Tuberculosis - Symptoms, Forms, Prevention, Treatment

Tuberculosis - Symptoms, Forms, Prevention, Treatment
Tuberculosis - Symptoms, Forms, Prevention, Treatment


What is tuberculosis?

X-ray of a person suffering from tuberculosis
X-ray of a person suffering from tuberculosis

Experts understand tuberculosis as an infectious disease that is caused by tubercle bacilli (Koch's bacillus, mycobacterium tuberculosis), accompanied by the formation of granulomas in various organs and the development of cell allergies. Most often, patients have tuberculosis of the lungs, joints, bones, skin and genitourinary organs. All these forms of tuberculosis require urgent treatment, because, otherwise, the disease progresses and leads to death.

The first serious studies of tuberculosis were carried out back in 1882 by Robert Koch. The German scientist studied tuberculosis, the symptoms of the disease, the properties of pathogens. He proved the infectious nature of the disease and found that tubercle bacilli are very tenacious. They remain in the snow, in the ground, they feel great in low and high temperatures. This is partly why doctors experience great difficulties in treating tuberculosis and often cannot completely rid a person of this dangerous disease.

The causative agent of tuberculosis

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Koch's bacillus) is widespread in the external environment. They are very tenacious, perfectly resist the effects of aggressive factors and do not disintegrate even when using modern disinfectants. The mycobacterium family includes many types of microbes. Some of them can only parasitize in the human body, while others feel great in the body of birds and cattle.

How is infection transmitted?

Tuberculosis is transmitted from person to person by airborne droplets, that is, you can get infected even without direct contact with the patient, but simply being in the same room with him. In some cases, infection occurs through food and other objects that are contaminated with Koch's sticks. If the causative agents of tuberculosis enter the body with food, then tuberculosis in children and adults affects the gastrointestinal tract, and not the lungs, as it happens when inhaling contaminated air.

The utmost care should be taken by people who often come into contact with patients and have an increased susceptibility to the action of pathogens. Regular prevention of tuberculosis is necessary:

  • schoolchildren, students and other persons who may be in constant close contact with infected people;
  • prisoners and employees of penitentiary institutions;
  • people who abuse drugs and alcohol;
  • medical professionals;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus and HIV infection;
  • people whose immune system is weakened by a serious illness or long-term use of any potent drugs.

Forms of tuberculosis

Today, there are quite a few options for the classification of this infection. Each of them is based on one or another characteristic feature of the development of tuberculosis. In our article, we will introduce you to the classification, which is based on organs and systems affected by the Koch's bacillus.

Pulmonary tuberculosis - the infectious process develops directly in the human lungs. This form is the most common in modern society, since pathogens are easily transmitted to healthy people by airborne droplets. Note also that with the flow of blood and lymph, the rods can penetrate into other organs and systems.

Intestinal tuberculosis - characterized by disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The walls of the intestines and mesentery are most susceptible to infection. The pathogen enters the body with contaminated food, for example, with frequent consumption of dairy products. The signs of intestinal tuberculosis are similar to the symptoms of many other pathologies, which negatively affects the timely establishment of the correct diagnosis and the time to start treatment.

Bone and joint tuberculosis is a fairly common form of infection that affects the vertebrae and tubular bones of the legs and thighs. As a rule, when making a diagnosis of bone tuberculosis, treatment involves an integrated approach and a thorough examination of other organs. This is due to the fact that this form is usually a consequence of the spread of the infectious process from other parts of the body, for example, from the lungs.

Tuberculosis of the genitourinary system - the destructive effect of Koch's sticks is experienced by the bladder, ureters and kidneys. In the absence of adequate treatment, the organs are deformed, which leads to numerous complications, difficulties with urine excretion and other serious pathologies.

In addition to the above organs and systems, the tubercle bacillus can affect the prostate gland, testicles, fallopian tubes, meninges, nerves and skin. Also note that all forms of tuberculosis are very dangerous, so if you suspect an infection, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination of the body.

Tuberculosis - symptoms and clinical picture of the disease

Since the most common form of infection today is pulmonary tuberculosis (diagnosed in 60-70% of cases), we will consider in detail the symptoms of tuberculosis of this particular type, especially since they are characteristic of other types of the disease. So, patients have the following signs of tuberculosis:

  • a sharp decrease in body weight, blanching of the skin, a significant change in appearance;
  • weakness, excessive fatigue, decreased performance;
  • dry cough, which is especially bad at night and in the morning. As tuberculosis progresses, the cough becomes moist and is accompanied by sputum discharge;
  • increased body temperature - usually the temperature does not rise to critical levels and stops at 37.5-38 degrees. Note that when diagnosed with tuberculosis, symptoms are severe in the evening or at night. This feature allows them to be separated from the signs of other respiratory diseases, which are not accompanied by temperature jumps and are usually characterized by higher values of this indicator.
  • hemoptysis is one of the main symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis. In most cases, hemoptysis follows immediately after a coughing fit. A little blood is released, but the process itself is very dangerous, since it can at any time lead to the development of pulmonary hemorrhage and subsequent death.

Lesions of other organs are accompanied by signs that at first glance are indistinguishable from the symptoms of other common ailments, therefore, it is meaningless to consider them within the framework of this article. Let's just say that if there is any suspicion of tuberculosis, treatment should begin as soon as possible. Its success depends on a timely diagnosis, and this is the best argument in favor of seeing a doctor on time in case of discomfort and pain.

Tuberculosis in children

In childhood, tuberculosis develops somewhat differently than in adults. This is due to the underdeveloped immune system of the child. Tuberculosis progresses much faster and leads to the most dire consequences. At risk are children who are poorly nourished, often overworked, live in unsanitary conditions and suffer from a lack of vitamins. Parents should pay special attention to fatigue, decreased attention, fever, loss of appetite and weight loss.

Tuberculosis treatment

Tablets for the treatment of tuberculosis
Tablets for the treatment of tuberculosis

If tuberculosis was detected in the early stages, it is almost always treatable. The course of therapy should be continuous, and during it several anti-tuberculosis drugs are used simultaneously. The patient takes 4-5 medicines daily for at least 6 months. Due to this approach, it is possible to achieve the most effective results, because different active components have different effects on the Koch's bacillus, which allows you to destroy an extremely tenacious pathogen. The drugs of choice for tuberculosis are streptomycin, pyrazinamide, rimfapicin, isoniazid, ethambutol, and others.

In the treatment of tuberculosis, in addition to specific drugs, patients are also prescribed general strengthening procedures - breathing exercises, immunotherapy, physiotherapy. When diagnosed with tuberculosis, treatment should be carried out only with the participation of an experienced specialist, since improper actions can lead to a rapid progression of the disease and irreparable consequences.

Prevention of tuberculosis

Prevention of tuberculosis involves both the use of social factors and the implementation of specific work. The social component of effective tuberculosis prevention includes:

  • improving the quality of life of the population;
  • prevention of occupational lung diseases;
  • improving the ecological situation in large cities;
  • rejection of fast food and the transition to proper nutritious nutrition;
  • fight against drug addiction, alcoholism and smoking;
  • expansion of the network of health resort institutions.

Specific prevention of tuberculosis is based on vaccination of the population and regular fluorographic examinations. The latter make it possible to detect pulmonary tuberculosis in time and begin treatment in the early stages, which reduces the likelihood of death. More frequent examinations are used in relation to persons in constant contact with sick people.

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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
