Genital herpes
General characteristics of the disease

Genital herpes is a viral disease characterized by a specific rash of vesicles on the mucous membranes of the genitals. Among 8 different types of herpes, the simple genital herpes virus type II ranks second after the type I virus that infects the human face.
The carrier of the genital herpes virus is approximately every 5th inhabitant of the Earth. Up to 95% of the world's population are considered to be indexed with the herpes simplex virus type I. The disease is transmitted by contact, and the virus remains with a person for life, regardless of whether the patient has external manifestations of symptoms of genital herpes. With a weakening of immunity caused by seasonal SARS, stress or exacerbation of a chronic disease, another manifestation of the disease occurs.
Genital herpes is more common in women than in men. The dark-skinned part of the population is more susceptible to the disease. But this pattern is caused not by genetic prerequisites, but by the worst care for their health and the lesser opportunities for high-quality medical care. Genital herpes is especially dangerous in women during pregnancy: in 95% of cases, intrauterine infection of the fetus virus occurs, which is fraught with its death or profound disability.
Genital herpes symptoms
The severity of the symptoms of genital herpes in an infected person is deeply individual. The primary episode of the disease with genital seals is the longest and most dangerous. Symptoms of genital herpes during this period include fever, headache, and muscle pain similar to those of the flu. In men, genital herpes is manifested by single or multiple eruptions of vesicles on the penis, scrotum, thighs, anus and buttocks. With primary genital herpes in women, there is a massive virus infection of the cervix, vagina and vulva. Genital herpes in men in the primary period is usually less pronounced than in women.
Additional symptoms of genital herpes include swollen lymph nodes throughout the body and painful urination with a virus in the urethral tract. Symptoms of genital herpes in women are often mistaken for signs of thrush or bacterial vaginosis.
With a secondary or recurrent episode of the disease, the symptoms of genital herpes are less pronounced. Before a second outbreak of the disease, the patient usually feels a tingling sensation in the genital area. Symptoms of secondary genital herpes are usually limited to inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin area and the appearance of vesicles on the genitals. Relapses of genital herpes in men and women last no more than 6-12 days, but can recur up to 7 times a year.
Diagnosis of genital herpes
When diagnosing the disease, virological inoculation of cell samples taken from the area of affected tissues is performed. The second method for detecting genital herpes is blood PCR (polymerase chain reaction), which is used in the differential diagnosis of most gynecological and urogenital infections. It is also possible to microbiological detection of genital herpes using antigen or tests to determine antibodies to the virus in human blood.
Treatment of genital herpes

Antiviral drugs are used to treat genital herpes. In the initial episode of the disease, patients are usually prescribed a 5-day course of antiviral therapy, even if the symptoms of genital herpes have practically disappeared at the time of the patient's visit to the doctor.
Analgesics and saline baths are used to reduce the discomfort of itchy or weeping sores in the genital area. Similar treatment of genital herpes in recurrent episodes of the disease can significantly reduce the severity of symptoms. It is recommended to start taking antiviral drugs at the first signs of a relapse of the disease.
Home treatment for genital herpes consists of frequent intimate hygiene (up to 3-4 times a day). Genital herpes in women and men also involves wearing comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics,
Prevention of genital herpes
It is important to always use personal hygiene items to prevent getting genital herpes. The chance of contracting the virus is minimal if you practice safe sex using a condom as a contraceptive. Unfortunately, there is currently no effective vaccine against genital herpes virus in men and women.
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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!