Pros And Features Of The Action Of Dietary Supplements Fitomax

Pros And Features Of The Action Of Dietary Supplements Fitomax
Pros And Features Of The Action Of Dietary Supplements Fitomax

Pros and features of the action of dietary supplements Fitomax

Everyone wants to maintain their health for many years, to protect themselves from various diseases and ailments. It is absolutely possible to do this: you need to lead a correct lifestyle, eat wisely, play sports or other physical activity and regularly visit doctors for preventive examinations. In addition, Fitomax dietary supplements are useful helpers in the fight against various ailments - biologically active additives that must be taken with food. They make it possible to effectively prevent possible diseases of the body, as well as successfully fight against existing pathologies.

Supplements Fitomax - useful helpers in the fight against various ailments
Supplements Fitomax - useful helpers in the fight against various ailments

Today experts distinguish nutraceuticals, parapharmaceuticals and probiotics. These dietary supplements perform somewhat different functions from each other: the former make it possible to make the diet more complete and correct, the latter support the normal functioning of various human organs and systems, and the third purposefully affect the intestines, enriching its microflora. It is worth noting that today supplements are available in a wide variety of forms: tablets, capsules, syrups, balms, oils, gels, and so on. More details about each type will be discussed in this article.

The main forms of dietary supplements Phytomax

BAA Astrum Mono-S - a source of selenium
BAA Astrum Mono-S - a source of selenium

It's worth starting with the pills and capsules familiar to everyone. They have long gained popularity due to their efficiency and ease of use. They do not need to be diluted, mixed, and so on, just drink with water. As a rule, they are not associated with meals, so you can use them at any time convenient for you. Such dietary supplements usually have a rich composition (vitamins of groups B, C and E, minerals), have a complex effect on the body. They can be used for chronic fatigue syndrome, allergies, reduced immunity, frequent colds and viral diseases, and so on. The dietary supplement "Astrum Mono-S", which is the source of the most important trace element selenium, has proven itself well, as well as the composition "Astrum Tocopherol Complex", which contains the amount of vitamin E necessary for the human body.

BAA Calcemid - a source of calcium
BAA Calcemid - a source of calcium

Children's dietary supplements Fitomax in the form of tablets and capsules are aimed at increasing immunity, relieving physical and psycho-emotional stress, increasing the concentration of attention of babies. Today, food contains much fewer useful micronutrients than it used to be, so babies are often deficient in them. That is why it is worth including in the child's diet such dietary supplements as, for example, "Calcemid", which helps to replenish the calcium deficiency, which is necessary for the normal development of the baby's skeleton.

There are also highly specialized formulations: for example, capsules containing boron uterus, milk thistle and red root are able to fight almost the entire spectrum of gynecological diseases. An example of such a composition is the drug "Fitol No. 1".

BAA Cardiplus - syrup that regulates the activity of the cardiovascular system
BAA Cardiplus - syrup that regulates the activity of the cardiovascular system

The next type of dietary supplements Phytomax is represented by syrups. They are usually taken in courses (duration is about one month), 2-4 times a year. The advantage of syrups is their pleasant taste (sugar is added to almost everything), as well as quick and easy assimilation by the body of all useful components contained in it. The most popular are syrups that regulate the activity of the cardiovascular system, as well as those that have a positive effect on the state of the musculoskeletal system. If we talk about the first, then among them today the most popular is "Cardiplus", containing chokeberry, rose hips, motherwort, ginkgo bilboa, hawthorn and other medicinal herbs. He successfully fights against diseases such as arrhythmia, athero- and cardiosclerosis, hypertension, varicose veins, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma,and also with disorders of the brain and spinal cord. In addition, it helps to eliminate chronic fatigue, improves performance and immunity. Help in the fight against diseases of the musculoskeletal system is able to syrup "Chondrofit", which is recommended for use in osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, gout, intervertebral hernias and so on.

