Lubka Two-leafed - Useful Properties, Application, Indications

Lubka Two-leafed - Useful Properties, Application, Indications
Lubka Two-leafed - Useful Properties, Application, Indications

Lyubka is two-leaved

Instructions for use:

  1. 1. Application
  2. 2. Contraindications for use
Lyubka two-leaved - a perennial herb of the Orchid family
Lyubka two-leaved - a perennial herb of the Orchid family

Lyubka two-leaved is a type of herbaceous perennial tuberous plants that belong to the genus Lyubka of the Orchid family. The height of such plants can be from 20 to 60 cm, and in structure they resemble orchis. Lyubka has only two roots, which are basal and have an oval-elongated shape. The flowers of the plant are white, less often with a greenish tint, they have a heady and strong smell. By the way, the peculiarity of Lyubka is that it smells exclusively at night.

The name of the genus is associated with ancient legends that this plant has incredible magical properties, since it is a powerful love potion and love potion.

This northern orchid has a lot of name interpretations, including “night violet”, “wild balm”, “field jasmine”, “night beauty”, “night perfume”. In England, this little flower is called the butterfly orchid.

Lyubka two-leaved is found in clearings, forest edges, wet meadows, in light forests, among bushes.

The medicinal raw material in this plant is tubers.


Taking into account the decorative and medicinal properties of the plant, the prospects for introducing it into culture are now being studied.

Lyubka two-leaved is widely used in folk medicine. True, Lyubka is included in the list of plants in need of protection, and therefore the collection and procurement of medicinal raw materials is prohibited in nature. That is why such grass is often collected in places of growth only for bouquets.

Tuberous roots of orchis and lyubka (also called cones, salep or jelly root) for the preparation of the broth should be immersed in boiling water for several minutes, and then dried. Such decoctions are good for poisoning, they also give the sick body additional strength. By the way, it was these tubers that were considered a love potion in the old days. True, now, due to the rare distribution of herbs, the collection of jelly roots is strictly prohibited.

Lubka two-leaved has horn-shaped and very hard tubers, when dried, they can be stored in paper bags in a cool and dry place. Such tubers are used as a powder for making mucous broths, used as an excellent emollient, anti-inflammatory and coating agent. You can grind the plant in a coffee grinder.

Mucous broths and mucus from the powder of tubers of lyubka bilifolia are used for fever, toothache, a large number of female diseases, inflammation of the bladder, poisoning with various kinds of poisons, nervous exhaustion, convulsions, abscesses, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, sexual impotence, paralysis, wounds, abscesses, inflammatory foci and diarrhea. Also, any drugs can be a good contraceptive. For toothache, fresh tubers are applied directly to the diseased area.

Many nutrients have been accumulated in the tubers of lubka bifold, about which people have known since ancient times, so the salep tubers were always highly valued. Studies have shown that only 40 g of powder of Lubka tubers in milk or water can maintain a person's strength at the proper level for a whole day. That is why salep became the main element of food supplies during long campaigns. Plant treatment is especially recommended in pediatric medicine.

To prepare an infusion from lyubka, you need to pour a teaspoon of finely chopped tubers with a glass of boiling water, then leave this mixture for 16 minutes in a warm place to infuse. It is recommended to drink this infusion hot. But with children's diarrhea, it is better to take the infusion chilled.

For medicinal purposes, the roots of Lyubka two-leaved are used
For medicinal purposes, the roots of Lyubka two-leaved are used

To prepare medicinal mucus of Lyubka double-leaved, you will need 200 ml of water and 5 g of mucus. Initially, you need to pour the powder with a small amount of water (cold boiled), and then shake it, add hot water and shake it again. Shake it until the result is a gelatinous homogeneous mass.

To prepare the broth, you need to take a powder (3-10 g) and shake it in 10 parts of boiled cold water. After that, add 90 parts of boiling water and shake again until a monotonous, thick and transparent mucus is formed. It is advised to take the broth three times a day for a tablespoon.

Healers recommend using preparations of Lyubka two-leaved in old age to maintain strength, as well as after prolonged bleeding and serious illness.

Lubka tubers are effective in dystrophy, since they are a means that restores undermined health.

Contraindications for use

There are no contraindications to the use of any two-leafed.

Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
