Useful properties of chamomile

Modest little white flowers with a yellow center - this is the pharmacy chamomile. But they are modest only in appearance, in fact, this flower can replace half of the pharmacy. It is only important not to be confused, since not all small chamomile is exactly a pharmacy chamomile. The desired one has a highly branched bush, thin leaves, similar to dill leaves, and the bottom of the basket is convex and hollow inside. The smell of pharmacy chamomile is probably familiar to everyone from childhood, and therefore it is another distinguishing feature - in other types of small chamomile, the smell is rather unpleasant.
The essential oils contained in this plant largely determine the beneficial properties of chamomile. The essential oil of this flower contains a type of azulene - chamazulene, which has an anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory effect, and also produces a bacteriostatic effect - it stops the growth of bacteria. Organic acids, flavonoids, phytosterols, apiin, vitamins, tannic acids, mucous substances, salicylic acid - this is an incomplete list of those substances that give chamomile properties truly unique.
Pharmacy chamomile is used both for external and internal use. Its anti-inflammatory effect is so pronounced that chamomile poultices and baths are recommended as an antiseptic for any superficial diseases - from acne to long-term non-healing purulent wounds. Gargling with chamomile decoction is very effective for angina, it is characteristic that the gargle does not have a nasty taste, and therefore is suitable even for small children. In case the child swallows a small part of the liquid, nothing bad will happen - an important point.
The properties of chamomile make it possible to use it as a mild, but quite effective medicine, and as a delicious herbal tea. In this capacity, by the way, it is very popular in European countries, where in order to drink a cup of fragrant chamomile tea with a pleasant taste, no reason is expected in the form of a disease. But with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, drinking chamomile tea is more necessary than desirable. In this case, all the beneficial properties of chamomile provide a complex beneficial effect on the inflamed mucous membrane, reducing inflammation, relieving spasm and at the same time having a carminative effect.

The antispasmodic property of chamomile allows it to be used as an anesthetic for headaches of spastic origin, as well as for painful menstruation. A contraindication is individual intolerance, in all other cases, chamomile is so safe that it is produced as a tea for infants, who are also recommended to add chamomile infusion to bathing water in order to prevent and treat diaper dermatitis.
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