Low blood pressure medications: low pressure tablets and herbal remedies
The content of the article:
List of pills for low blood pressure
- Citramon
- Mezaton
- Guthron
- Caffeine
- Ephedrine
- Herbal remedies under reduced pressure
- Why is hypotension dangerous?
- Causes and signs of hypotension
- Video
Low blood pressure pills should be used strictly according to the doctor's prescription and under his supervision, since all of them, without exception, have side effects. In many cases, hypotension can be corrected by non-drug means - adequate rest, normalization of nutrition and drinking regime, increased physical activity.

Hypotension pills should not be taken without a doctor's prescription.
List of pills for low blood pressure
Drugs that increase blood pressure can be divided into synthetic (have a quick effect) and herbal (slower, but at the same time have a strengthening effect).
The most popular drugs of the first group, i.e. synthetic ones, are described below.
Citramon is a cheap remedy for hypotension, which is in any home medicine cabinet. The preparation contains caffeine, paracetamol and aspirin, the first and provides a hypertensive effect. Caffeine acts on the vasomotor center in the medulla oblongata, while the vascular tone increases markedly. However, Citramon cannot be used often because of the content of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in it, which, with prolonged use, adversely affect the gastric mucosa and the blood coagulation system. Side effects from the anti-inflammatory components of Citramon can override its positive effects when used as a remedy for hypotension.

Citramon increases blood pressure due to the caffeine it contains
Mezaton belongs to the group of alpha-adrenergic agonists, one of the most effective remedies for hypotension. The drug is prescribed for shock and collaptoid conditions, but it is also effective for low blood pressure caused by other reasons. It is the best remedy to combat acute or chronic vascular insufficiency. The mechanism of action is as follows: Mezaton affects alpha1-adrenergic receptors located in the walls of blood vessels. If the vascular tone is reduced, then adrenergic activation leads to a narrowing of the lumen, an increase in tone and, as a consequence, the restoration of normal blood pressure. The drug is prohibited for use by pregnant women, children, breastfeeding women. Reception of any adrenergic agonists is possible only under strict indications.
Gutron contains the active ingredient midodrin, which is also an alpha adrenergic agent. The mechanism of action is similar to Mesaton. The drug increases peripheral vascular resistance, restores normal vascular tone, and has a vasoconstrictor effect. Taking one dose of Gutron in one hour increases blood pressure by 15-30 mm Hg. Art. At the same time, the agent does not affect the strength and frequency of heart contractions, as well as the state of the bronchi, in contrast to Mezaton, which is capable of acting on beta-adrenergic receptors, causing tachycardia.

The drug Gutron contains the active ingredient midodrin, an alpha-adrenergic agonist
Caffeine-sodium benzoate is a synthetic caffeine that comes in both tablets and ampoules. This drug belongs to the group of stimulants of the vasomotor (vasomotor) center, otherwise called analeptics. Acts on the central nervous system as a whole, activating it, especially affects the medulla oblongata. Its stimulation leads to a noticeable increase in the tone of the smooth muscle membrane of the vessels, allowing an increase in pressure. With an overdose of caffeine, tachycardia, arrhythmia and tremor of the extremities appear.
Ephedrine hydrochloride simultaneously activates alpha and beta adrenergic receptors, therefore it acts in two directions - it increases the tone of peripheral vessels and stimulates the heart. This increases both the upper, systolic and lower, diastolic pressure. An integrated approach provides the drug with high efficiency.

Ephedrine increases vascular tone and stimulates the heart
Herbal remedies under reduced pressure
What natural remedies can help restore normal blood pressure levels? These substances are called adaptogens, and in addition to increasing the tone, they also strengthen the immune system, activate the nervous system and have a positive effect on the body's resistance.
Adaptogens are safer than synthetic drugs and can be taken at home, but also require adherence to dosage and use as indicated. When used correctly, they are highly effective with practically no side effects.

