Treatment Of Sinusitis Without Antibiotics At Home In Adults And Children

Treatment Of Sinusitis Without Antibiotics At Home In Adults And Children
Treatment Of Sinusitis Without Antibiotics At Home In Adults And Children

Treatment of sinusitis without antibiotics at home: effective methods

The content of the article:

  1. When can you do without antibiotics?
  2. Sinusitis treatment

    1. Rinsing the nose
    2. Drops
    3. Folk remedies
    4. Cyclamen-based remedies
    5. Antihistamines
  3. When to use antibiotics
  4. Reviews
  5. Video

The maxillary sinuses are paired paranasal sinuses that occupy almost the entire space of the maxillary bone. They are connected to the nasal cavity by narrow passages. If, for some reason, the outflow of the contents from these sinuses is disturbed or an infection enters them, an inflammatory process occurs - sinusitis.

With sinusitis of allergic etiology, treatment is carried out without the use of antibiotics
With sinusitis of allergic etiology, treatment is carried out without the use of antibiotics

With sinusitis of allergic etiology, treatment is carried out without the use of antibiotics

Pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi), an allergic reaction, overgrowth of adenoids or injuries that result in deformation of the nasal septum can lead to the appearance of the disease.

The following symptoms may indicate the development of sinusitis:

  • nasal congestion, swelling of its mucous membrane;
  • mucous or purulent nasal discharge;
  • pain in the area of the affected maxillary sinus;
  • headache that worsens in the evening or when bending forward;
  • dark circles and puffiness under the eyes;
  • increased body temperature;
  • weakness, feeling unwell, apathy.

Usually, sinusitis is treated with antibiotics, since most often it is pathogenic bacteria that are the cause of the inflammatory process. However, sometimes the disease can be cured without resorting to drugs in this group.

When can you do without antibiotics?

It is possible to cure sinusitis without antibiotics if the disease has a chronic course, while its symptoms are not pronounced.

One of the reasons for the development of allergic sinusitis is pollen from different plants
One of the reasons for the development of allergic sinusitis is pollen from different plants

One of the reasons for the development of allergic sinusitis is pollen from different plants.

Also, antibiotic therapy can be dispensed with in case of allergic etiology of the disease. The standard mechanism of an allergic reaction is the overproduction of E antibodies in response to allergens. Immunoglobulins act as a trigger that provokes the production of histamine and other mediators of inflammation in the surrounding tissues. As a result, there are classic signs of allergies - lacrimation, nasal congestion, hives, sneezing.

With allergic rhinitis, an inflammatory process develops in the nasal mucosa. In this case, sinusitis is a secondary pathology that arose against the background of allergies of various etiologies - household, pollen, food, medicinal, fungal, etc.

Also, antibiotics are not prescribed in the event that viruses or fungi have led to the appearance of sinusitis. They are insensitive to the action of antibacterial drugs. In this case, the use of folk remedies is possible.

Sinusitis treatment

The main goal of sinusitis treatment is to reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa and improve the outflow of contents from the maxillary sinuses. As a result, the inflammatory process decreases and painful sensations disappear. How to cure sinusitis without antibiotics in an adult?

Rinsing the nose

In order to clear the maxillary sinuses from mucus, washings are used. The procedure can be carried out both in a physiotherapy room and at home.


In order to rinse the nose at home, use ready-made salt solutions Aqua Maris, Humer, Aqualor, isotonic sodium chloride (saline). You can also make your own saline solution. To do this, dissolve 0.5-1 teaspoon of table or sea salt in 200 ml of warm boiled water. Stir the product thoroughly and strain after dissolving the crystals.

Dolphin is often used to rinse the nose
Dolphin is often used to rinse the nose

Dolphin is often used to rinse the nose.

Dolphin is considered one of the most effective means for rinsing the nose. It has an antiseptic effect and also has the following properties:

  • activates the production of mucus;
  • normalizes the function of the ciliated epithelium;
  • increases local immunity;
  • helps to restore the nasal mucosa.

The medicine is available in the form of an antiseptic solution (in bags) complete with a dispensing bottle. Before use, the product is diluted in warm water and placed in a bottle, which is closed with a dispensing cap. A single dose must be divided into two nostrils.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to clean the nasal passages. For this, a mucus suction bulb (aspirator) can be used.


In most cases, therapy of both acute and chronic forms of sinusitis is not complete without the use of vasoconstrictor drugs. They help reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and restore nasal breathing. The most commonly used drugs are based on oxymetazoline (Nazivin, Afrin, Knoxprey, Nazol) and xylometazoline (Galazolin, Snoop, Xymelin, Otrivin, Tizin).

Therapy for sinusitis includes the use of vasoconstrictor drops based on oxymetazoline and xylometazoline
Therapy for sinusitis includes the use of vasoconstrictor drops based on oxymetazoline and xylometazoline

Therapy for sinusitis includes the use of vasoconstrictor drops based on oxymetazoline and xylometazoline

Nasal drops are used 2–3 times a day for 5–7 days. It is not recommended to use such drugs for longer, as this can be addictive and aggravate the swelling.

