Breast Cancer Treatment - Diagnosis, Treatment, Rehabilitation. Leading Clinics In Israel

Breast Cancer Treatment - Diagnosis, Treatment, Rehabilitation. Leading Clinics In Israel
Breast Cancer Treatment - Diagnosis, Treatment, Rehabilitation. Leading Clinics In Israel

Breast cancer treatment - diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation. Leading clinics in Israel

The effectiveness of breast cancer treatment depends on the size of the malignant tumor and the presence of metastases. Doctors distinguish between drug and surgical treatment.

Types of non-surgical and surgical treatment of breast cancer
Types of non-surgical and surgical treatment of breast cancer

WHO experts have determined that up to a million cases of breast cancer are registered annually. As a consolation, you can take the information of the Israeli clinic Assuta. About 47% of her patients recovered from this ailment without surgery.

How to identify the disease in time

Slightly more than 73% of women with cancer asked for help when they found a lump in their breasts. Feeling the ball in the mammary gland is not the only sign that indicates a pathological process. You need to make an appointment with a doctor if the breast swells or the color of the skin on the chest changes. Oncology symptoms also include: deformation of the nipple, its retraction, breast reduction.

In addition to erosion of scales, discharge from the nipple speaks of the need to undergo treatment. They can be of any viscosity. If a woman is not breastfeeding and is not pregnant, but sees an incomprehensible discharge, she needs to contact the clinic. The development of a malignant tumor is indicated by an increase in lymph nodes under the armpits, above the collarbones.

Breast Cancer Diagnosis

To determine the boundaries of education, the presence of metastases and the condition of tissues, doctors use endoscopic diagnostic methods, conduct histological, as well as biochemical and hematological analyzes. Genetic studies and laboratory studies of tumor markers are performed. The first step will require: mammography, MRI, CT, X-ray examination, ultrasound, PET-CT. The second stage is testing for tumor markers, analysis of urine, blood, biochemistry, histological examination, biopsy.

The following diagnostic methods are practiced in clinics abroad:

  • Infrared mammography is based on the intense absorption of heat energy emitted by cancer cells (the detection rate reaches 95).
  • Electrical impedance mammography - determines the presence of a tumor by the intensity of the electric current conducted by the cells. The changes are recorded by the sensor.
  • "Electronic skin" - gives a high quality image. The thin-film device identifies small nodules (from 1 mm) that are not felt during palpation.
  • SYMPHONY system - works on the basis of biological microarray microchips. With the help of this system, the type of tumor, its sensitivity to treatment and predictions are determined.

Stages of treatment

The stages of breast cancer treatment depend on the stage of the disease. If suspicious areas were found during examination after mammography, then a biopsy will be needed. After reviewing the results, treatment is prescribed. If the operation is necessary, the patient receives recommendations, consults with the surgeon.

In some cases, surgery to remove cancer is the first major stage of treatment. In addition, the patient may require chemotherapy, adjuvant treatment, as well as drug therapy and immunotherapy. Surgical treatment of breast cancer is partial (only the formation is removed) or complete removal of the breast. If the size of the malignant tumor is too large, chemotherapy is prescribed.

Partial removal is associated with radiation therapy. With complete removal, radiation is rarely prescribed. When the skin is preserved, the specialist performs breast reconstruction. Reconstruction in Israel does not diminish the chances of recovery.

Breast cancer treatments
Breast cancer treatments

Breast cancer treatments

Let's take a closer look at existing cancer treatments:

  1. Lumpectomy is an operation that involves removing a tumor. When it is done, the breast is preserved. Only the affected area and a small portion of healthy tissue are removed. Radiation therapy is given to prevent recurrence.
  2. Mastectomy is an operation to remove the breast along with the affected gland and nodes. The doctor leaves the intact skin in order to perform the reconstruction. Specialists try to preserve the nipple and areola.
  3. Chemotherapy is a topical procedure for combination therapy. It can be administered in the form of drugs for intravenous administration or in tablets.
  4. Radiation or radiation therapy - can be external and internal. Oppresses cancer cells due to ionizing radiation or the introduction of radioactive components.
  5. Cryotherapy is a low-traumatic procedure that is performed under local anesthetic. After it, no damage remains on the body. The gas enters the problem area through a needle. Helps in 85% of cases in the early stages.
  6. Immunotherapy - Allows the body to recover from other therapies. With the help of special drugs, doctors activate protection.

Breast cancer treatment abroad

Assuta clinic representatives can ask any question about the treatment of breast cancer in Israel. The advantages of therapy abroad are the use of modern diagnostic methods, including the SYMPHONY system, as well as the high level of development of aesthetic medicine.

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