Momordica - Properties, Treatment, Indications

Momordica - Properties, Treatment, Indications
Momordica - Properties, Treatment, Indications


Instructions for use:

  1. 1. Pharmacological action and properties
  2. 2. Release form
  3. 3. Indications for use
  4. 4. Instructions for use
  5. 5. Side effects
  6. 6. Contraindications to use

Prices in online pharmacies:

from 549 rub.



Momordica is a plant from the pumpkin family, used in official, folk medicine.

Pharmacological action and properties of Momordica

Momordika is also called bitter Chinese pumpkin, balsamic pear, yellow or mad cucumber, Indian pomegranate.

The plant's fruits are characterized by high nutritional value. The watery, crunchy pulp of the fruit tastes like bell pepper or cucumber, contains iron, vitamin C. Momordica leaves are rich in phosphorus, carbohydrates, and protein.

It is also known that the fruit of the momordica plant contains harantin, which lowers sugar, increases the number of beta cells in the pancreatic gland and stabilizes insulin production.

The following properties of Momordica are also known: antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiemetic, astringent, soothing properties.

This plant is recognized by official medicine and is used in the production of drugs that stabilize the functions of the pancreas.

Release form

The pharmaceutical industry produces a mild-salty solution containing the plant extract. The solution is taken orally, injected subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intravenously.

In folk medicine, the fruits and seeds of the momordica plant are used to prepare a tincture, a decoction.

Indications for use

The healing properties of Momordica are used to treat acute, chronic pancreatitis, dispancreatism.

Instructions for using momordica

Momordica compositum
Momordica compositum

For the treatment of Momordica in solution, it is used for 3-5 weeks. The permissible dosage for an adult is 2.2 ml (one ampoule with a solution). Adults take the solution 1-3 r / week. Children after 6 years. you can give a whole ampoule, children under 6 liters. - 0.5 ampoules, children under 2 years old are given 0.25 ampoules. The methods of application are determined by the doctor.

The fruits and seeds of momordica in traditional medicine recipes are used as follows:

  • fruit tincture. Momordica fruit must be chopped finely, put in a glass container, pour 0.5 liters of vodka, cover and let it brew for 2 weeks. in a cool, dark place. After preparing momordica, the tincture is drunk on an empty stomach 30 minutes before a meal, 1 teaspoon three r / day for three days. It is believed that such an infusion is effective for colds, fever, runny nose, cough, rheumatism, psoriasis, and is also used for general strengthening of the body, but these properties of the plant have not been confirmed by official medicine.
  • Decoction from seeds. To prepare it, momordiki seeds (15-20gr) are poured with boiling water (250ml), boiled for 10 minutes, then insisted for one hour and filtered. The broth is taken at 50ml 3-4r / day for fever as a diuretic or for hemorrhoids.

Momordica leaves are not used in traditional medicine recipes. They are thought to be too toxic to be harmful.

Side effects

Treatment with momordica can cause increased salivation, allergic reactions.

Momordica seeds can cause poisoning, anemia in children.

Contraindications to the use of Momordica

Momordica should not be taken by pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding.

Chinese folk medicine recommends not to use the Momordica plant for diseases of the adrenal glands, stomach (can provoke heartburn, exacerbation of ulcers), and constipation.

Also, Momordica treatment is contraindicated for thyroid diseases.

Momordica: prices in online pharmacies

Drug name



Momordica compositum homeopathic solution for intramuscular administration 2.2 ml 5 pcs.

549 r


Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
