The content of the article:
- Causes
- Signs
- Features of the course in children
- Diagnostics
- Treatment
- Prevention
- Consequences and complications
Hepatosplenomegaly is a combined significant increase in the liver and spleen, characteristic of a number of diseases.
Synonym: hepatolienal syndrome, hepato-splenic syndrome.
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Most often, hepatosplenomegaly is formed against the background of the following conditions:
- acute and chronic liver diseases (primarily viral hepatitis, cirrhosis);
- spleen pathology;
- chronic infectious process (including helminthic invasion);
- metabolic disorders (amyloidosis, hemochromatosis);
- blood diseases (lymphogranulomatosis, hemolytic anemia, leukemia);
- chronic heart failure and diseases of the cardiovascular system, leading to it;
- violation of blood circulation in the portal vein system.
The most common reason for the development of hepatosplenomegaly in children is hemolytic disease of the newborn, less often - oncological diseases and intrauterine infections.
At the onset of the disease, only one of the organs can be enlarged - the liver (hepatomegaly) or the spleen (splenomegaly). However, since they have common blood circulation and lymph drainage, as the pathology progresses, the second organ also increases.
The early stages of hepatosplenomegaly are characterized by an increase in the size of the liver and spleen with a slight compaction of the parenchyma. In the future, the clinical manifestations of the functional failure of these organs come to the fore. Ascites [accumulation of free fluid (effusion) in the abdominal cavity] and changes in the work of the blood coagulation system indicate an advanced pathological process.

With hepatosplenomegaly, discomfort occurs in the right hypochondrium, the size of the abdomen increases
Clinical manifestations of hepatosplenomegaly:
- discomfort in the right hypochondrium;
- icterus of the sclera, icteric color of the skin and mucous membranes;
- a feeling of fullness in the region of the liver and spleen;
- an increase in the size of the abdomen;
- increased bleeding (spontaneous bleeding and bruising, bleeding, the strength and duration of which do not correspond to the reason that caused them).
Features of the course in children
In children, hepatosplenomegaly can either be asymptomatic, manifesting itself only by the impressive size of organs, and be accompanied by a sharp violation of the general condition, which requires urgent corrective measures.

In children, hepatosplenomegaly can be asymptomatic, manifested only by an increase in the size of organs
Hepatomegaly does not cause diagnostic difficulties and is established on the basis of an increase in the spleen and liver, which is determined physically (on examination, palpation). The purpose of diagnostics in hepatosplenomegaly is to identify the primary pathological process, that is, the condition that caused it. To do this, use:
- laboratory methods (general and biochemical analysis of blood and urine, determination of the concentration of liver enzymes);
- imaging (ultrasound examination of the spleen and liver, computed tomography, angiography of the liver vessels);
- invasive studies (biopsy of the liver and spleen, puncture of the bone marrow and lymph nodes).

By palpation, an enlargement of the liver and spleen, characteristic of hepatosplenomegaly, is determined
Therapy for hepatosplenomegaly consists in correcting the underlying disease.
Depending on the cause that caused the enlargement of the liver and spleen, the following are carried out:
- detoxification therapy;
- hormone therapy;
- course of antiviral agents, hepatoprotectors, immunomodulators;
- symptomatic therapy.
Prevention of hepatosplenomegaly consists in the prevention of primary diseases, one of the symptom complexes of which is hepatolienal syndrome.
Consequences and complications
Complications of hepatosplenomegaly are bleeding and ascites. Both of these conditions can be life-threatening.
The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!