Development of speech in play
Speech is a fundamental skill for a child's development. Communication with adults and children socializes the child, gives him maximum information about the world around him. Speech is considered the most important condition for logical thinking, intellectual and emotional formation of a personality. The development of speech through play can be called the most effective. Helping a child overcome difficulties in the formation of speech, reduce defects in sound pronunciation, and increase vocabulary is quite possible through exciting games. Children are always happy to be involved in the game process - learning in this case occurs without much effort on the part of the child. The development of speech in play activities can begin in the first months of a baby's life.
Games for the development of speech breathing

If the baby does not speak very well, then first of all you should pay attention to games for the development of speech breathing. Correct breathing allows you to speak clearly, calmly, without fuss. Adequate sound reproduction is also impossible without normal breathing. Games for the development of correct speech breathing will appeal to most children. For example, the game "Soap Bubble" is suitable for a small team of 5-6 people. One child blows soap bubbles, the rest blow on them, driving them aside. The game strengthens the muscles of the lips, contributes to the formation of a calm, smooth, long exhalation.
The game "Dandelion" is possible in country trips, in the country. Blowing the seeds off the dandelions, the child trains the correct, smooth exhalation. Game "Whose cube is higher?" promotes the development of diaphragmatic breathing. Children lie on their backs, a light bright plastic cube is placed in the stomach area. By inhaling and exhaling through the nose, children try to raise the cube as high as possible. The development of speech in play activities for correct speech breathing can be recommended for children from 2-3 years old.
Development of speech in play and vocabulary
With the help of the game, you can significantly increase the child's vocabulary. It is also desirable to play in a team. The competitive moment will make the game especially exciting. Invite the kids to name as many words as possible using one letter. Then you can compete by listing interior items, fruits, animals and the like.
The development of speech through play is also possible on an individual basis. In this case, the vocabulary is increased through conversations with older family members. To give the lesson a playful component, discuss with the baby fairy-tale characters, their properties, relationships, actions.
Elimination of speech defects in the game

To correct speech defects, first of all, speech therapy games are used. There are many methodological recommendations in this direction. Such games are widely used on the basis of special corrective groups in kindergartens and in individual lessons with a speech therapist. Speech therapy games are not limited to onomatopoeia. Finger role-playing games with the help of special dolls develop fine motor skills of the hand. Articulatory gymnastics puts the correct pronunciation of sounds in syllables, words, sentences.
The development of speech in play is natural. Through play, the child learns the world and processes the acquired life experience. Traditional games can help in the formation of speech - nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, funny rhymes, songs. The modern arsenal of the teacher is much wider. Speech therapy games, exercises for fine motor skills of the hand, computer mini-games are not a complete list of these tools. However, remember that communication is still the most important for the development of speech, especially with parents and other family members.
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