Adaptogens, which include Eleutherococcus, not only tone up, but also strengthen the body's defenses
Here are the names of the most popular ones:
- Ginseng tincture and liquid extract - enhances excitation processes in the cortex and subcortical centers of the brain, has an adaptogenic, tonic, hypertensive effect. It accelerates metabolism, has a positive effect on reflexogenic zones, enhancing vascular tone and strength of heart contractions. It is important to use the agent in moderate doses, since when the individual limit is exceeded, the activating effect is replaced by the opposite - there is a general inhibition of nervous processes.
- Rhodiola rosea extract and tincture - has a pronounced tonic and hypertensive effect. It is used in the treatment of patients with chronic lowering of blood pressure, vegetative-vascular disorders. Rhodiola preparations can cause irritability and insomnia, so they should be used in the morning. The mechanism of action is central, that is, they cause excitation of the central nervous system (CNS).
- Eleutherococcus extract and tincture is one of the most powerful adaptogens. It causes a pronounced activation of nervous processes, an increase in the excitability of the central nervous system, activation of the respiratory and vasomotor centers, has a hypertensive effect. It should be taken with caution in patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system and if they are suspected.
- Tincture or extract of Schisandra chinensis is an effective natural remedy for raising blood pressure, which, in addition, has a mild analgesic effect.
- Pantokrin - extracted from the antlers (antlers) of a sika deer, this drug tones, activates the nervous system and smooth muscle elements of blood vessels, helps with chronic fatigue. Due to its chemical composition, it normalizes metabolic processes in the body, enhances immunity. The effect of increasing blood pressure is strong enough, so an overdose can translate hypotension into hypertension, which is fraught with unwanted complications.
Before adjusting the blood pressure level with any drugs, you should consult with your doctor about possible allergic reactions to the components of any drug and the appropriateness of its use. The pressure should be controlled when using any drugs that affect it.
Why is hypotension dangerous?
Low blood pressure is much less common than high blood pressure and is treated as a less dangerous condition. If hypertension, once having arisen, usually lasts for years, then hypotension is short-lived. However, hypotension reduces the quality of life, and if the pressure drop is significant or lasts a long time, it can harm the body and result in a series of dangerous consequences. This is because low blood pressure means, first of all, insufficient blood circulation in the body, vascular insufficiency. Often, the heart cannot compensate for a sharp violation of the vascular tone, and a person with low blood pressure (blood pressure) collapses, which is accompanied by loss of consciousness and insufficient nutrition of key organs - the brain, heart, liver, kidneys and lungs. In this case, you cannot do without medical assistance,need to take medicines for low blood pressure.

Hypotension causes weakness, drowsiness, nausea
Causes and signs of hypotension
There is accidental (associated with a certain situation) and persistent pathological hypotension. The first does not have an organic substrate, is a compensatory reaction of the body and occurs in healthy people. Factors of its occurrence include: high emotional stress, hard physical work, burn injury, a decrease in circulating blood volume (BCC) due to insufficient fluid intake or its loss - in hot conditions, after bleeding, insufficient nutrition (adherence to a low-calorie diet). If this form of hypotension occurs, first of all, a decrease in the effect of the harmful factor is required - rehydration of the body, rest, normalization of nutrition, etc.
Persistent hypotension develops due to overwork, deterioration of the vascular wall or a violation of its regulation by the nervous system. Blood pressure often drops in pregnant women. The fact is that the high content of estrogen in the blood of female sex hormones helps to reduce blood pressure. This is a normal condition, and the pressure returns to normal with the onset of menopause. But if the vascular tone falls beyond measure, then the condition can become pathological due to impaired blood circulation in the brain with subsequent loss of consciousness. In this case, you cannot do without taking pills for low blood pressure.
The main symptoms of hypotension are drowsiness, dizziness, tinnitus, fainting, muscle weakness, increased heart rate, feeling short of breath, and nausea. Objectively, hypotension can be called a condition in which the pressure is below 100 to 60 mm Hg. Art., while it is necessary to make an amendment for the individual value of the patient's blood pressure. Pressure 90 to 50 mm Hg. Art. and below indicates the approach of collapse.
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Nikita Gaidukov About the author
Education: 4th year student of the Faculty of Medicine No. 1, specializing in General Medicine, Vinnitsa National Medical University. N. I. Pirogov.
Work experience: Nurse of the cardiology department of the Tyachiv Regional Hospital No. 1, geneticist / molecular biologist in the Polymerase Chain Reaction Laboratory at VNMU named after N. I. Pirogov.
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