Vision Restoration Methods

Vision Restoration Methods
Vision Restoration Methods

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Vision restoration methods

Vision restoration methods
Vision restoration methods

There are many methods of vision restoration, which are very different from each other. All of them can be divided into main groups:

  • Surgical;
  • Orthopedic;
  • Exercises for training the oculomotor muscles.

Each of these methods has adherents and opponents. For example, proponents of exercise-assisted vision restoration strongly oppose the use of orthopedic devices such as glasses and contact lenses. Representatives of official medicine, on the contrary, are full of skepticism about lovers of informal methods, and argue that this way it is impossible to restore vision, but only a short-term improvement can be achieved. True, they are opposed by those at least hundreds of people who nevertheless did it. Perhaps, the surgical method of restoring vision causes the least complaints, since from the moment laser technology was used for this, everything began to happen quickly, painlessly and safely. But laser vision correction also has its drawbacks, one of which is the rather high cost.

The most common method of restoring vision is by wearing glasses and lenses. It is more correct to call this method a vision correction, since the ability to see clearly and clearly returns only for a while while the assistive devices are worn, but the eye's own capabilities are not restored. The safety of this method directly depends on the quality of the glasses and lenses. Correctly selected, they will not harm the eyes, but there is one "but" - since they do not eliminate the problem, it will gradually increase. With well-fitted lenses and glasses, this will be a slow process, with poorly fitted glasses, it will be rapid.

The fundamental difference between the method of restoring vision with the help of exercises is that it restores the abilities lost by the eye as a result of pathological processes, the main of which is overwork. Exercise helps to eliminate stress, normalize eye nutrition, get rid of drying out of the cornea and other problems. It is on the complexes of exercises for the eyes that the methods of restoring vision of Norbekov, Bates, Zhdanov and other author's methods are based. Officials of ophthalmology claim that only minor visual impairments can be corrected this way, but the reviews of those who have practiced and are practicing these practices suggest that even serious disorders can be restored in this way. The main condition for the effectiveness of this method is regularity. A set of eye exercises and related recommendations must be performed daily, or even several times a day, only then will there be a result. Otherwise, laser vision correction should be preferred as it is more effective.

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