3 Main Ways SibXP Polyprenols Protect Us From Infection

3 Main Ways SibXP Polyprenols Protect Us From Infection
3 Main Ways SibXP Polyprenols Protect Us From Infection

3 main ways SibXP polyprenols protect us from infection

The content of the article:

  1. How do professional doctors treat infectious diseases today?
  2. How can SibXP polyprenols help here?
  3. Are such products produced in our country?

Immunity is our natural defense against a wide variety of infectious pathologies. She is able to successfully cope with both viral and bacterial or fungal infections. But the efficiency of its work can vary over a very wide range. This means that in a weakened state, the immune system simply will not have time to respond to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms quickly and strongly enough. SibXP Plant Polyprenol Complex is a completely natural remedy for stimulating immune activity. We will tell you about the specific mechanisms of its work and how it improves our protection against infections in this article.

SibXP - a complex that stimulates the activity of the immune system
SibXP - a complex that stimulates the activity of the immune system

How do professional doctors treat infectious diseases today?

First of all, you need, of course, to remember about this class of drugs as antibiotics. But for all their effectiveness, two significant drawbacks should be noted:

  1. Antibiotics work only on bacteria. But against viruses and many fungi, they are generally ineffective.
  2. And even when treating bacterial infections, certain problems arise. First of all, it is the ability of bacteria to mutate, acquiring resistance to certain drugs. This is the reason that, for example, classical penicillin is practically not used in medicine - almost all microorganisms already know how to successfully resist it. Therefore, we now have to create more and more antibiotics, which microorganisms are not yet able to resist. And they, in turn, develop more and more new methods of protection.

Infectious diseases caused by viruses are even more difficult to fight. There are very few specific drugs capable of destroying the very cause of the disease - viral particles - in the arsenal of modern doctors. In fact, to date, only a few drugs have been shown to be effective against:

  • herpes virus;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • some retroviruses (primarily against the virus that causes AIDS);
  • hepatitis B and C viruses.

Some drugs are now being developed, some are being tested, but so far no breakthroughs are expected. Of course, vaccinations protect us from some severe viral pathologies (measles, rubella, mumps, etc.). But, alas, today we do not have vaccines for all infectious diseases. We can all see a striking example of this right now - the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic and the acute respiratory disease it causes (COVID-19). There is no specific cure for this pathogen yet and is not expected, and hundreds of laboratories around the world are developing a vaccine in a fire-fighting manner. But even with such a strain of scientific and research opportunities, it will be possible, according to the most optimistic estimates, to start massively vaccinating the Earth's population against coronavirus in about a year. In the meantime, doctors can only alleviate the condition of severe patients, hoping that the immune system of a particular patient will have time to suppress this infection before tissue damage becomes incompatible with life.

How can SibXP polyprenols help here?

The logic of their use is simple and indisputable: if the patient's recovery directly depends on the activity of his immunity, then let's maximize it! And the SibXP complex copes with this task perfectly, which is confirmed by numerous studies of domestic and foreign scientists.

How do SibXP polyprenols enhance immunity?
How do SibXP polyprenols enhance immunity?

The ability of polyprenols to improve the immune status and accelerate the immune response is based on three types of effects at once:

1. Accelerated formation of antibodies.

Without exception, all immunoglobulins are the same notorious antibodies that our immunity produces in response to an infection, including a viral one - these are glycoproteins. Glycoproteins are complex molecules made up of proteins and carbohydrates bound together. In order for such a molecule to form in our body, a substrate is needed, which is another class of substances - dolichols. And it is into these very dolichols, necessary for the synthesis of any antibodies, that polyprenols are converted, getting into our liver. That is, taking the SibXP complex provides our body with a biochemical "raw material base" in order to build its own defense against infection.

SibXP Complex Accelerates Antibody Formation
SibXP Complex Accelerates Antibody Formation

2. Enhanced action of interferons.

Antibodies are specific protection. That is, a unique type of antibodies is produced for a specific type of infectious agent (a specific virus or bacterium). And he is only able to fight this particular infection. However, our body also has nonspecific defenses. One of its most important links is a class of substances called interferons. And, firstly, they also belong to glycoproteins, which means that a substrate is also needed for their synthesis, and polyprenols provide it. And secondly, studies have shown that taking the SibXP complex stimulates the reproduction in the thymus gland, bone marrow, spleen and lymph nodes of the very cells that produce interferons.

SibXP complex enhances the effect of interferons
SibXP complex enhances the effect of interferons

3. Activation of the cellular link of immunity.

Antibodies and interferons are molecules - this is the so-called humoral link of the immune defense. But our natural barriers to infection are not limited to molecular support. The second largest component of the immune system is the cellular link. That is, full-fledged cells that are able to move through our body and, in the process, find and destroy agents alien to it. Including a wide variety of viruses and bacteria. These cells include macrophages, killer T cells and many others. SibXP polyprenols have shown in experiments their ability to enhance the activity of such cells, forcing them to more intensively seek out and destroy infectious particles.

It should also be specially noted that all these immunostimulating properties of polyprenols were studied mainly on the example of influenza and other acute respiratory diseases. And given that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus also primarily affects the lungs, the use of SibXP in the prevention of this disease may be especially promising. On the other hand, the big advantage is that all three ways SibXP polyprenols help us fight infections are universal. Their effectiveness does not directly depend on which virus or bacteria you want to protect yourself from. They will be equally successful in increasing the speed and severity of the immune response in any case. Therefore, given that there are practically no contraindications for taking the SibXP complex,it will become an excellent prophylactic agent for the whole family for every day.

SibXP complex activates the cellular link of immunity
SibXP complex activates the cellular link of immunity

Are such products produced in our country?

Yes, they do. For example, VILAVI INT LTD is engaged in the production of healthy food based on polyprenol compounds of plant origin. The method for manufacturing the SibXP complex, which includes polyprenols from CGNC coniferous paste and fir cell sap, is a unique development of VILAVI specialists. In 2019, this invention even received a patent of the state register of inventions of the Russian Federation.

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