Allergist - Specifics, Consultation, Reception, Reviews, Doctor's Choice

Allergist - Specifics, Consultation, Reception, Reviews, Doctor's Choice
Allergist - Specifics, Consultation, Reception, Reviews, Doctor's Choice


Allergist is a doctor who is engaged in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of allergic reactions, and also determines the causes and mechanisms of their manifestation.

Allergist - a doctor who deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of allergic reactions
Allergist - a doctor who deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of allergic reactions

Allergens around us

Allergy is a disease characterized by an unusual sensitivity to various substances. Its causes lie in the immune system, therefore, the fact that most people do not cause painful reactions, in an allergic person can lead to the development of serious diseases.

Sneezing, itching, watery eyes, and skin irritation are common symptoms of allergies, and can often be traced back to medications, flowering plants and everyday household items.

Household allergens range from microscopic mold spores and human epidermal particles to cockroach allergens and book dust. Allergies to animals are also quite common, in which feathers, wool, saliva, urine and excrement have allergenic activity.

It is quite difficult to establish the cause of the allergy without consulting an allergist. However, according to allergists, reducing contact with the allergen facilitates the course of allergic diseases. Therefore, before making an appointment with an allergist, you should follow the recommendations that will help to significantly alleviate the unpleasant manifestations of symptoms of household allergies:

  • The number of places where dust accumulates should be minimized - remove canopies from beds, carpets and fur skins from the floor and carry out wet cleaning daily;
  • Small furnishings and books are best stored on glazed shelves;
  • It is necessary to clean the air with cleaning devices and maintain the humidity in the room at 40-60%.

Who needs an allergist consultation

An allergist consultation is necessary at the first sign of allergy. All allergic diseases are conventionally divided by allergists according to clinical manifestations and reasons that lead to their occurrence:

  • Food allergy, the main manifestations of which include acute urticaria and various digestive disorders, occurs due to the body's hypersensitivity to certain foods;
  • Bronchial asthma, the main symptom of which is difficulty in breathing, is caused by allergic inflammation of the entire respiratory system, including the nasal mucosa and the smallest bronchi;
  • Pollinosis, which is characterized by watery nasal discharge, sneezing, itching, watery eyes, sometimes swelling of the eyes, and in severe cases, severe attacks of suffocation, is caused by pollen.

Due to the fact that allergies can manifest itself in different ways and have different causes, you should contact a good allergist for a timely diagnosis.

For advice from an allergist, you must contact the emergence and development of:

  • Inflammation of the nasal mucosa against the background of allergic reactions, which is characteristic of allergic rhinitis;
  • Skin irritation with flat blisters, which is a characteristic course of acute and chronic urticaria;
  • Food allergy, which is an uncommon reaction to certain foods
  • Inflammatory process of the conjunctiva of the eyes, which is characteristic of allergic conjunctivitis;
  • Hay fever, often associated with dermatitis and nervous reaction associated with seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Angioneurotic edema of the skin and mucous membranes (otherwise - Quincke's edema);
  • Atopic dermatitis, which often occurs for genetic reasons;
  • Drug allergy, which manifests itself as an uncommon reaction to medications;
  • Contact allergic dermatitis, which usually develops on areas of the skin that are in close contact with the allergen;
  • Insect allergy, which manifests itself as an uncommon reaction to the bites of certain insects.

Some diseases are seasonal in nature and are not acute, however, according to allergists, even in these cases, it is recommended to carry out treatment so as not to provoke the development of more serious diseases.

How to diagnose allergies

There are many diseases that have manifestations similar to allergic ones. In order to make the correct diagnosis, you must seek the advice of an allergist.

In addition to examination, an allergist has accurate and objective methods to confirm the correctness of the diagnosis, including laboratory tests with allergens and skin tests with allergens.

Children's allergist

The first allergic manifestations - dryness and redness of the skin, can occur already in the infant's age. With these symptoms, it is necessary to contact a pediatric allergist, who, after the diagnosis has been established, will be able to prescribe an effective therapy and tell you which of the means for caring for the delicate skin of the child are needed in each case.

A good allergist will also not disregard the diet of a nursing mother and the selection of therapeutic mixtures for the child, and will also teach them how to enter them correctly. The whole complex of appointments and advice, which is carried out by a pediatric allergist, is aimed at reducing allergy symptoms and timely identification of its causes.

As a rule, the reception of an allergist takes place in children's centers, where you can carry out the examination necessary to establish a diagnosis. Unlike an adult, a pediatric allergist specializes in the manifestation of allergies in childhood and will help to quickly identify the causes of alarming symptoms.

How to choose a good allergist

Most often, when choosing a doctor, they rely on reviews and recommendations. Reviews of allergists, as well as information about the work experience, diagnostic capabilities of the center and the specialization of doctors can be found on the pages of the medical institutions in which they work.

However, today not all centers are widely represented on the Internet, so before making an appointment with an allergist, you can contact city forums, where they usually exchange impressions about the methods and effectiveness of the work of various doctors.

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