Why hair falls out

A person normally drops about a hundred hairs daily. Above normal hair loss signals an abnormality in the body. If the number of lost hair per day is much more than the norm, then it is worth thinking about why hair falls out and how to deal with this problem. To do this, you should contact a specialist, because hair loss can result in complete loss of hair and total baldness (alopecia). Only a specialized specialist can determine exactly why the hair on the head falls out.
Why do women lose hair?
Hair on the head can fall out for internal and external reasons. Most often, hair falls out due to weak immunity, various viral diseases, poor blood circulation in the scalp, and also due to an improper diet. As a result of ill-conceived and not coordinated with a specialist diets, a woman's body does not receive a sufficient amount of nutrients and hair follicles die off prematurely. Hair roots suffer from a lack of vitamins B6, B5, PP and C, as well as minerals (iron, zinc, calcium and magnesium). Excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, and also some medication courses adversely affect the condition of the hair.
The most common reason why scalp hair falls out is various stressful situations. Hair can fall out due to a sharp weight loss, the effect of general anesthesia during various surgical operations.
An important reason why women's hair falls out is climatic influences. Walking bareheaded in cold weather can lead to hair loss.
Hair loss can be the result of post-abortion hormonal imbalances, menopause, pregnancy and postpartum, and long-term and regular use of birth control pills.
In a woman's body, both female and male sex hormones are present. Male hormones can act on hair follicles and disrupt hair nutrition. For a number of reasons, in some women, the amount of male sex hormones (androgens) increases, leading to male pattern baldness (alopecia).
When figuring out the reasons why hair falls out, do not forget about the heredity factor, the environmental factor. With hereditary hair loss, irreversible atrophy of the hair follicles occurs. With hereditary baldness, hair can be preserved only through the regular use of hormonal drugs or hair transplant.

Why does hair fall out after childbirth?
Many women are interested in the answer to the question of why hair falls out after childbirth. Hair after childbirth begins to fall out in almost every woman. Sometimes this process is very active, and sometimes more slowly. The fact is that after childbirth, the amount of estrogen in the blood decreases sharply and hair begins to fall out due to the weakening of the stimulating effect of hormones on hair growth. After childbirth, the number of hair loss increases to 500-700, but at the same time, hair falls out that should have fallen out during pregnancy. Since this is a physiological process, you should not be afraid of hair loss after childbirth. Another reason why women lose their hair after childbirth can be frequent stressful situations. With regular stress, hair will fall out more and longer.
If a woman gets enough sleep, experiences little and eats right, then the hair falls out much less within a month after giving birth. If hair continues to fall out five to six months after childbirth, then you should immediately look for the reason why the hair falls out.
What to do with hair loss?
In case of severe hair loss, before finding out the true reason why hair falls out on the head, it is necessary to adhere to a few simple rules. It is recommended to comb your hair that is slightly damp or dry, as hair is especially fragile and weak after a shower. Only good quality combs should be used for combing. You cannot use an iron or curling iron, and it is also advisable not to braid braids or use elastic bands and hairpins. Particularly careful selection of shampoo and conditioner balm is necessary. Hair care products should contain silicone and biotin, as these components have a protective effect.
A head massage helps well against hair loss. After the first massage sessions, it will seem that the hair is falling out even more. But during the massage, mostly old hairs fall out. After the massage, the hair will grow faster, which will speed up the process of restoring the previous hair density.
Until you find out the reason why your hair is falling out, in case of severe hair loss, you can use a decoction of medicinal herbs as a mask or conditioner balm. Usually chamomile, nettle, burdock or henna are used.
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