Development Of Children With Speech Disorders

Development Of Children With Speech Disorders
Development Of Children With Speech Disorders

Development of children with speech disorders

The formation of speech in a child is one of the main characteristics of his general development. Most often, speech formation disorders are observed in childhood. Children with speech disorders represent a separate category of children with developmental disabilities with normal hearing and intact intelligence. Moreover, complex speech disorders are not limited to defects in the pronunciation of individual sounds. Also, the child may not distinguish sounds by ear, build phrases incorrectly, have a limited vocabulary. Meanwhile, speech is the highest mental function, which is why it is so important to pay maximum attention to the development of children with speech disorders.

Characteristics of children with speech impairments

Proper development of children with speech disorders
Proper development of children with speech disorders

Children with speech pathologies, especially in a severe form, have a meager speech reserve, some do not speak at all. In this case, they have limited communication with others. Despite the fact that most children with speech impairments are able to understand speech addressed to them, they themselves cannot fully communicate with other people. Children with speech disorders feel uncomfortable in a team, they rarely take part in common games with their peers. In such conditions, the positive influence of communication on the development of children with speech disorders is minimal. As a result of speech underdevelopment in such children, there is an intellectual lag, which is of a secondary nature.

Other signs that characterize children with speech disorders: unstable and unstable attention, rapid forgetting of material, limited thinking, difficulty switching, difficulties arising in the process of recalling a sequence of events, the plot of a text, problems of speech generalization. All this greatly complicates learning - mastering literacy, understanding math tasks, despite the fact that the child is intellectually normal. Very often, the consciousness of their inferiority when trying to communicate with other people makes children with speech pathologies withdrawn, detached, lethargic and apathetic. The development of children with speech disorders is also necessary in order to prevent further mental retardation.

Diagnostics of children with speech disorders

Early diagnosis of children with speech impairments is essential and essential. The earlier purposeful work with the child begins, the more effective and easier the correction will be. The examination of a child with speech disorders must be carried out even at preschool age, otherwise then he may have problems with oral and written speech - when reading and writing. In many kindergartens there are speech therapy groups where a speech therapist works with children. Speech therapy rooms function in secondary schools.

The diagnosis of children with speech disorders is mainly carried out by a speech therapist, in some cases commissions are created, which may also include other specialists - a psychologist, neuropathologist, surgeon, dentist. The examination of a child with speech disorders is based on the principles of complexity and comprehensiveness, which means a delimited, but interconnected examination of each specialist. Moreover, a certain type of speech pathology requires the conclusion of different specialists. So, when examining children with rhinolalia, it is necessary to consult not only a speech therapist, but also an otolaryngologist and a dentist. When examining children with dysarthria, stuttering, the participation of a neuropathologist and psychiatrist is important. During the examination of a child with speech disorders, it turns out which component of speech activity is impaired - vocabulary, phonetics or grammar,and then appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Prevention of speech disorders in children

The main methods of preventing speech disorders in children
The main methods of preventing speech disorders in children

One of the important areas of speech therapy work is the prevention of speech disorders in children. This system of measures to prevent speech disorders includes primary and secondary prevention. Primary prevention is reduced to eliminating those causes that can subsequently lead to the occurrence of speech disorders. Moreover, it should be carried out even before the birth of the child. Expectant mothers during pregnancy need to be attentive to their health, observe the regimen, spend more time in the fresh air, and eat right. Also, for the prevention of speech disorders in children, timely consultation with geneticists is essential. In case of detection of a burden of any pathology, parents are explainedwhat measures are taken to prevent or reduce the likelihood of a hereditary disease.

Secondary prevention of speech disorders is carried out in cases where primary prevention has failed, and the child still has a certain speech problem. Its main task is to prevent the further development of speech disorders, so that new ones do not arise against the background of the existing pathology. Secondary prevention is the provision of assistance to children with speech impairments, including to prevent the onset of dysgraphia or tongue impaired writing. During classes, a speech therapist teaches the child the auditory differentiation of sounds, correct articulation. Work is also being carried out on the phonemic analysis of words. Moreover, all this work is carried out mainly before the child learns to read and write.

Help for children with speech disorders should be provided not only by specialists. Parents also need to try to help their child cope with the problem, treat him carefully and carefully. The development of children with speech impairments should be systematic and begin as early as possible, since it will be much more difficult to correct existing speech problems in the future.

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