Shoulder Pain Treatment

Shoulder Pain Treatment
Shoulder Pain Treatment

Shoulder pain treatment

Effective treatments for shoulder pain
Effective treatments for shoulder pain

The feeling of soreness or other unpleasant symptoms in the area of the shoulder joint is familiar to many people. There are many conditions and diseases that can cause discomfort in this area. Therefore, it is so important to contact a specialist in time to determine the cause of the problem and prescribe effective treatment for shoulder pain.

Causes and treatment of shoulder joint pain

One of the most complex in the entire body in terms of its structure and functionality is the shoulder joint. However, excessive exercise, injury, or certain medical conditions often lead to pain in the shoulder joints. Soreness in this area is usually difficult to ignore, as it limits normal mobility. It becomes difficult to perform even the simplest manipulations: dressing yourself, buttoning your shoes, moving or picking up some thing.

If there is aching pain, which increases with movement, inflammation of the shoulder joint is possible, acute "lumbago" most often indicates a tendon rupture, dislocation. Often, pain is observed in the case of untreated injury, improper posture, and diseases of the spine. For shoulder joint pain, treatment is usually prescribed by a specialist depending on the cause. The most common problems are:

  • Tendinitis, which is inflammation of the tendons surrounding the shoulder joint. Usually occurs as a result of excessive stress, in which the tendons rub against the bone, thereby causing irritation and pain, aggravated by movement and palpation;
  • Bursitis, or joint inflammation. This disease is closely related to overvoltage, sports injuries. In addition to the pain syndrome with bursitis, there is also swelling in the area of the articular bag;
  • Violation of calcium metabolism in the bones can cause a disease such as osteoporosis, often accompanied by pain in the shoulder area;
  • Impact syndrome, in which calcium salts are deposited, causing calcification of the joint ligaments. Most often, deposits are observed on the tendons passing under the scapula and collarbone. The disease is characterized by the sudden onset of intense pain in the shoulder, the treatment is symptomatic with the use of drugs;
  • Traumatic injury, a hereditary abnormality, or a tumor in the shoulder joint often contributes to pain;
  • Arthrosis and arthritis are inflammatory diseases in which the joints are affected, including in the shoulder area. The patient feels sharp pains with any movement of the hand;
  • Often, diseases of internal organs, as well as pneumonia, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris give reflected pain in the shoulder;
  • Recurrent shoulder dislocation is most common in athletes. It is a periodic "prolapse" of the joint, even with the most insignificant loads, is characterized by acute pain in the shoulder;
  • Shoulder-scapular periarthrosis begins gradually, does not always have a provoking factor. The nature of the disease is progressive, most often it disturbs the patient at night.

Treatment of shoulder pain can be prescribed only after the causes of painful sensations have been established. Depending on this, anti-inflammatory therapy of the shoulder joint or the treatment of the underlying disease is prescribed.

In some cases, pain can persist for a long time, exhausting the patient and impairing his ability to work. In this case, complex treatment is carried out: taking medications, physiotherapy, massage. To relieve the shoulder joint and prevent pain intensification, the arm is fixed with a special splint.

In severe cases, when treating shoulder pain, intra-articular administration of anti-inflammatory drugs, a course of shock wave therapy or surgery is prescribed.

Treating shoulder muscle pain

One of the most common symptoms in the upper part of the musculoskeletal system is shoulder muscle pain. Unpleasant sensations can be associated with inflammation of bone tissue, joints, but most often caused by various pathologies of ligaments, muscles and tendons.

Methods for treating shoulder muscle pain
Methods for treating shoulder muscle pain

In some cases, shoulder pain is triggered by joint instability as a result of overexertion, straining of the shoulder girdle or muscles during intense strength training. There may also be discomfort with inflammation or damage to the joint capsule (tendonitis), tendons. Such pain is persistent and intense, aggravated by moving the hand.

Myofascial pain syndrome is a typical disorder of muscle tissue in various parts of the body, but is usually localized in the shoulder girdle or lower back. The myalgia that accompanies tense muscles develops at trigger points.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine becomes most often, in addition to injuries and bruises, the cause of such symptoms. Treatment of pain in the muscles of the shoulder is similar to the methods of treatment of joint diseases:

  • Neutralization of factors provoking the onset of pain - immobilization of the arm, shoulder area or complete rest of the affected area;
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs - non-steroidal drugs in the form of tablets, ointments or gels;
  • Pain relief with compresses, for which a 30% solution of Dimexide is used;
  • In some cases, doctors prescribe corticosteroid injections into the affected area;
  • Use of physiotherapeutic procedures, activation of trophism of periarticular tissues;
  • Muscle massage, including joint development;
  • The use of complexes containing B vitamins, trace elements.

As a rule, treatment of shoulder pain caused by muscle overstrain will last no more than 3-5 days. To reduce discomfort, a short rest, a warming massage is enough. More complex cases require a comprehensive diagnosis, the appointment of a course of drugs that reduce pain, neutralize inflammation, and improve the trophism of muscle fibers.

Preventive measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of pain in the shoulder region depend, first of all, on the factor provoking them. In most cases, soreness in the shoulder area occurs as a result of prolonged static posture, hypothermia, atony, muscle weakness. Therefore, it is so important to lead an active lifestyle, try to avoid colds, stress, and eat right.

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