Swelling of the fingers: causes, treatment
The content of the article:
- Why do fingers swell
- Diagnostics
- Treatment
- Folk remedies
- Video
The causes of swelling of the fingers in most cases are serious. The appearance of swelling of the hands should be considered as a symptom indicating any disease of the joints or internal organs (heart, kidneys, liver). This phenomenon cannot be ignored.

Fingers can swell due to fatigue and overexertion, but it can also be associated with a serious pathology of internal organs
Why do fingers swell
If swelling of the hands is extremely rare and is associated with significant consumption of liquids, salty foods or alcoholic beverages the day before, then there is no cause for concern. It usually goes away on its own within a few hours. In all other cases, this process indicates the presence of various pathological processes in the human body.
The most likely causes of finger swelling are:
- OPG-gestosis (late toxicosis of pregnancy). The development is based on spasm of blood vessels of the microvasculature and kidneys. This leads to fluid retention in the intercellular space. Often, one of the first signs of OPG-preeclampsia is a symptom of a tight ring - a ring that was previously worn loosely on the finger suddenly becomes difficult to remove or put on.
- Traumatic injuries. Any injury to the hands leads to damage to the blood vessels, which is accompanied by the formation of hematomas and swelling of soft tissues.
- Allergic reactions to household chemicals. With allergies, an antigen-antibody reaction occurs. As a result, the membranes of basophils and mast cells are damaged and a number of biologically active substances, called allergy mediators, are released into the intercellular space. This increases the permeability of the capillary walls and the sweating of the plasma, which leads to the appearance of edema.
- Infection. The problem of edema can also be caused by a violation of the integrity of the skin of the hands. Through them, the infection penetrates and the inflammatory process begins. In addition to edema, its symptoms can be pain and redness of the skin in the damaged area, an increase in body temperature.
- Disorders of venous and lymphatic outflow from the upper extremities. The problem of impaired blood outflow may be associated with deep vein thrombophlebitis, impaired tone of the lymphatic vessels. Usually, the fingers on the right or left hand are swollen, and not on both at the same time.
- Diseases of the thyroid gland. With insufficient supply of thyroid hormones to the organs and tissues, metabolic processes are disturbed, which causes the appearance of edema.
- Chronic renal and heart failure. Diseases of the kidneys and heart impair the elimination of excess fluid from the body, and it begins to accumulate in soft tissues.
Often, swelling of the hands is a consequence of overwork of the muscles and the articular-ligamentous apparatus associated with prolonged performance of heavy physical or specific work of the same type.
If your fingers are swollen, you need to see a doctor and undergo a medical examination. In most cases, such swelling is only a local manifestation of any malfunction in the well-coordinated work of the body. When it occurs for the first time, you should consult a therapist. The doctor will conduct an examination, clarify the features of the severity of the symptoms, and then give directions for laboratory and instrumental studies:
- general analysis of blood and urine;
- urine analysis according to Nechiporenko and / or Zimnitsky;
- determination of hormonal status;
- X-ray of the upper limbs and cervicothoracic spine;
- blood chemistry;
- coagulogram;
- Doppler ultrasonography of the vessels of the upper extremities;
- Ultrasound of the kidneys;
- ECG, Echo-KG.
A thorough analysis of the existing symptoms also helps to identify the cause of the underlying pathology:
The reason for the swelling of the hands | Features of clinical manifestations |
OPG-gestosis | It develops in the second half of pregnancy. Edema is usually associated with an increase in blood pressure and protein in the urine (proteinuria). |
Traumatic injury | A history of mechanical injury. In addition to swelling, patients complain of pain, impaired motor function. |
Allergy | Symptoms arise immediately after contact with an allergen, which can be soap, washing powder, shampoo or shower gel, etc. The edema is combined with the appearance of itching of the skin and rash. |
Chronic heart or kidney failure | The anamnesis contains indications of long-term diseases of the kidneys, heart |
Treatment is carried out by a doctor. The choice of a therapy regimen depends on the underlying disease. With hypothyroidism, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed with thyroid hormones. If the patient suffers from manifestations of heart or renal failure, he is shown the appointment of diuretics. In case of injuries, immobilization of the limb is indicated.

One of the signs of swollen fingers is a symptom of a ring, when the usual jewelry ceases to be easy to put on or take off
Folk remedies
In cases where swelling of the fingers does not appear in connection with serious diseases, but is a consequence of muscle fatigue or allergies, folk remedies may be quite effective:
- Watermelon, cucumbers, viburnum. These foods have a pronounced diuretic effect. In addition, thanks to the vitamins and microelements they contain, the condition of the vascular walls improves.
- Baths with sea salt. Dissolve a tablespoon of sea salt in a liter of warm water. Put your hands in it and hold it for 15-20 minutes. After the end of the procedure, wipe your hands dry and lubricate them well with any nourishing cream.
- Baths with decoctions of medicinal plants. For their preparation, you can use chamomile, sage, plantain, oak bark. Pour a tablespoon of plant materials with a liter of cold water and bring to a boil. Insist for 15-20 minutes. Strain and cool to a comfortable temperature. The duration of the bath is 20 minutes. To enhance the healing effect, you can add a few small pebbles to the water and touch them with your fingers. With allergic edema, it is best to do baths with oak bark, as they not only quickly relieve puffiness, but also eliminate itching.
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Elena Minkina Doctor anesthesiologist-resuscitator About the author
Education: graduated from the Tashkent State Medical Institute, specializing in general medicine in 1991. Repeatedly passed refresher courses.
Work experience: anesthesiologist-resuscitator of the city maternity complex, resuscitator of the hemodialysis department.
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