Aesthetic dental restoration

Currently, aesthetic dental restoration is an indispensable attribute of high-quality dental care. Now, using the means of modern dentistry, it is no longer enough to simply cure a tooth, you need to make sure that the tooth regains its natural shape and color, and if the natural shape and color are far from perfect, then give the tooth a reference look. It should be said right away that the standard is strictly individual, and must correspond to many factors that combine into one - compliance with a given type of face and teeth. After all, you must admit that if, for example, all human teeth are small, and their natural color has a shade of ivory, then a large tooth that casts blue will look wild in such a dentition, even if it is at least three times exemplary.
So, aesthetic dental restoration aims to restore not only the function of the teeth, but also the beauty of the smile. To do this, dentists have various possibilities: filling with modern composite materials that maximally reproduce the color and structure of living teeth, or high-quality prosthetics taking into account the aesthetic component. Ideally, after the aesthetic restoration of the teeth, there should be no sign of the dentist's involvement in creating a dazzling smile that should nevertheless be flawless. By the way, the days when it was considered fashionable to flash a gold tooth in conversation are long gone. Modern aesthetics assumes the most natural appearance of the teeth.
Particular attention in the aesthetic restoration of teeth is given to the front and other teeth that are part of the so-called smile line. These are the four front incisors, and a few more teeth - which ones are determined individually. You can go to the mirror and, smiling with your widest smile, define these teeth yourself: they will be all those that become visible. But here you need to take into account one nuance. Try to laugh out loud and heartily. It is unlikely that you will be able to examine your teeth, but after observing someone who laughs, you will see that in this case they are practically visible, including the wisdom teeth. So if you are a cheerful and funny person, the aesthetic restoration of the smile line will not be enough for you; in order to achieve the best cosmetic effect, this should be done for all teeth.
It should be noted that aesthetic dental restoration differs from conventional treatment, treatment is only the first stage. Therefore, only experienced specialists should be entrusted with its implementation. In this case, you will be insured against failed experiments and costly interventions, which will have to be redone after a very short time.
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