
Damage to the walls of the smallest blood vessels is called microangiopathy. Microangiopathy can be a symptom of a wide variety of diseases.
Cerebral microangiopathy
Cerebral microangiopathy refers to damage to the small vessels of the brain responsible for metabolic processes. A similar condition develops as a result of chronic cerebral circulation failure. Against this background, the human brain for a long time experiences a deficiency of glucose and oxygen - the main metabolic substrates that are provided by normal blood flow. Dysfunction of the brain gradually develops, the main target of which is the smallest cerebral arteries.
Microangiopathy of the brain leads to diffuse bilateral ischemic lesions of predominantly white matter, as well as numerous lacunar infarctions of the deep regions of the brain. Disorders of normal brain function are clinically manifested in the form of a variety of encephalopathies. Cerebral microangiopathies can develop as a result of atherosclerosis or arterial hypertension. It is obvious that the prevention of their appearance is the timely and adequate treatment of the underlying disease.
Diabetic microangiopathy
Vascular damage in diabetes mellitus caused by high blood glucose levels can also manifest itself in the form of complications such as diabetic microangiopathies. In diabetic microangiopathy, arterioles, venules and capillaries of various locations are damaged.
It is obvious that the clinical manifestations of diabetic microangiopathy can be very diverse. In any case, the metabolism in the tissues is difficult - the supply of nutrients and the excretion of decay products is reduced. As a result, tissue hypoxia develops - oxygen starvation. The blood vessels narrow, and the course of the disease worsens.
The pressure in the constricted vessels increases, high blood sugar levels cause inflammation and swelling of the vascular walls. The most acute diabetic microangiopathies occur in the kidneys and eyes, causing nephropathy and retinopathy of varying severity (in particular microaneurysms). Diabetic microangiopathies of the liver also require special attention of the clinician.

Treatment of diabetic microangiopathy consists primarily of normalizing blood sugar levels. Today, there are many modern drugs that can achieve the desired effect. Insulin is prescribed to patients if necessary.
In addition, in a hospital setting, it is advisable to take angioprotectors - drugs that restore the walls of blood vessels, and drugs that improve blood microcirculation (pentoxifylline, etc.). The effectiveness of antioxidants (vitamin E, selenium, etc.), B vitamins and lipoic acid preparations has also been proven.
If necessary, blood pressure normalization is required. Patients with diabetic microangiopathies are advised to follow a diet (sometimes low-salt) and exclude bad habits. It is advisable to carry out a specific preventive examination at least once a year.
Various microangiopathies can develop as a result of lesions of connective tissues, infectious diseases and the development of cancerous tumors. Microangiopathies can also manifest themselves in the form of renal failure and blood diseases (thrombotic microangiopathies). Microangiopathies are common symptoms of hypertension, occurring in the form of retinopathies in AIDS.
The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!