Instructions for use:
- 1. Release form and composition
- 2. Indications for use
- 3. Method of application and dosage
- 4. Special instructions
- 5. Analogs
- 6. Terms and conditions of storage

Azopiram-Kit is a set of reagents for detecting hidden traces of blood on medical instruments prepared for sterilization.
Release form and composition
Reagent Azopiram-Kit contains:
- amidopyrine solution in isopropyl alcohol, stabilizer - 90 ml;
- aniline hydrochloric acid solution in isopropyl alcohol, stabilizer - 10 ml.
Additional reagent: 3% hydrogen peroxide (not included in the delivery set) - 100 ml.
Indications for use
The kit is used to control the thoroughness of the pre-sterilization cleaning of all medical instruments that come into contact with the wound surface, come into contact with blood or injectable preparations (for example, a set of operating instruments).
Azopiram-Kit is used on medical devices to detect traces:
- blood;
- rust;
- washing powder with bleaches;
- acids;
- oxidants (in particular, chromium mixture, bleach, chloramine, etc.);
- peroxidases of plant origin.
The check is carried out at disinfection and sanitary-epidemiological stations, as well as in all medical and preventive institutions.
Method of administration and dosage
To prepare the working composition, it is required to transfer aniline hydrochloric acid (10 ml) into a bottle with a solution of amidopyrine (90 ml) and mix thoroughly. Immediately before the pre-sterilization test, the solution should be brought to a volume of 200 ml by adding 100 ml of 3% (pharmacy) hydrogen peroxide. The resulting mixture must be thoroughly mixed until completely dissolved and used within 2 hours.
Before starting work, a suitability test should be carried out, for which 2-3 drops of the working solution are applied to the blood stain. If a violet color appears within 1 minute, the reagent is considered suitable for use. If staining does not occur or it appears 1 minute after the test, the result is not taken into account, such a solution cannot be used.. Control of the cleaning of medical instruments before sterilization using Azopiram-Complect is carried out in medical institutions at least once a week … The control process is organized and carried out by the head nurse of the department. Once a quarter, control is carried out by sanitary-epidemic stations.
The working solution (reagents of the Azopiram-Complect kit and 3% hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 1: 1) is applied to the medical instruments and products under study - wiped with a swab or applied directly to the instrument using a pipette. To check syringes (reusable), 3-4 drops of working solution are poured into them and the plunger is pushed several times to moisten the entire inner surface of the instrument. To assess the quality of cleaning of catheters and other hollow products, a solution is injected into them using a syringe or pipette. The solution is left for 1 minute, after which it is poured onto a gauze napkin. The amount of reagent required to test a product directly depends on its size.
With one set of Azopiram-Komplekt, you can carry out about 2000 sets of reactions, based on the consumption of a working solution of 2 drops per 1 test.
special instructions
Moderate yellowing of the kit reagents (without precipitation) does not in any way reduce its quality.
When checking medical instruments, they should be at room temperature. Hot products should not be tested, and the solution should not be used near heating devices.
The working solution (reagents of the Azopiram-Kit + 3% hydrogen peroxide kit) should not be kept in bright light and can only be used for 2 hours.
The drug is able to retain its properties after freezing and subsequent thawing.
Azopiram-St, Azopiram-SK, Azopiram-Komplekt, Azopiram-D, Azopiram-S, Azopiram-MiniMed, Azopiram-D.
Terms and conditions of storage
Store in its original packaging at a temperature of 18-25 ° C, in a dark place out of the reach of children.
Shelf life is 2 years.
The shelf life of the prepared solution in a tightly closed dark bottle at 4 ° C is 2 months. In the dark, at room temperature, the shelf life of the finished solution is no more than 1 month.
Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!