Dermatology is the science of skin diseases and properties. Dermatologist is a specialist in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the skin, nails, hair and mucous membranes. Based on the reviews, dermatologists are in great demand in sports, medicine, in sanitary and epidemiological structures, as well as in cosmetology. These doctors work in dermatovenerologic dispensaries, in scientific institutions, specialized clinics and polyclinics. Dermacosmetologists work in beauty parlors and clinics.

Features of the profession of a dermatologist
A dermatologist treats skin manifestations and directly diseases of the skin and its appendages, eliminates cosmetic defects, diagnoses skin reactions in diseases of other profile areas. The doctor's duties include consulting assistance, as well as preventing the spread of infectious and quarantine diseases.
This specialty requires the doctor to know the symptoms of his profile direction, as well as other areas of medicine, since many internal and external factors affect the skin condition. External factors include the impact of ultraviolet radiation on the skin, household chemicals, insects and mites, industrial hazards at the workplace. Internal factors include autoimmune, somatic, endocrine and venereal diseases, helminthic invasions, autonomic disorders, low immunity and allergic reactions. Therefore, it is especially important for a doctor of this specialty to be able to diagnose with a high degree of accuracy the causes and forms of skin reactions, timely identify pathogenic factors and develop a treatment and prevention regimen for skin diseases. The dermatologist must be able to select an individual treatment regimen for each patient,adequate to the stage and form of skin disease, the age and sex of the patient, concomitant diseases, professional and everyday characteristics of each particular case.
A doctor of this specialty must be able to sympathize with people. He must strive to constantly replenish his knowledge, and must also have a high sense of responsibility, stress resistance. A dermatologist must be familiar with all modern methods of diagnosing and treating skin diseases. In addition, it is very important for this doctor to know the basic rules of patient safety and personal safety, since most of the skin diseases are contagious.
At a dermatologist appointment
Consultation with a dermatologist is extremely necessary for psoriasis, mycosis, warts, vitiligo, angiitis, dermatitis, scabies, lichen, eczema, erythema, acne, seborrhea, alopecia, mites, molluscum contagiosum, candidiasis, genital warts and other skin diseases and other skin diseases.
It will not be superfluous to consult a dermatologist for puffiness, unhealthy skin color, cellulite, cracks, various rashes, wrinkles and spider veins. You should also not neglect the consultation of a dermatologist and with frequent visits to the solarium (to prevent the development of skin cancer).
Before taking a dermatologist, you should not use antiallergic drugs and external preparations that distort the clinical picture of the disease.
Before starting drug treatment, the doctor usually recommends an allergy test. An allergic test is carried out in order to find out if the patient is allergic to certain components contained in medicines.
At the reception, the dermatologist listens to complaints, asks about allergic reactions, about the patient's lifestyle. Next, the doctor conducts pigment screening, dermatological examination of the skin. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe a blood test, an analysis for herpes infections, measles, syphilis, herpes viruses, immunoglobulin, puncture cytology of the skin, scrapings from eyelashes and skin for mites, scrapings from the nail and skin for fungi, microscopy or immunofluorescence examination, dermoscopy (for neoplasms). Judging by the reviews, the dermatologist most often combines symptomatic, etiological and pathogenetic methods of treatment. The doctor usually applies local and general drug treatment, surgical treatment, special regimen and diet, physiotherapy, psychotherapy, balneotherapy.
Together with the patient, the dermatologist draws up an individual treatment regimen, answers all questions of interest and provides information on which cosmetic preparations are best used for the skin.
Children's dermatologist
A children's dermatologist is engaged in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the skin and its appendages in children. Allergic skin diseases (eczema, atopic dermatitis) are most often observed in children, but sometimes there are other dermatological diseases - inflammatory, pustular and fungal skin diseases, acne (acne, acne, acne). It is necessary to contact a pediatric dermatologist if the child's skin is reddened and peeling, weeping, various rashes, erosion appeared on its surface. A doctor's consultation is necessary if there are spots, nodules, papules, blisters, bumps, scars and ulcers, unusual abrasions, scales on the surface of the child's skin.
In the treatment, the dermatologist must take into account the individual characteristics of each child. Diagnosis of skin diseases in childhood should be aimed at examining the nervous system, internal organs of the child and hormonal levels. After the examination, the dermatologist prescribes the necessary preparations, as well as various creams, ointments, gels for external use. In addition, for some diseases, judging by the reviews, a dermatologist can prescribe the sanitation of chronic foci of infection, and also recommend a special therapeutic diet and drugs to increase the body's defenses.
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