An endocrinologist is a highly qualified specialist who is engaged in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of malfunctions in the endocrine glands.

The word endocrinologist has a Greek origin, which defines the essence of the profession: endon - inside, krino - highlight, separate.
Endocrinology refers to the branch of medicine that studies the metabolic processes of the body and the work of the hormonal (endocrine) system of a person. Also, endocrinologists are developing methods for diagnosing hormonal diseases and methods for their treatment.
Features of the profession of an endocrinologist
The endocrine and nervous systems of the body ensure the well-coordinated work of the whole body, and the hormones produced are responsible for the normal metabolism of the body and affect the work of many organs.
Endocrine system failure, as a rule, entails serious health problems in the form of various diseases. Both the causes and manifestations of hormonal disruption are different. Moreover, they are different for men and women, and also depend on age.
According to endocrinologists, in women, the most common symptoms of endocrine disruption are weight gain or loss, increased irritability, poor sleep, itching, and hair loss. The causes of hormonal disorders can be found out in consultation with an endocrinologist.
One of the main problems with hormonal imbalance is that the symptoms do not clearly indicate a problem, and therefore the diagnosis is made late, when the disease begins to progress. Attempts to influence symptoms by dieting and increasing sleep duration are generally unsuccessful according to endocrinologists.
Specialization of adult endocrinologists
Typically, endocrinologists treat reproductive diseases, including male and female endocrine infertility, gynecomastia in men, mastopathy, climacteric disorders, excess hair in women, menstrual irregularities, and lactation problems.
Depending on the disease, endocrinologists can be divided by specialization - endocrinologist-gynecologist, diabetologist, endocrinologist-geneticist, thyroidologist and others. Their competence includes various hormonal disorders, namely:
- Diseases of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, which cause diseases such as diabetes insipidus, gigantism, hypothalamic syndrome, prolactinoma, acromegaly;
- Adrenal gland pathologies, including congenital adrenal cortex dysfunction, adrenal insufficiency and neoplasms;
- Thyroid pathologies that lead to the development of diffuse goiter, thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis.
It is also necessary to consult an endocrinologist for osteoporosis, multiple endocrine neoplasia, and obesity.
After evaluating the diagnostic results at the appointment, the endocrinologist proposes a treatment regimen for correcting disorders of the endocrine glands. According to endocrinologists, in addition to drug therapy, in order to achieve an early effect, it is quite important to listen to the doctor's advice on changing diet and lifestyle.
Children's endocrinologist
A pediatric endocrinologist or pediatric endocrinologist specializes in disorders of the synthesis and action of hormones in children and adolescents, namely:
- Autoimmune and oncological diseases of the endocrine system in children;
- Problems of growth pathology and sexual development;
- Diabetes insipidus;
- Type 1 diabetes mellitus;
- Puberty and youthful disituitarism.
Examination by a pediatric endocrinologist is necessary in cases when:
- There is a delay in psychomotor development at an early age;
- There is any endocrine pathology in the parents, including thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus;
- There is a strong deviation in weight (over or under);
- There are deviations in the growth rate (slowing down or accelerating).
It is recommended to consult a pediatric endocrinologist to assess sexual and physical development for children and adolescents aged 8, 10-12 and 15-17 years. Also at this age, you should undergo a thyroid examination.
Where is the appointment of an endocrinologist
As a rule, the reception of an endocrinologist takes place in polyclinics and large or specialized medical centers. Scientific work is usually carried out at the Research Institute of Experimental Endocrinology, where new methods of endocrinology are collected, analyzed and developed.
For a correct diagnosis, after consulting an endocrinologist, it is necessary to undergo the necessary clinical tests and examination - MRI, ultrasound or computed tomography.
How to get the profession of an endocrinologist
In order to work as an endocrinologist or pediatric endocrinologist, it is necessary to graduate from a medical university in the relevant specialization.
A highly qualified endocrinologist, in addition to knowledge of the structure and functioning of the endocrine glands, must have a good knowledge of the physiology and anatomy of the human body, as well as have an analytical mind to identify the causes of hormonal abnormalities.
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