Trigeminal neuritis

Diseases of the peripheral nervous system have always been one of the central problems of neurology. This is explained by the consequences that cause such diseases - severe pains, cramps of facial muscles, an unpleasant nervous tic.
The most common complication in dental operations, surgical interventions and jaw injuries is trigeminal neuritis. This is the diagnosis made in 85% of cases. The remaining 15% are due to neuritis of the superior and inferior alveolar nerves.
Causes of the disease
The problem can appear in absolutely every person as a result of the innervation of the trigeminal nerve. It, in turn, arises from:
- fractures of the base of the skull;
- operations on the jaw bones;
- fractures of the upper and lower jaws;
- complex tooth extraction;
- incorrectly performed prosthetics;
- operations on the maxillary sinus;
- the presence of foreign bodies that can injure nerve endings or the nerve trunk;
- improperly performed anesthesia.
When diagnosed with trigeminal neuritis, symptoms may indicate a wide variety of injuries. Most often, the trigeminal nerve is in the following conditions:
- continuous along the entire length;
- restrained by bone fragments;
- stretched;
- torn apart.
Trigeminal neuritis - symptoms and diagnosis
The clinical picture of trigeminal neuritis is characterized by impaired sensitivity of the affected areas of the nerve, constant aching pain and paresthesia. In the event that the inferior alveolar trigeminal nerve is affected, patients often experience motor disorders, that is, trigeminal neuritis leads to paresis (weakening of muscle function) and paralysis (complete absence of muscle activity). Edema appears in the affected area of the nerve, thinning of the skin and subcutaneous tissue develops, a change in skin color is observed (from normal pink it becomes marbled or cyanotic). In severe cases, trigeminal neuritis may cause hair loss. Also, patients usually complain of atrophy of the masticatory muscles in the affected area.
Diagnosis of the disease is carried out on the basis of examinations and diagnostic procedures. This will require carrying out:
- electroneurography (ENG);
- neurological examination;
- computed tomography of the bones of the skull and brain;
- magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the orbits and paranasal sinuses.
Trigeminal neuritis - treatment and prognosis

The composition of medical procedures is discussed individually in each case. In this case, both the existing manifestations of the disease and the general condition of the patient are taken into account. In most cases, doctors stop at a set of procedures, which may include:
- acupuncture;
- stimulation of muscles and nerves;
- taking vitamin and mineral complexes;
- homeopathic remedies;
- antiviral drugs.
When diagnosed with trigeminal neuritis, treatment is directed at:
- elimination of possible swelling of the nerve trunk;
- anti-inflammatory therapy;
- increasing the general resistance of the body;
- achieving a sensitizing effect;
- restoration of normal patency of nerve impulses;
- restoration of lost compensatory and adaptive reactions.
The prognosis for the treatment of trigeminal neuritis depends on the condition of the nerve itself and the rate of recovery of the sensitivity of the oral mucosa and facial skin.
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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!