Taspir: instructions for use and reviews
- 1. Release form and composition
- 2. Pharmacological properties
- 3. Indications for use
- 4. Contraindications
- 5. Method of application and dosage
- 6. Side effects
- 7. Overdose
- 8. Special instructions
- 9. Application during pregnancy and lactation
- 10. Use in childhood
- 11. In case of impaired renal function
- 12. For violations of liver function
- 13. Drug interactions
- 14. Analogs
- 15. Terms and conditions of storage
- 16. Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
- 17. Reviews
- 18. Price in pharmacies
Latin name: Taspir
ATX code: N02BA01
Active ingredient: acetylsalicylic acid (Acetylsalicylic acid)
Manufacturer: JSC "Tatkhimfarmpreparaty" (Russia)
Description and photo update: 2020-20-01

Taspir is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).
Release form and composition
Dosage form - effervescent tablets: flat-cylindrical, slightly porous, white, beveled, with a weak characteristic odor or no smell at all (in a cardboard box, instructions for the use of Taspir and 1 polypropylene or polymer pencil case containing 10 tablets).
Composition for 1 tablet:
- active substance: acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) - 300 mg;
- auxiliary components: anhydrous citric acid, sodium bicarbonate, lactose (milk sugar), succinic acid.
Pharmacological properties
ASA - a drug from the group of NSAIDs anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic and inhibiting platelet aggregation action.
The mechanism of action of ASA is due to its ability to inhibit the activity of COX (cyclooxygenase), which is the main enzyme involved in the metabolism of arachidonic acid, a precursor of prostaglandins that play a primary role in the pathogenesis of inflammation, fever and pain. Due to the inhibition of COX activity in the center of thermoregulation, the content of prostaglandins (Pg), mainly PgE1, decreases, which contributes to the expansion of skin vessels and an increase in sweating, as a result of which the body temperature decreases.
The analgesic activity of ASA provides central and peripheral action. By suppressing the synthesis of thromboxane A2 in platelets, the drug reduces aggregation, reduces platelet adhesion and, as a result, thrombus formation.
The use of ASA in unstable angina pectoris reduces the risk of myocardial infarction and mortality.
Taspir is effective in the primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases and in the secondary prevention of myocardial infarction. Taking a daily dose of ASA from 6000 mg helps to suppress the synthesis of prothrombin in the liver and increase the prothrombin time.
Taspir, like other salicylates, increases the fibrinolytic activity of plasma, reduces the content of vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors (II, VII, IX and X). When carrying out surgical interventions, hemorrhagic complications increase. Against the background of anticoagulant therapy, the risk of bleeding increases.
In high doses, the drug disrupts the reabsorption of uric acid in the renal tubules, which enhances its excretion.
Due to the blockade of COX-1 in the gastric mucosa, inhibition of gastroprotective prostaglandins occurs, because of this, ulceration of the mucous membrane with subsequent bleeding is possible.
After taking Taspir internally, ASA is completely absorbed, during which it undergoes systemic elimination in the intestinal wall and in the liver (deacetylation). The absorbed part of the drug under the action of special esterases is rapidly hydrolyzed, therefore the half-life (T 1/2) is no more than 20 minutes.
In the body, ASA circulates (75–90% associated with albumin) and is distributed in tissues in the form of the anion of salicylic acid, the maximum T 1/2 of which is 2 hours.
Serum levels of the drug are highly variable. Salicylates easily penetrate into many tissues and body fluids (including synovial, spinal and peritoneal), as well as through the placenta. They are found in small amounts in brain tissue and breast milk, in trace amounts in sweat, bile and feces.
Penetration of ASA into the joint cavity is accelerated in the presence of edema and hyperemia, it slows down - with inflammation in the proliferative phase.
In the case of acidosis, most of the salicylic acid is converted to non-ionized acid, which also penetrates well into various tissues of the body, including the brain.
ASA is metabolized primarily in the liver, resulting in four metabolites found in urine and many tissues.
It is excreted mainly by active secretion in the renal tubules: about 60% - unchanged, the rest - in the form of metabolites. The excretion of the unchanged drug depends on the pH of the urine: when it is alkalized, the ionization of salicylates increases, their reabsorption worsens and excretion significantly increases.
The rate of excretion depends on the dose of Taspir received: when taking the drug in low doses, T 1/2 is 2-3 hours, with an increase in the dose, this period can increase to 15-30 hours.
