey. Microclysters with a decoction of the plant also help to cleanse the intestines of pinworms and ascaris. To prepare a medicinal decoction of tansy from worms, take one tablespoon of chopped dried flowers of tansy, chamomile, wormwood, pour 250 ml of boiling water, bring it to a boil again, then cool to 60 degrees, add one pounded clove of garlic, insist for three hours, filter. For microclysters, 40-60 g of broth is used - a single dosage. After the rectal administration of a decoction of tansy, you cannot get up for 30-40 minutes, and it is better to perform cleansing procedures at night. The treatment lasts 5-7 days.

To prepare a decoction for internal use, take two tablespoons of dried table flowers, pour 500 ml of boiling water, cook over low heat for 10 minutes, insist for 30-60 minutes. Such a decoction can be drunk - 0.25 cups 30 minutes before meals three r / day. In the treatment of tansy gastrointestinal ulcers, a single dosage of the decoction is increased to 0.5 cups. Baths with tansy decoction are good for scabies, joint inflammation, gout, wounds and ulcers on the skin. In addition to baths for skin diseases, boils, cancerous ulceration, rheumatism, gout, inflammation of the joints, you can make compresses with a decoction of tansy.


The toxic and tonic properties of tansy make it possible to use it for self-termination of pregnancy: a decoction from the plant provokes contraction of the muscles of the uterus, which can lead to early miscarriage, and the poisonous substances contained in the plant can lead to fetal death.

Official medicine does not recommend using tansy to terminate pregnancy, since there is a high likelihood of using the wrong dosage. If the broth of tansy is not concentrated enough, there may be an incomplete miscarriage, the death of the embryo in the uterus, decomposition and decay of the remains of the fetus, and as a result, blood poisoning, infection.

The use of tansy at an overestimated dosage can lead to severe bleeding, cardiac arrest. For these reasons, the use of tansy to terminate pregnancy is extremely unsafe for the health and life of a woman.


Treatment with tansy is contraindicated in children, with individual intolerance, during pregnancy.

Due to its toxicity, the use of tansy should be carried out under the supervision and prescription of a doctor.

In case of an overdose of a decoction or plant juice, an upset stomach may occur, and vomiting may begin. In large doses, tansy causes convulsions, cardiac arrest.

Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
