Is it possible to cure a sore throat in a child without antibiotics: treatment of viral and fungal sore throat
The content of the article:
- Acute tonsillitis symptoms
Treatment of angina without antibiotics in adults and children
- Topical preparations
- Rinses
- Compresses
- How to treat fungal sore throat
- When an antibiotic is needed
- Video
Treatment of angina without antibiotics - is it possible, and in what cases? This question is asked by both adults and parents who have identified symptoms of the disease in the baby. The answer depends on what exactly caused the development of inflammation.

Only an otolaryngologist can diagnose and determine the appropriateness of taking antibiotics
Angina (acute tonsillitis) is an infectious disease that can be transmitted by contact or airborne droplets. The most common cause of the development of the disease is viruses, bacteria or fungi. The infection enters the mucous membrane, takes root and provokes inflammation of the tonsils of the pharyngeal ring.
It is possible to cure angina in an adult and a child without antibiotics if viruses or fungi have led to the development of the disease. Antibacterial drugs for these forms of pathology will not only not help, but will also cause a worsening of the condition. For example, with herpes sore throat, the causative agent of which is the Coxsackie virus, the body must cope on its own.

The causative agent of herpetic sore throat is the Coxsackie virus
But with purulent sore throat caused by a bacterial infection, the use of antibiotics is necessary. The well-known pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky believes that the body can also cope with this form of tonsillitis on its own, but the risk of complications increases. Very often, the rejection of antibiotics becomes the cause of myocarditis, pyelonephritis or rheumatism.
Acute tonsillitis symptoms
With angina, inflammation of the tonsils of the pharyngeal ring occurs. At the initial stage of the disease, a sore throat appears, which quickly intensifies and can be given to the ears. The disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and a general deterioration in well-being.
With catarrhal angina, isolated redness of the tonsils is revealed in the absence of purulent plaque. With a favorable course, the disease disappears within 3-5 days. If treatment is not started on time, the disease turns into a lacunar or follicular form, when antibiotics are already required.
In this case, a white-yellow bloom appears in the area of the lacunae. Purulent plugs form on the surface of the tonsils. The body temperature rises to 39-40 ° C, and the sore throat becomes very severe. Regional lymph nodes also become inflamed.
With herpes sore throat, the causative agent of which is enterovirus, bubbles appear on the mucous membrane of the tonsils, resembling herpes. With this form of the disease, there are two peaks of temperature rise - on the first and third day.

Herpetic sore throat is characterized by the appearance of bubbles resembling herpes
If a fungus from the genus Candida acts as a provocateur of sore throat, then a white curdled plaque appears on the mucous membrane of the mouth and tonsils. The tissues underneath are covered with ulcers and erosions.
Treatment of angina without antibiotics in adults and children
It is necessary to start therapy when the first signs of the disease are detected. When treating angina without antibiotics in a child or adult, a comfortable environment should be provided.

In the patient's room, it is necessary to maintain the optimal temperature and humidity.
In the room where the patient is, the air should be cool and sufficiently humid. This is especially true during the heating season, when the apartment is dry and hot. In this case, the mucous membrane dries up and swells, and the patient's condition worsens, so the room must be regularly ventilated and wet cleaned there.
Bed rest is required. This will not only enable the body to cope with the disease, but also prevent further spread of the infection, since pathogens are secreted along with coughing, sneezing or talking.
Drinking regime is no less important. In order to quickly cope with intoxication, you need to consume at least two liters of liquid. It can be not only water, but also tea with lemon, rosehip broth, compote or fruit drink. You need to drink in small sips every 10-15 minutes. In order not to irritate the inflamed mucous membrane, drinks should be warm. In this case, you must avoid drinking coffee, alcohol, natural sour juice.
In order to strengthen the immune system and quickly cope with the disease, it is necessary to eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals. You need to eat in small portions up to 5 times a day. In order not to irritate the mucous membrane of the inflamed oral mucosa, soups, liquid cereals or mashed potatoes are recommended. Food should not be hot or too cold. Do not eat spicy, salty or sour foods.
Topical preparations
In order to arrest the further development of the disease, with the appearance of discomfort in the throat and difficulty swallowing, antiseptic lozenges or tablets are shown: Strepsils, Septolet, Faringosept. When absorbed, they help to eliminate inflammation, help fight sore throat, soften the mucous membrane and accelerate the regeneration process.

