Breast Cancer Prevention

Breast Cancer Prevention
Breast Cancer Prevention

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Breast cancer prevention

Breast cancer prevention
Breast cancer prevention

Since breast cancer is one of the most common types of tumors - the first place among cancer in women, its prevention is of paramount importance and concerns absolutely all women, without exception, but especially those who have had cases of this disease in their families. The mechanism of the formation of breast cancer, as well as the absolute majority of all malignant tumors, is not reliably known, and therefore specific prevention of cancer is not yet possible, although clinical trials of an anti-cancer vaccine are already underway. It is possible that in the near future vaccinations against cancer will become common, just as we are vaccinated against hepatitis and tetanus.

Nevertheless, the factors that create favorable conditions for the appearance of breast cancer are precisely known, factors without which the malignant process would most likely not have developed. Control over one's life and elimination of these factors are today the main methods of cancer prevention.

It is known that breast tumors are formed when hormonal disruptions in a woman's body. Abortion, refusal of lactation, lack of pregnancy or late first pregnancy, too early, promiscuous or irregular sex life - these are the factors that lead to hormonal imbalance. It is important to build your life in such a way that, if possible, these events do not happen.

Regular medical examinations, early detection and treatment of breast diseases are an important step in the prevention of breast cancer. Diseases such as this are precancerous - that is, they are not malignant, without proper treatment and under certain circumstances degenerate into cancer. Women after 40 years of age must undergo an annual examination by a mammologist once a year, and self-examination should be done at least once a month, and at the first suspicious symptoms, consult a doctor.

Regular examination by a mammologist - prevention of breast cancer
Regular examination by a mammologist - prevention of breast cancer

Quitting bad habits is another important step in breast cancer prevention. The combustion products of tobacco and cigarette paper contain a large number of carcinogens - substances that cause mutations in cells and contribute to the transformation of a normal cell into a malignant one. According to statistics, among women who smoke, the percentage of women with breast cancer is significantly higher than among those who do not smoke and follow a healthy lifestyle.

Oncologists have noticed that people who are unable to let go of their experiences, harbor resentments, people with low stress resistance and a pessimistic outlook on life are more likely to get cancer. This applies to all types of cancer, without exception. Therefore, adding joy, fresh air, interesting adventures and positive experiences to life can also be seen as effective cancer prevention. It is much better to learn to value life before you risk losing it.

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