Instructions for the use of tablets and suppositories Polyoxidonium: price, reviews
Polyoxidonium refers to immunomodulatory drugs. It affects certain links of immunity, thereby increasing the body's resistance to various infections - viruses, bacteria, fungi. Helps maintain the immune system at an optimal level, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Forms of drug release and indications for prescription
For ease of use in various therapeutic areas, several forms of Polyoxidonium have been developed , including:
- tablets for sublingual (sublingual) or oral administration;
- suppositories (suppositories), which, depending on the indications, can be inserted into the rectum or vagina;
- lyophilisate (powder) for preparation of solution for injection and topical use;
According to the instructions, Polyoxidonium tablets recommend prescribing for:
- treatment of influenza and ARVI;
- treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract, ENT organs;
- the need for ARVI prevention;
- allergic diseases complicated by a bacterial, viral or fungal infection;
- herpes infection;
- the development of secondary immunodeficiencies of a different nature.
Suppositories are prescribed for the same indications, as well as for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs, pelvic organs, including prostatitis, cystitis, salpingo-oophoritis, colpitis, vaginitis, etc. Suppositories are also indicated for the treatment and prevention of herpes, rheumatoid arthritis with infectious complications and reduced immunity, to stimulate regenerative processes after burns and fractures.
Recommended doses
In the treatment of adults and children over 10 years of age, as a rule, 1 tablet is used 2 times a day under the tongue until completely absorbed. The course of the drug Polyoxidonium according to the instructions is 7-10 days. Children from 3 to 10 years old are recommended 1/2 tablet per day under the tongue or inside.
Suppositories are inserted rectally after a bowel movement or vaginally before bedtime while lying in bed. In pediatrics, 6 mg suppositories are used (from 6 years of age), in adults - suppositories with 12 mg of the active ingredient. For Polyoxidonium candles, the instructions for use give recommendations: 1 candle 1 time per day for 10 days. In some cases, in the first 3 days, suppositories are injected daily, then every other day (10 suppositories in total). The course of treatment can be repeated after 3-4 months or as directed by a doctor.
Positive feedback from doctors and patients, research and application experience - Polyoxidonium has proven itself well in the treatment of many diseases in children and adults. The reasonable price of the full course of treatment with Polyoxidonium is also attractive, which is very important in long-term treatment with several drugs.
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