Dietary supplement Desyatisil Altai - an effective broad-spectrum balm
Dietary supplement Desyatisil Altai - an effective broad-spectrum balm

Dietary supplements in the form of balms have gained popularity due to the complex effect they have on the body. So, they allow you to strengthen joints, bones, teeth, nails, hair, cardiovascular system, avoid vision problems, improve well-being, and restore the psycho-emotional background. Interestingly, some balms can be applied both internally (with a course of 4 to 6 weeks, several times a year) and topically (for example, rubbing them into areas of the skin where there are allergies, burns, and so on). An extremely effective dietary supplement is "Desyatisil Altai", which contains honey, mummy, walnut oil, succinic acid, badger fat, propolis and other unique components. It can be used by people suffering from low hemoglobin, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus, chronic respiratory diseases,musculoskeletal system. There are also highly specialized balms, for example, "Yasnooko", which is aimed at the prevention and treatment of various ophthalmic diseases.

Another type of dietary supplement is oils. Popular is, for example, the composition "Zhivitsa Active No. 1", the main components of which are propolis, cedar and sea buckthorn oils. It is necessary to take bioactive supplements by mouth, the duration of the course is from one to two months. The composition helps to fight colds and viral diseases, pressure surges, skin diseases, burns. It should be noted that dietary supplements made in the form of oils must be stored away from sunlight and protected from high temperatures.

Gels that are used externally are no less popular. Among them it is worth highlighting the "Toad Stone", which includes:

  • troxerutin (increases venous tone, capillary permeability);
  • horse chestnut extract (reduces inflammation and swelling);
  • butcher's broom (effective in the fight against varicose veins).

Creams with a similar composition have the same effect.

Today dietary supplements are also available in the form of drops. Especially worth noting are the products for the eyes and ears that relieve inflammation, restore the functions of systems (Okapin, Lorodex, and so on). Also popular among consumers are ear phyto-suppositories that help reduce headaches, relieve inflammation, normalize sleep and emotional state.

Fitosbor Phytol No. 7 - dietary supplement that helps with problems with the gastrointestinal tract
Fitosbor Phytol No. 7 - dietary supplement that helps with problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Do not forget about herbal collections. So, in case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it will be useful to use the dietary supplement "Fitosbor Fitol No. 7" Gastrointestinal ". It contains a huge amount of extracts of medicinal plants and mushrooms, namely:

  • chaga;
  • chamomile;
  • flax seeds;
  • burdock root;
  • motherwort;
  • oregano;
  • echinacea;
  • St. John's wort;
  • milk thistle and so on.

The properties of these medicinal plants and mushrooms make it possible to effectively fight chronic and acute gastritis, duodenitis, colitis and enterocolitis. Such dietary supplements are produced in the form of briquettes, which must be taken in the morning and in the evening (pour hot water, let it brew for about 5 minutes) for one month.

Thus, today you can buy dietary supplements in the form of release that is most convenient and familiar to you, or try something new. One of the largest assortments of dietary supplements is possessed by Fitomax. The site contains a very large number of additives, and you can always consult the method of application by calling the hotline. You can find real responses about Fitomax in the "Health Bulletin" newspaper.

It is also worth noting that it is quite possible to combine their various types, for example, to take both oil and drops that help restore or maintain good vision: you just need to strictly follow the instructions given by the manufacturer. It is also necessary to say that, contrary to the widespread misconception, dietary supplements are not drugs, so they can be used without fear (they are unable to harm the body, overdose, addiction formation are impossible, allergic reactions are extremely rare). On the contrary, they have an active effect on cells, thereby stimulating their accelerated regeneration, which entails getting rid of various ailments. An important plus is the complete naturalness of the compositions of various dietary supplements, the absence of chemically synthesized substances,which can have a negative effect on the human body. It is worth clarifying that they can be taken not only in the presence of any diseases, but also in order to prevent, strengthen the body.

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