7 main causes of hearing loss
Partial, especially complete, hearing loss significantly reduces the quality of life. Communication difficulties lead to loneliness and isolation. A person who is hard of hearing, has difficulties with social and professional realization, often has problems in personal relationships.
Today we will discuss the main causes of hearing loss.

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Age changes
With age, some structures of the hearing aid undergo degenerative changes. People who have crossed the 60-year-old milestone partially lose their hearing acuity, and in the age group over 70, the majority of them already experience hearing problems. At the same time, older people retain the perception of low sounds, but it is difficult for them to distinguish high tones.
Sulfur plugs
In the ear canals sometimes accumulations of earwax (the so-called sulfur plugs) form, which impair the perception of sounds. To remove them yourself, just inject a few drops of hydrogen peroxide solution into each ear. If the cork does not dissolve, you should consult an otolaryngologist. In no case should you try to destroy the plugs with various objects (even with such popular cotton swabs): this can injure the eardrum and aggravate hearing problems.
Infectious diseases
Hearing loss can occur as a complication after an infectious disease. Meningitis, measles and mumps are especially dangerous in this sense. Rheumatoid arthritis often leads to a partial deterioration in the ability to perceive sounds. The process of proliferation of adenoids also affects hearing acuity: in the most severe cases, they increase to such an extent that they completely block the Eustachian tubes. In addition to hearing loss, the situation is fraught with a high risk of infection of the auditory canals and nasal cavities.
Inflammatory processes in the ear
Hearing impairment is often caused by inflammation of the internal ear cavities (otitis media). Violations made in the course of treatment, in particular, too early termination of treatment, usually lead to negative consequences. To avoid this kind of trouble, you must follow the doctor's instructions exactly. With adequate complex treatment of otitis media, hearing is restored in full.

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The majority of traumatic brain injuries lead to hearing loss. In this case, both the hearing aid itself and the areas of the brain responsible for sound perception can be affected.
The risk group for hearing loss includes people who are forced to work in production, where the noise level seriously exceeds the permissible standards, as well as those who like listening to music for many hours (especially through headphones). For these people, the likelihood of gradually becoming deaf increases significantly.
The consequences of taking medication
Sometimes temporary hearing loss occurs while taking medication. Some antibiotics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have a negative effect on hearing.
Congenital pathology
A newborn is likely to be born with a hearing impairment if his mother drank alcohol during pregnancy or was infected with chlamydia, syphilis or HIV. In addition, there is a genetic (hereditary) hearing loss.
To preserve hearing, you should, if possible, avoid exposure to factors that increase the risk of hearing loss, and if signs of hearing loss appear, immediately consult an otolaryngologist.
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Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".
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