Indications for use
- pain syndrome: migraine and headache (including with withdrawal symptoms), toothache, sore throat, joints, muscles and back, painful menstruation;
- increased body temperature (in adults and adolescents from 15 years old): colds and other infectious and inflammatory diseases.
- exacerbation of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
- hemorrhagic diathesis;
- a combination of bronchial asthma, recurrent polyposis of the nose and paranasal sinuses with ASA intolerance;
- children under 12 years old;
- adolescence from 12 to 15 years with acute respiratory diseases caused by viral infections [due to the high risk of developing Reye's syndrome (encephalopathy, acute fatty liver disease with subsequent acute development of liver failure)];
- I and III trimesters of pregnancy;
- lactation period;
- concomitant use of methotrexate at a weekly dose of ≥ 15 mg;
- hypersensitivity to any component of Taspir or other NSAIDs.
Relative (Taspir tablets are used with extreme caution):
- peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, including in the chronic and recurrent course of the disease, episodes of gastrointestinal bleeding;
- hepatic and / or renal failure;
- polyposis of the nose;
- hay fever;
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
- bronchial asthma;
- drug allergy;
- hyperuricemia;
- gout;
- deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
- II trimester of pregnancy;
- concomitant use of methotrexate at a weekly dose of <15 mg;
- concomitant anticoagulant therapy.
Taspir, instructions for use: method and dosage
Taspir is indicated for oral administration after meals. Immediately before use, the tablets should be dissolved in warm water (½ – 1 glass of water).
A single dose for adults and children from 12 years of age is 1-2 tablets (300-600 mg), in some cases it is possible to increase the dose to 3 tablets (900 mg). The maximum permissible daily dose is 10 tablets (3000 mg).
The frequency of taking Taspir is 3-4 times in essence with minimum intervals of 4 hours. Compliance with the dosage regimen allows you to prevent a sharp increase in body temperature and reduce the intensity of the pain syndrome.
Unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor, Taspir can be taken as an anesthetic for no more than 5 days, as an antipyretic - up to 3 days.
Side effects
- from the hematopoietic system: bleeding (due to the effect of ASA on platelet aggregation);
- from the digestive system: heartburn, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (including perforation), latent or overt (tarry stools, vomiting with blood) signs of gastrointestinal bleeding (can lead to iron deficiency anemia); in isolated cases - increased activity of hepatic transaminases;
- from the central nervous system: tinnitus, dizziness (mainly due to overdose);
- allergic reactions: skin rash, bronchospasm, anaphylactic edema, anaphylactic reactions.
Possible overdose symptoms:
- moderate severity: headache, hearing impairment, tinnitus, dizziness, confusion, nausea, vomiting (when the dose of Taspir is reduced, these symptoms disappear);
- severe: fever, severe hypoglycemia, metabolic acidosis, respiratory alkalosis, ketoacidosis, hyperventilation, respiratory failure, cardiogenic shock, coma.
In case of overdose, the patient should be hospitalized. Requires gastric lavage, activated carbon intake, restoration of acid-base balance. To achieve a urine pH in the range of 7.5-8, forced alkaline diuresis is performed: the plasma concentration of salicylate in adults should exceed 500 mg / l (3.6 mmol / l), in children - 300 mg / l (2.2 mmol / l). Reimbursement of lost fluid is required. To remove Taspir from the body, hemodialysis can be performed. Further treatment is symptomatic.
special instructions
ASA can cause hypersensitivity reactions, including bronchospasm and an attack of bronchial asthma. The risk group includes patients with nasal polyps, fever, chronic bronchopulmonary diseases, bronchial asthma, a history of allergies (allergic rhinitis, skin rashes).
Taspir, by inhibiting platelet aggregation, increases the tendency to bleeding. This must be taken into account when planning surgical procedures, including minor procedures such as tooth extraction. To avoid the risk of bleeding, the drug should be discontinued 5-7 days before the planned intervention. You need to warn your doctor about taking ASA.
During the period of therapy, it is recommended to refrain from drinking alcohol.
In the treatment of vascular diseases, the dose of ASA, depending on the circumstances, can be from 75 to 300 mg per day.
Taspir reduces the excretion of uric acid from the body, which is why an acute attack of gout may develop in predisposed patients.
