The bladder is a hollow muscular organ of the urinary system located in the pelvic cavity. It performs two functions: storing and removing urine outside. The bladder in women is adjacent to the upper part of the vagina and the body of the uterus, in men - the prostate gland and seminal vesicles.

The structure of the bladder
Several parts are distinguished in the bladder: the neck, body and bottom. At the bottom there are the mouths of the ureters, and the neck goes into the urethra (urethra). The walls of the bladder are composed of several layers. The innermost layer is represented by the mucous membrane (urothelium), which has numerous folds, which are almost completely smoothed when the bladder fills. Under the urothelium there is a submucous layer formed by connective tissue fibers. Between them, there are a large number of blood vessels and nerve endings. The third layer is composed of smooth muscle tissue. From above, the bladder is covered with an adventitia membrane. Normally, the emptying of the bladder in adults occurs 4 to 8 times a day and almost never at night. However, with inflammation of the bladder, the amount of urination increases,while the volume of urine released decreases sharply.
Bladder functions
The bladder serves as a temporary storage and excretion of urine. When it is filled with urine, it irritates the numerous nerve endings located in the walls. This irritation is transmitted along the conductive nerve pathways to the cerebral cortex, informing him of the need to empty the bladder. In response to this, there is a desire to visit the toilet. At the time of urination, under the influence of a nerve impulse coming from the cerebral cortex, the muscle wall of the bladder contracts, and all the urine is excreted.
Bladder diseases
Among all diseases of the genitourinary system, inflammation of the bladder (cystitis) is most often observed. It is caused by various pathogenic microflora, which can enter it through the urethra (ascending route) or from the kidneys (descending route). The onset of the disease is facilitated by hypothermia, violation of personal hygiene, urinary calculi.
Inflammatory diseases of the bladder in women are observed much more often than in men. This is due to the fact that women have a wider and shorter urethra through which the infection easily enters the bladder cavity.
With cystitis, patients complain of pain in the lower abdomen, which are pulling in nature. Urination is sharply painful, frequent, while urine is secreted in small portions, sometimes literally drop by drop.
The bladder hurts not only with cystitis, but also with its other diseases - bladder stones, cancer, etc.
Urologists are engaged in the prevention of diseases and the treatment of the bladder. To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor examines the patient (urine tests, ultrasound, uroflowmetry, cystoscopy, etc.). Treatment of the bladder is conservative in most cases. Prescribe antibiotics, uroseptics. Herbal medicine is of great importance. In addition, patients are advised to follow a diet (limiting spicy, salty foods, alcoholic beverages). If necessary, physiotherapy is prescribed.
Surgical treatment of the bladder is indicated in the presence of malignant neoplasms of this organ, as well as in the presence of calculi in its cavity that cannot be removed by conservative methods.
It should be remembered that the bladder also hurts in a number of other diseases (kidney, ureter, urethra, prostate gland, tailbone, female genital organs). Therefore, only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis, and sometimes this requires a comprehensive examination of the patient with the involvement of doctors of other specialties.
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