Brief description of the disease

Lipoma is a formation of adipose tissue localized under the skin. The more common, but not the official name for a lipoma is a wen.
Lipoma usually does not grow more than 1-1.5 cm in diameter, although large lipomas are sometimes found in medical practice. The formation of many lipomas is also possible - lipomatosis.
Lipoma is a benign formation, which in very rare, almost isolated cases develops into a malignant liposarcoma.
A wen can be on the human body for years without causing discomfort, but if its rapid growth is noticed (a noticeable increase in one to two months), you should immediately consult a doctor, as this is one of the signs of the degeneration of a lipoma into a malignant formation.
Causes of lipoma
To date, the reasons for the appearance of lipomas on the body and internal organs of a person are unknown.
Outwardly, the lipoma resembles a bump, which is soft to the touch. It can appear on almost any part of the body and even on internal organs (lungs, chest, peri-shoulder, retroperitoneal tissue, etc.).
Lipoma is usually painless, but sometimes, if its location provokes compression of tissues and nerve endings, unpleasant painful sensations may occur during tactile examination of the wen.
Lipoma diagnostics
Lipoma is diagnosed by a physician during a visual examination. For a more detailed analysis, a puncture biopsy of the wen is performed (a study of a fragment of the formation for malignancy) and after removal of the lipoma - a cytological, histological examination.
Lipoma treatment
In official medicine, lipoma is treated by removing it.
Indications for removal of a lipoma are its soreness, growth, location, causing functional disorders of vital organs and a cosmetic defect.
Removal of small lipomas can be carried out using the radio wave method. Its advantages over conventional surgical intervention are painlessness and bloodlessness, absence of postoperative complications, short rehabilitation period, optimal cosmetic effect, preservation of the patient's ability to work after the procedure.

Large lipomas are removed surgically, under local anesthesia (general anesthesia can be used for medical reasons).
There is also such a method of removing lipomas as puncture-aspiration, in which the contents of the tumor are aspirated with a special needle. The advantages of this method are the absence of cosmetic defects and seams, the preservation of the patient's ability to work after the procedure.
Alternative treatment of lipoma is not welcomed by official medicine, since, although rarely, inadequate actions can provoke malignant degeneration of the tumor. However, it is practiced.
Such recipes for folk treatment of lipomas are common:
- baked onions and household soap. A gauze compress with onions and soap is applied to the wen two or three r / day until it becomes softer and opens;
- celandine. A compress from gauze or a bandage dipped in a strong broth of celandine must be applied overnight, on a lipoma, until it opens and its contents drain;
- Kalanchoe. Either a cotton swab moistened with Kalanchoe juice is applied to the wen (one r / day should be changed), or a fresh leaf of the plant;
- beet. Grated beets must be applied to the lipoma at night, covering with polyethylene and securing with adhesive plaster;
- Golden mustache. The crushed leaf of the plant is placed on the wen, covered with plastic wrap, cotton cloth and fixed with adhesive plaster. It is necessary to change the compress every 12 hours. The course of treatment usually lasts 10-20 days.
Lipoma prevention
For the prevention of lipoma, factors affecting the change in adipose tissue should be excluded - to eat well and properly, avoid preservatives and not abuse alcohol and tobacco.
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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!