The Effect Of Coffee On The Human Body

The Effect Of Coffee On The Human Body
The Effect Of Coffee On The Human Body

The effect of coffee on the human body

The effect of coffee on the human body
The effect of coffee on the human body

For some reason, it is generally accepted that the effect of coffee on the body is more harmful than beneficial. Disputes between coffee lovers and coffee lovers have been going on for more than one hundred years, and even the famous historical experiment failed to put an end to this dispute. Its essence is that in the 18th century, one curious Swedish king softened the conditions of life imprisonment for two twin brothers, instead sentencing one to the end of his life to drink only tea, the other - coffee. The brothers were monitored by doctors, observing daily changes in their health. The story developed unexpectedly - first, the doctors died. Then the king never satisfied his curiosity. The first of the brothers, at the age of 83, was the one who drank tea. Of the whole company, the one who drank coffee daily was the last to die.

We can safely say that if a person adheres to a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition, the effect of coffee on his body will in no way be unfavorable, rather the opposite. But we must also admit the fact that if a person's lifestyle is far from correct, then the abuse of coffee can become the last straw that will break the back of a camel.

We appreciate coffee for its unique aroma and taste, as well as for the fact that it contains caffeine, a substance that constricts blood vessels and stimulates the nervous system. This raises blood pressure and increases activity - which is why coffee has a stimulating effect.

Another factor in the influence of coffee on the nervous system gives it the ability to improve mood. It is the ability of caffeine to release dopamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of pleasure. That is why a cup of coffee is perceived by us as a delicacy, although much here depends on the quality and on the method of coffee preparation.

Since caffeine contributes to vasoconstriction, coffee has a diuretic effect. This effect of coffee can be beneficial or unfavorable, depending on the characteristics of the body and its state at the moment. Under normal, neutral conditions, this is considered not a very useful property of coffee, since dehydration is harmful to the body. Therefore, in the East, where several cups of coffee a day is a tradition, a glass of water is always served with it - to compensate for its loss. This healthy custom practically negates all the harm from coffee - for a healthy person.

The effect of coffee on the human body
The effect of coffee on the human body

Coffee has a not too beneficial effect on people with diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys, since in this case the vasoconstrictor effect is undesirable. Especially it is worth being careful of those who suffer from urolithiasis. And of course, coffee does not need to be overused, as, indeed, any other product. Abuse of coffee leads to the development of caffeine dependence, which is always negative.

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