Alekol: instructions for use and reviews
- 1. Release form and composition
- 2. Pharmacological properties
- 3. Indications for use
- 4. Contraindications
- 5. Method of application and dosage
- 6. Side effects
- 7. Overdose
- 8. Special instructions
- 9. Application during pregnancy and lactation
- 10. Drug interactions
- 11. Analogs
- 12. Terms and conditions of storage
- 13. Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
- 14. Reviews
- 15. Price in pharmacies
Latin name: Alekol
Active ingredient: succinic acid (Succinic acid)
Producer: LLC MNPK "Biotics" (Russia)
Description and photo update: 28.11.2018
Prices in pharmacies: from 260 rubles.

Alekol is a biologically active food additive (BAA), a source of succinic acid, used to reduce the toxic effect of alcohol and reduce the severity of the hangover syndrome.
Release form and composition
Supplements are produced in the form of a powder (1.5 g each in a stick, 10 sticks in a cardboard box and instructions for using Alekol).
1 stick contains:
- active substance: succinic acid - 0.2 g;
- additional components: acidity regulators (citric acid monohydrate and sodium bicarbonate), filler (crystallized dextrose), sweetener (sucralose).
The content of succinic acid in 2 sticks (maximum daily dose) is 0.4 g, which is 200% of the adequate level of daily intake for adults and does not exceed the upper permissible limit.
Energy and nutritional value (in 1.5 g - 1 stick): fats - 0 g, proteins - 0 g, carbohydrates - 0.8 g; energy value - 4.1 kcal / 17.2 kJ.
Pharmacological properties
The Alekol dietary supplement contains succinic and citric acids - biologically active substances that accelerate the metabolism of alcohol, reduce its negative effect on the body and reduce the severity of the hangover syndrome. These components of the preparation are natural metabolites that are normally contained in living cells and practically have no side effects.
When alcoholic beverages are consumed, the ethanol contained in them is dehydrated with the participation of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase into acetaldehyde, and then into the almost harmless acetic acid. However, with too much alcohol intake, the enzymes do not cope with their task and the body accumulates acetaldehyde, an extremely toxic product of ethanol metabolism. In this case, the course of redox processes in the cell is also disrupted, including significantly slowing down cellular respiration.
Succinic acid belongs to natural metabolites formed during the interconversion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It takes part in metabolism, including in the Krebs cycle, which is the main pathway for the catabolism of many substances and the production of energy in the body. In the case of an increase in the load caused by a significant intake of alcohol, the maintenance of the work of systems and organs occurs mainly due to the oxidation of succinic acid. The implementation of this reaction leads to the depletion of the natural reserves of this active substance, which entails a lack of energy, the appearance of malaise and a feeling of fatigue.
The succinic acid contained in Alekol (200 mg in 1 stick) corresponds to the recommended daily dose and provides replenishment with intensive consumption against the background of alcohol intake, and also activates metabolic processes. Succinic acid accelerates the elimination of under-oxidized ethanol breakdown products from the body, and also helps to improve the respiratory function of cells, preventing their death from hypoxia.
According to the research results presented in a number of scientific publications, succinic acid most effectively demonstrates its beneficial properties when combined with citric acid, which is also found in living cells. Citric acid takes part in energy production, and is of great importance for the course of a set of biochemical reactions of tissue respiration of many organisms. In addition, this substance can act as an additional stimulator of the endogenous synthesis of succinic acid, since it is its distant precursor.
The quantitative composition of Alekol is specially selected in such a way as to most expediently realize the beneficial properties of its ingredients.
Indications for use
BAA Alekol is recommended for use as a food bioactive additive, a source of succinic acid, which helps to accelerate the metabolism of alcohol, reduce its toxic effect and reduce the severity of the hangover syndrome.
- During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- hypersensitivity to any component in Alekol.
In the presence of increased acidity of gastric juice, it is recommended to use the drug with caution.
Alekol, instructions for use: method and dosage
Alecol is taken orally, preferably at the same time as food. The product is used as needed (while drinking or before drinking).
Adults are recommended to dissolve the powder contained in 1 Stick, 100 ml (1 / 2 cups) of water and then once drink.
The maximum daily dose of Alekol is 2 sticks.
Side effects
Data not specified.
Data not specified.
special instructions
The product does not contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs).
Since Alekol is not a drug, it is required to consult a specialist before taking it.
Application during pregnancy and lactation
During pregnancy and during breastfeeding, the use of the product is contraindicated.
Drug interactions
Data not specified.
Alekol's analogs are Medichronal, Alkodez IC, Alko-Sorb, AntiPokhmelin, Alka-Seltzer, Alco Off, Alka-Prim, Piel-Alko, Korrda-K, Glutargin Alkoklin, etc.
Terms and conditions of storage
Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C, out of reach of children.
Shelf life is 2 years.
Terms of dispensing from pharmacies
Available without a prescription.
Reviews about Alekol
There are few reviews about Alekol, since dietary supplements have recently appeared on the pharmaceutical market. Almost all users respond positively to the drug, noting its effectiveness in the fight against hangover. By binding the products of alcohol metabolism and accelerating their excretion, the drug helps to eliminate hangover symptoms.
When used while drinking or before drinking, the supplement helps to avoid the appearance of hangover symptoms the next day or significantly reduces the severity of these adverse reactions.
There were no complaints about the occurrence of side effects.
Price for Alekol in pharmacies
The price for Alekol can be 270–320 rubles per pack containing 10 sticks of 1.5 g each.
Alekol: prices in online pharmacies
Drug name Price Pharmacy |
Alekol powder for oral administration 1.5 g 10 pcs. 260 RUB Buy |
Alekol powder stick 1.5g 10 pcs (bad) 268 r Buy |

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author
Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".
Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!