Lozenges are used to relieve sore throat.
Also, the treatment of angina without antibiotics can be started with the use of aerosols with an antiseptic effect (Ingalipt, Chlorophyllipt, Orasept, Miramistin). Such drugs are used 2-4 times a day. They can be used in combination with candies.
To relieve a sore throat in an acute inflammatory process and, if necessary, lower body temperature, Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Paracetamol, Panadol, Nimesulide, Nimesil, Nimid are used.
Treatment for a sore throat without antibiotics usually includes gargling. This procedure allows you to cleanse tissue from purulent plaque, reduce inflammation, moisturize the mucous membrane and accelerate its regeneration.

Herbal infusions can be used for gargling.
To rinse the throat, both medications and folk remedies are used. There are many such recipes:
- recipe number 1: one of the most famous and effective remedies is Furacilin solution. For its preparation, one tablet of the drug is dissolved in 100 ml of boiling water. After the solution has cooled down a little, they rinse the throat for 3-5 minutes. 3-4 procedures are performed per day. Treatment continues until the symptoms of the disease disappear. Such a remedy fights against the causative agents of tonsillitis. According to patient reviews, if you start gargling with Furacilin at an early stage of the disease, then tonsillitis is treated very quickly;
- recipe number 2: Miramistin solution has an effect on bacteria, fungi and viruses that cause tonsillitis. Rinsing should be started at the first sign of the disease. Apply the product 3 times a day. If it is necessary to cure a sore throat in a child, the drug is diluted with water;
- recipe number 3: to clear the throat of purulent plaque, use a solution of hydrogen peroxide (one tablespoon of the product in a glass of warm water). The throat is rinsed 3 times a day. Since hydrogen peroxide does not stop the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microbes, after such a rinse it is necessary to use antiseptic preparations;
- recipe number 4: infusions of medicinal plants are suitable for frequent rinsing, they have an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerate the healing process. To prepare the product, you can use calendula or chamomile flowers, eucalyptus or sage leaves, oak bark, Elecasol collection. A pinch of dry raw materials is poured with boiling water, covered with a lid and allowed to cool. The warm infusion is filtered and used for rinsing. The procedure can be repeated every two hours. Such a remedy is used after rinsing with Miramistin in order to wash off the drug. It can also be alternated with other rinses.
An alcohol compress helps to improve blood circulation in the affected area. It is applied to the throat area at night. Treatment can only be carried out if the patient's body temperature is normal. With inflamed lymph nodes, a compress with Dimexidum is applied to them (1 part solution to 4 parts water).

Before using compresses, you need to consult a doctor
But many doctors believe that compresses should not be used for angina, as this can increase the symptoms of the disease. Therefore, before applying this method of therapy, it is recommended to consult a specialist.
How to treat fungal sore throat
Treatment of angina without antibiotics can be carried out if the causative agents of the disease are fungi. The fungus from the genus Candida is insensitive to such drugs, and in some cases it is actively developing against the background of their intake.
If the patient has symptoms of fungal sore throat, then he is prescribed antifungal agents (Fluconazole, Difluzol, Diflucan, Nystatin, Itracon, Itraconazole). The choice of drug, duration and treatment regimen depend on the severity of the disease. In some cases, a single dose of Fluconazole is sufficient for the disease to recede.

With fungal sore throat, soda solution is effective for gargling.
For topical application with fungal sore throat are used:
- soda solution. For its preparation, one teaspoon of baking soda is dissolved in a glass of warm water. With this tool, plaque is washed off or used to gargle;
- talker with Nystatin. In order to prepare the mixture, 1 tablet of Nystatin 250,000 is dissolved in 1 ml of vitamin B 12 (the tablet must first be crushed into powder). Lubricate the surface of the mucous membrane 3-4 times a day.
When an antibiotic is needed
You should not do without antibiotics in the following cases:
- high body temperature lasts more than 3 days;
- the surface of the tonsils is covered with a purulent bloom;
- the patient's well-being worsens despite treatment;
- the disease is accompanied by the appearance of additional symptoms, indicating the development of complications (pain in the back, problems with urination, pain in the ear, nasal congestion).
In most cases, antibiotics are not recommended early in the disease. But only an otolaryngologist can correctly diagnose and determine the appropriateness of using certain drugs.
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Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author
Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".
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