Facial Gymnastics Facelift

Facial Gymnastics Facelift
Facial Gymnastics Facelift

Facial gymnastics facelift

Facelift - face gymnastics
Facelift - face gymnastics

With age, the skin on a person's face becomes drier and thinner, the contours change, muscle tone decreases, and wrinkles appear. Over time, the skin of the neck and cheeks sags, the problem of a double chin appears.

Facelift is a set of unique facial exercises that help maintain the tone of the facial muscles and preserve youth. The technique was developed in the sixties of the last century.

The complex of facelift exercises is aimed at maintaining an attractive face. It enhances blood microcirculation and strengthens muscles. Natural lifting helps to restore the correct contour and get rid of unwanted wrinkles.

Facelift exercises

There are many different facelift techniques. Some techniques are isometric, that is, power. Such facelift exercises are recommended for men and women over 30 years old, they are aimed at eliminating the already existing signs of aging. Young people prefer to do more gentle exercise for prevention.

Facelift exercises give immediate results after just a few sessions. The effect of gymnastics is sometimes not inferior to surgical methods.

The visible positive results of facial gymnastics according to the facelift system will be noticeable after two or three sessions. To achieve the maximum effect, you should take a five-day course, which is performed with a break of two days. Exercise should be done for 2-3 months. Then, to maintain the result, repeat facial gymnastics once a week.

Depending on the chosen facelift technique, the type of correction may be different, but most often the exercise systems are aimed at the following result:

  • Prevention and elimination of wrinkles;
  • Removal of puffiness under the eyes;
  • Lip contouring;
  • Formation of the correct face shape and color improvement.

Facelifting gymnastics can be performed at home. When doing the exercises, one should adhere to the basic rules of hygiene, perform movements smoothly, without excessive zeal.

You should start facelift gymnastics with a little warm-up. For this, the skin of the face is gently stroked along the massage lines. You should not use excessive force to stretch or press on the skin. The warm-up ends by massaging the auricles. Exposure to the ear tones the body in general and the skin of the face in particular.

Gymnastics facelift Galina Dubinina

Galina Dubinina is a famous Russian fitness trainer, over the past few years she has paid special attention to facelift gymnastics. Dubinina's technique is based on the exercises of Carroll Madgio, Reinhold Benz, Grieg Childers and facial yoga.

Gymnastics facelift by Galina Dubinina includes the following exercises:

  • Several complex exercises for the face and neck;
  • Acupressure;
  • Charging for eyes and eyelids;
  • Exercise complexes for different ages;
  • Breathing exercises.

Exercising your face will make your skin smoother and more toned. Galina Dubinina's facelift complex should be performed daily for several weeks. Gymnastics for the face helps to get rid of wrinkles without the use of expensive procedures or cosmetics.

The technique provides for the following facelift complex to eliminate defects in certain areas:

  • A forehead massage will help get rid of expression and age wrinkles. To influence the frontal lobe, stroking movements must be performed. Muscles should be trained to eliminate deep horizontal wrinkles. Place your palm on your forehead and raise your forehead as if in surprise. At the same time, the palm should prevent the lifting of the skin;
  • To improve vision and relax the muscles of the eyes and eyelids, place your finger on the edge of your nose and focus on it. After that, look at a distant object, it is best to stand in front of the window and look at the horizon. Facelift recommends techniques for eliminating crow's feet. With your thumbs and forefingers, gently stretch the outer corners of your eyes and alternately blink your left and right eyes;
  • To make the face shape more attractive and the cheekbones more expressive, fix the index finger in the center of the upper lip and try to smile. It is important that the finger does not budge. After repeating this exercise several times, clamp your upper lip between your teeth and try to smile about ten more times;
  • To improve the contour of the lips, press your fingers in the corners of the mouth and try to push the upper and lower lip alternately. In this case, it is very important not to pull your lips with your fingers, but just hold it lightly;
  • Neck muscle development exercises can eliminate the problem of a double chin. Lift your head up and try to reach the tip of your nose with your tongue.

All exercises from the facelift of Galina Dubinina should be performed 15-20 times. If charging is difficult, do not overexert yourself and do it through force. You can perform exercises aimed at specific areas of the face, and not the whole complex. After five days of exercise, it is worth giving the muscles a rest for 1-2 days.

Facelift reviews

Facelift - reviews and recommendations
Facelift - reviews and recommendations

There are as many opinions about facelift as there are methods and exercise complexes themselves. Most of the reviews about facelift are extremely positive. Women who have been giving gymnastics at least 5-10 minutes a day for several years confirm the usefulness and effectiveness of charging for the skin of the face.

There are no contraindications or strict restrictions in facelift. There are only a few caveats in existing programs that call for a sense of proportion and caution. You should not try to correct existing deficiencies in a few sessions, only regular facelift exercises will lead to success. Accuracy and rationality in performing the exercises will give the desired result.

Facelift is an affordable and easy way to maintain natural beauty and youth. Systematic and conscientious exercise of facial muscles will help get rid of the first signs of aging and keep the skin in good shape.

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