Angina Pectoris Disease - Symptoms, Treatment, Alternative Methods

Angina Pectoris Disease - Symptoms, Treatment, Alternative Methods
Angina Pectoris Disease - Symptoms, Treatment, Alternative Methods

Angina pectoris

Brief description of the disease

Angina symptoms
Angina symptoms

Angina pectoris disease (often called "angina pectoris") is manifested by sharp, severe pain in the chest region and a feeling of discomfort in the chest, which is explained by a violation of the normal blood supply to certain parts of the heart. Angina is currently the leading symptom of coronary heart disease (CHD) associated with vasoconstriction or blockage. The subjective sensations of patients with angina pectoris are very diverse, but several common signs can be distinguished, in particular: pressing pain in the chest, radiating to other parts of the body. As a rule, an attack of angina pectoris lasts no more than 5 minutes and goes away immediately after the person takes the appropriate medications or simply rests.

Currently, it is customary to distinguish two forms of the disease. Stable angina is characterized by recurrent attacks over many years. In most cases, it occurs due to the same physical activity, and stops immediately after they are eliminated. In turn, unstable angina pectoris does not differ in the regularity of attacks, but this form is more dangerous, since the symptoms of the disease manifest themselves more strongly and often lead to death. Note also that for both stable and unstable angina pectoris, the following features are characteristic that allow an accurate diagnosis:

  • pain manifests itself in the form of attacks, that is, they have a more or less pronounced time of onset and termination;
  • unpleasant sensations almost always occur under the same circumstances. For example, stable angina follows certain physical activity;
  • pain decreases or subsides completely after taking nitroglycerin.

The provoking factors of seizures are: physical activity, walking, emotional stress. In this case, the stronger the physical effort or stress, the more pronounced angina pectoris (the symptoms, respectively, subside as the intensity of the load decreases). In principle, the above three features and a medical history (angina pectoris requires constant monitoring by a specialist) provide all the initial data for making an accurate clinical diagnosis, which is necessary when choosing the correct treatment method.

Angina pectoris - symptoms and clinical picture

In the last section of our article, we have listed the main symptoms of angina pectoris. In most cases, these manifestations will be sufficient. We can only add that ischemic heart disease (angina pectoris is a constant companion of ischemic disease) also manifests itself:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • perspiration;
  • fluctuations in heart rate;
  • unreasonable feelings of fear and emotional distress

However, the absence of these symptoms does not at all mean the absence of angina pectoris, therefore, the main role in the diagnosis of the disease still belongs to the doctor, who must make a balanced, informed decision based on the examination of the patient and the clinical picture of the disease.

Another important point: in recent years, people with heart disease have been increasingly diagnosed with the so-called rest angina. If angina pectoris is characterized by pain after physical exertion, then a calm form occurs regardless of the intensity of a person's efforts and, as a rule, manifests itself at night. At the same time, the symptoms coincide with the signs of angina pectoris, that is, the person feels suffocation and lack of air.

Finally, a few words about the attacks of the disease. Angina, which is not properly treated, contributes to the development of myocardial infarction. Therefore, if the attack of angina pectoris lasts more than 15 minutes, the patient needs to undergo an urgent electrocardiographic examination. This is best done in the hours following the attack, as unstable angina progresses rapidly and can be fatal. To provide the patient with proper care and timely diagnostic procedures, it is desirable to be hospitalized in a specialized clinic.

Angina pectoris - treatment with traditional methods

The outcome of an attack largely depends on the correctness of the actions of the sick person. Both stable and unstable angina pectoris are manifested by severe pain in the chest region, so the first thing the patient should do is calm down and take a comfortable posture. A sitting position is ideal. Next, you should definitely take nitroglycerin under the tongue (1 tablet or a couple of drops of 1% solution). In people with a diagnosis of angina pectoris, the symptoms are of unequal intensity, so it is possible that with severe pain you will have to take the drug again. Along with nitroglycerin, patients are also shown Corvalol (30-40 drops inside). During seizures, patients often have an increase in blood pressure, but one should not pay too much attention to this point, because after the pain stops, the pressure returns to normal. It should be notedthat at this point in time the angina disease is not completely cured in any clinic in the world. Accordingly, the patient should be regularly monitored by a specialist and take all necessary preventive measures in order to avoid serious consequences of the disease, in particular myocardial infarction.

Angina pectoris - treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of folk remedies for angina pectoris
Treatment of folk remedies for angina pectoris

If you have been diagnosed with angina pectoris, it is better to start alternative treatment after several courses of therapeutic fasting (7 days - restriction in food intake, then a seven-day recovery). If it is impossible to completely refuse food, stick to at least partial fasting, that is, limit the standard diet, eating nuts, root vegetables, fruits and vegetables. As for directly folk recipes, below we want to give the most famous of them:

  • mix in equal proportions the herb of adonis and the three-leafed watch, pour the mixture with boiling water at the rate of 1 liter of water per 100 g of grass and leave for 3 weeks in a dry, dark place. The infusion is consumed 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The standard dosage is 20 drops;
  • take dried apricots, raisins, walnut kernels and prunes, add lemon gruel without peel and honey to them (for 1 kg of mixture - 1 lemon and 300 gr. honey). Take the resulting mixture as a preventive measure 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon;
  • to strengthen the cardiovascular system, regularly drink tea from violet tricolor;
  • Cover fresh lily of the valley flowers with sugar and roll into small sweet balls. During an angina attack, simply place a pea under your tongue and dissolve slowly;
  • if you have been diagnosed with angina pectoris, folk remedies can be treated using hawthorn. Both decoctions and tinctures are prepared from it. In the first case, dry hawthorn flowers are poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for 5-7 minutes. A decoction is taken 3-4 times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon. To prepare the infusion, use 10 g of flowers and 100 ml. vodka. The mixture is infused for 2 weeks, used 3 times a day, 25-30 drops.

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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