Folk remedies

In the treatment of sinusitis, traditional medicine is widely used. To treat the disease, special ointments are used that can be easily prepared at home. There are several of the most effective remedies for sinusitis:

  1. Laundry soap, onion juice, honey and aloe juice. All components are mixed in the same amount (laundry soap is pre-crushed on a fine grater). The mixture is placed in a water bath and stirred until smooth. Then it is applied to a cotton swab, which is placed in the nostril. In this case, you need to sit, leaning forward a little. Within 5-10 minutes, the contents of the maxillary sinuses will begin to come out.
  2. Alcohol, honey, vegetable oil and laundry soap. All ingredients are mixed in the same amount, after which the agent is heated in a water bath until the components are dissolved. After cooling, the ointment is applied to a cotton swab and placed in turn in the nasal passages for about 15 minutes. During this time, the contents of the sinuses are liquefied and removed. The procedure is carried out once a day for three days.
  3. Onions, honey and aloe juice. A medium-sized onion is baked in the oven until tender. Then it is crushed into gruel, mixed with honey and aloe juice. The method of application is the same as for the previous products.
At home, oven baked onions are used to treat sinusitis
At home, oven baked onions are used to treat sinusitis

At home, oven baked onions are used to treat sinusitis.

In order to quickly clear the contents of the sinuses, use Vishnevsky ointment. It is applied to a gauze turunda, which is placed in the nostril from the affected side. The procedure should be performed while sitting. After 5-10 minutes, the contents of the sinuses will become liquid and begin to leak out. Such a remedy is used once a day for three days.

Treatment of sinusitis without antibiotics is possible with horse chestnut. The fruit must be soaked in salted water for a day. Then it is necessary to cut a cone out of it, fix it on a hairpin and insert it into the nostril for 10-15 minutes. During this period, the contents of the sinuses will be emptied.

Cyclamen-based remedies

Cyclamen-based remedies are often used to treat sinusitis. The root of this plant contains saponins. These are surfactants that draw fluid from the body. Once in the nasal cavity, they actively irritate the nerve endings, stimulating the production of mucus. As a result, the maxillary sinuses are cleared, the inflammatory process decreases, and the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Cyclamen-based products are widely used in both traditional and folk medicine
Cyclamen-based products are widely used in both traditional and folk medicine

Cyclamen-based products are widely used in both traditional and folk medicine.

The most effective cyclamen-based medicines can be purchased at the pharmacy or prepared yourself:

  • drops: the cyclamen root is crushed with a grater and then squeezed out. It is diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio and placed in the refrigerator. For the treatment of sinusitis, 2 drops of juice drip into each nostril once a day. Duration of use - one week;
  • ointment: the juice of aloe, onion and Vishnevsky's ointment are mixed with cyclamen juice. The finished product is applied to a cotton swab and placed in the nostrils for 15 minutes. The procedure is carried out once a day before going to bed;
  • infusion: 1 g of cyclamen root is poured with one glass of boiling water and insisted for an hour. Then the agent is filtered and 2 drops are dripped into each nostril once a day.

Ready-made cyclamen-based products such as Sinuforte or Sinus-Lift can be purchased at the pharmacy. Apply them according to the instructions. The average duration of a treatment course is 7 days.


In the event that the cause of the development of sinusitis is an allergy, the timely use of antihistamines can eliminate edema, stop inflammation and clear the maxillary sinuses from the contents.

For the treatment of the disease, antiallergic drugs of the I, II or III generation are used. The simplest remedies include Diazolin, Suprastin or Diphenhydramine. They help to improve the condition, reduce allergy symptoms. These drugs effectively relieve itching, but they must be taken at least three times a day. They also have a side effect such as drowsiness.

More often, antihistamines based on loratadine, desloratadine or cetirizine are used in the treatment of sinusitis developing on the background of allergies. They are used once a day in the evening. These drugs have a minimum of side effects, they help to quickly get rid of edema and restore nasal breathing.

When to use antibiotics

In some cases, treating sinusitis without antibiotics is an unnecessary risk. This applies mainly to the bacterial form of the disease, the causative agents of which are streptococci, staphylococci, Haemophilus influenzae, etc.

If the condition worsens, you should consult a doctor for the appointment of adequate therapy
If the condition worsens, you should consult a doctor for the appointment of adequate therapy

If the condition worsens, you should consult a doctor for the appointment of adequate therapy.

Indications for antibiotic therapy:

  • the presence of obvious signs of a bacterial infection, including purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor from the nose, accompanied by an increase in body temperature to febrile numbers (above 38 ° C);
  • the lack of improvement in the condition for several days of treatment or its deterioration;
  • condition after the puncture (in order to prevent the development of complications).


According to patients, the treatment of sinusitis without antibiotics is quite possible in the chronic course of the disease in the absence of vivid manifestations. Drops, rinses, and folk remedies help relieve symptoms and help speed up recovery.

In the acute form of the disease, refusal of antibiotic therapy often leads to the development of complications and the transition of sinusitis to a chronic form.

Is it possible to cure sinusitis without antibiotics at home? Treatment of the disease requires a qualified approach. You should not independently change the appointment of an otolaryngologist and refuse to take prescribed antibacterial drugs. It is impossible to treat the disease in children and pregnant women at home without consulting a doctor, as this can lead to the development of serious complications.


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Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

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