With prolonged treatment and / or taking Taspir in high doses, medical supervision and regular monitoring of hemoglobin levels are required. It is also recommended to carry out a complete blood count and a study of feces for latent blood.
Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms
There was no negative effect of the components of Taspir tablets on the ability to drive vehicles and perform potentially hazardous work requiring increased attention and high reaction rate.
Application during pregnancy and lactation
ASA has a teratogenic effect: when taken in the first trimester of pregnancy, it causes splitting of the upper palate, in the third trimester it inhibits labor, promotes premature closure of the ductus arteriosus in the fetus, the development of pulmonary vessels and hypertension in the pulmonary circulation. In this regard, Taspir is contraindicated to use. In the second trimester of pregnancy, exceptions are allowed when taking the drug is prescribed for strict indications.
ASA passes into breast milk, therefore, the risk of dysfunction of platelets and, as a result, bleeding in an infant increases. If treatment is required during lactation, women are advised to stop breastfeeding.
Pediatric use
Taspir is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age. It is not used in adolescents 12-15 years old with a viral infection due to the risk of developing Reye's syndrome, its symptoms are prolonged vomiting, enlarged liver, acute encephalopathy.
With impaired renal function
Taspir for renal failure should be used with extreme caution.
For violations of liver function
Taspir for liver failure should be used with extreme caution.
Drug interactions
- myelotoxic drugs: increase the hematotoxic manifestations of ASA;
- magnesium and / or aluminum-containing antacids: absorption of ASA slows down and worsens;
- barbiturates, lithium salts: their concentration in blood plasma increases;
- thrombolytics, narcotic analgesics, sulfonamides (including co-trimoxazole), platelet aggregation inhibitors: their effects are enhanced;
- ethanol: increases the likelihood of damage to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and the risk of bleeding;
- valproic acid: its toxicity increases;
- ACE inhibitors (angiotensin-converting enzyme): due to inhibition of prostaglandins, glomerular filtration decreases, reducing their hypotensive effect;
- systemic corticosteroids (glucocorticosteroids), with the exception of hydrocortisone, used for substitution therapy for Addison's disease: the excretion of salicylates increases and, as a result, their concentration in the blood decreases;
- thrombolytics: the risk of bleeding increases;
- hypoglycemic agents (including insulin): their effect is enhanced;
- digoxin: its renal excretion decreases, which leads to an increase in concentration;
- uricosuric agents (for example, benzbromarone): their effectiveness decreases;
- anticoagulants (including heparin): they may be displaced from the connection with plasma proteins, the risk of damage to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and bleeding increases;
- methotrexate at a weekly dose of ≥ 15 mg: its hemolytic cytotoxicity increases (due to a decrease in renal clearance and the replacement of methotrexate with salicylates due to plasma proteins);
- other NSAIDs: there is a synergistic interaction, which increases the risk of gastric ulcers and bleeding.
Taspir's analogs are Alka-Prim, Algezir Ultra, Amelotex, Arcoxia, Aspicard, Aspirin, Aspirin Express, Atorica tabs, Acetylsalicylic acid, Bixitor, Brufen SR, Bystrumcaps, Dexalgin, Diclogen, Doprovelbofennika, Kaplofennik Lornoxicam, Medsikam, Nise, Nalgezin, Nurofen, Ortofen, Prolid, Rixia, Roucoxib-Routek, Simcoxib, SwissJet, Texared, Upsarin Upsa, Flamadex, Faspik, Celebrex, Etorelex, Etoricoxib and many others.
Terms and conditions of storage
Store in a well-closed container out of the reach of children at temperatures up to 25 ° C.
Shelf life is 2 years.
Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
Available without a prescription.
Reviews about Taspir
According to reviews, Taspir is a fast-acting and effective acetylsalicylic acid in the form of effervescent tablets. The drug perfectly relieves pain syndrome, including a hangover headache, and reduces fever. An additional advantage is the low cost of the drug in this dosage form compared to many advertised analogues.
Despite the good tolerance of the drug, many users advise not to forget that the active substance Taspir belongs to the group of NSAIDs that have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract, so the drug should be used with caution.
Price for Taspir in pharmacies
Depending on the pharmacy chain, the price for Taspir in the form of 300 mg effervescent tablets is approximately 91-100 rubles. for 10 pcs. packaged.

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author
Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".
Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!