Vitiligo - Causes, Treatment Methods

Vitiligo - Causes, Treatment Methods
Vitiligo - Causes, Treatment Methods


Brief description of the disease

A man with a disease - vitiligo
A man with a disease - vitiligo

Vitiligo is one of those diseases that researchers have never been able to fully understand, despite advances in technology and technology. The disease affects people of any age and manifests itself as white spots on the surface of the skin. They are white because they are completely devoid of melanin, the pigment that gives the skin its natural flesh color. In recent years, vitiligo, the treatment of which is of great difficulty due to lack of understanding of the mechanisms of the onset and development of the disease, increasingly affects young people and children.

Vitiligo - causes of the disease

It is only a stretch to say what we know about the factors contributing to the onset of the disease. In this case, we are talking only about assumptions, some of which are confirmed during the study of the nature and clinical picture of the disease. So, among the probable causes of vitiligo are:

  • stressful conditions;
  • chronically diseases of internal organs;
  • transferred infectious diseases;
  • physical damage to organs as a result of trauma;
  • intoxication;
  • long-term contact of leather with synthetic fabrics.

Vitiligo - symptoms

The disease begins with the appearance of milky white or pinkish spots. At first they are small, but then they increase in size and acquire clear boundaries. The shape of the spots is different, in most cases they are oval or round. Pathology can manifest itself on any part of the skin. Vitiligo is most commonly found on the neck, face, limbs, chest, and back. The lesions, as a rule, are single, but the multiple nature of the lesions is not so rare.

Vitiligo - treatment of the disease

Patients are prescribed drugs that increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet rays. These drugs are available in the form of tablets, alcohol solutions or ointments. The latter are rubbed into unpigmented foci of the skin. Among the most well-known means of fighting vitiligo, it is worth noting beroxan, meladinin, ammifurin, psoralen and psoberan. Thus, if a patient is diagnosed with vitiligo, treatment is based on getting the body to produce melamine on its own. In addition to the aforementioned drugs, skin irradiation with ultraviolet light and photochemotherapy are used for this. Note also that in order to achieve a stable positive effect, it is necessary to carry out several courses of treatment, and the pauses between them should be reduced to a minimum.

In recent years, vitiligo, which is increasingly seen in young people, has been successfully treated with photosensitizing drugs and laser therapy. By the way, it has a number of significant advantages over photochemotherapy, in particular, it allows to reduce the duration of treatment and is characterized by the absence of adverse reactions.

Since patients have a lack of vitamin C and copper, both of these substances are included in the therapy. It is also advisable to take immunomodulatory drugs, for example, echinacea tincture, immunal or activin. Alternative treatment of vitiligo is also of great importance, since encouraging results have been obtained, which make it possible to judge the effectiveness of a number of herbs and plants.

Abroad, the treatment of vitiligo, the causes of which have not been fully understood, is based on the use of surgical methods. Transplantation of donor skin areas is an expensive but quick and painless way to complete recovery.

Treatment of vitiligo with folk remedies

If you are interested in how to restore health with folk remedies, we bring to your attention several well-known recipes for the treatment of vitiligo:

  • dry herb St. John's wort is mixed with water (2 tablespoons per glass) and cooked over low heat until half of the liquid evaporates. After that, the broth is filtered, and the remaining juice is carefully squeezed out of the grass. Use a remedy for rubbing into the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day;
  • The folk treatment of vitiligo has a good effect, in which an alcoholic tincture of green leaves and internal partitions of a walnut is used. She needs to lubricate the lesion 1-2 times a day for several months;
  • a powder made from radish seeds is often used. 5 g of powder is thoroughly mixed with a teaspoon of false vinegar, after which the mixture is applied to the affected areas for several minutes;
  • take 50 g of blood-red geranium roots and pour 1 liter. boiling water, then leave for 4 hours. The product is used for baths taken before bedtime. The duration of the course of treatment is 12-14 days.

Treatment of vitiligo with folk remedies involves the use of a huge number of recipes. We have talked about only a few of them, but an experienced homeopath or a good dermatologist will advise you on many more effective decoctions and tinctures.

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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
