Brief description of the problem

Dandruff, well known to us, is nothing more than grayish-white scales, consisting of dead skin cells. In terms of coverage and degree of distribution, dandruff is ahead of all other skin diseases, because every person encounters it at least once in his life. In general, people are not inclined to pay too much attention to dead skin particles, believing that they do not carry any harm, except for aesthetic unattractiveness. Of course, this opinion is wrong, since dandruff, the treatment of which is delayed until the very last moment, is the main cause of rapid hair loss. Quite simply, a person who clearly shows dandruff on his head and clothing is a patient who needs complex treatment.
Well, why, after all, do some people experience intense death of scalp cells? As we know, the epidermis of healthy skin consists of more than 20 layers. Each of them is periodically renewed by moving the cells to the surface and then exfoliating. This process takes about a month of net time. In a sick person, the epidermis has only 10-15 layers, that is, the process of tissue renewal is much faster. Cell division is accelerated, and the elements that did not have time to "die" by natural "death" stick together into scales, which we then see on hair and clothes.
Dandruff reasons
There are many factors that directly or indirectly affect the acceleration of natural tissue renewal. Let's list the main ones:
- wearing a headgear on wet hair;
- abuse of perm and hair coloring;
- being uncovered in the sun or cold;
- stress and overwork;
- hormonal disorders;
- improper nutrition;
- skin diseases.
If a person has found dandruff in himself, alternative treatment, like traditional medical methods, should be aimed at normalizing the structure and functions of the epidermis, as well as strengthening the immune system. And yet - do not rush to use dandruff treatment without first consulting a specialist dermatologist. The fact is that very often the rapid death of cells is confused with the usual dryness of the scalp, which, among other things, causes peeling. Of course, the approach to treatment in both cases will be different, so the doctor should make the final diagnosis.
Dandruff - treatment of the disease
Dead skin scales are easily washed off with almost any shampoo, but do not flatter yourself - in a couple of hours they will reappear on the entire surface of the head. For this reason, it is necessary to choose a special anti-dandruff remedy that has a stable, long-lasting effect. These products include, first of all, intensive shampoos with therapeutic effects. In most cases, you will notice a positive effect after 2-3 applications of such shampoos, but the full course of treatment lasts about 2 months and it is highly desirable to complete it.
If dandruff, which was treated with shampoos, continues to appear even after completing the course, it is advisable to use additional means, for example, lotions. Some folk recipes will also be effective:
- a very effective remedy for dandruff is dry mustard, which is applied to the scalp 15-20 minutes before washing. First, the mustard is diluted with water to the consistency of thick sour cream;
- boil the peel of 3-4 lemons in 1 liter of water for 15 minutes. The resulting broth is used once a week along with special shampoos;
- grind 10-20 gr. burdock roots and boil them in 200 ml. water (1 glass) for 10-15 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered and settled for 1-2 hours in a dry, cool place. Rub it in 2-3 times a week after shampooing;
- if a person has oily dandruff, alternative treatment recommends using calendula alcohol tincture rubbed into the scalp;
- dandruff caused by seborrhea can be effectively treated with body sludge. You can buy this powder at any pharmacy. Dissolve the wateryag in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide or boric acid (half a teaspoon in a glass of water), mix the mixture thoroughly and put it in a water bath for 25-30 minutes. As a means of treating dandruff, bodyag is rubbed into the scalp while hot. Be sure to wear gloves when doing this, as the mixture can dry out healthy skin. The broth should be rubbed in until a noticeable burning sensation appears, and washed off half an hour after the start of the procedure. The course of treatment consists of 8 approaches (1 time every 4-5 days). As a rule, when using bodyagi, the intensity of sebum secretion and itching of the scalp are significantly reduced.
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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!