Teeth alignment: placing braces

No one will argue that half of the beauty of a face lies in a beautiful smile. It so happens that the face is ugly, but a charming smile with all thirty-two even teeth makes all the flaws insignificant, and we perceive a person as attractive. It also happens the other way around, when the correct facial features with crooked teeth are no longer perceived as a beautiful appearance. However, crooked teeth are not a sentence for a long time. Remember the dental plates that poisoned the childhood of any child? Fortunately, pain is no longer a prerequisite for aligning teeth, now everything is decided by the installation of braces - a system for correcting the dentition that requires much less sacrifice in the name of beauty.
Braces are special fastening clips that stick to the teeth, through which a memory wire is pulled, which presses on the teeth in the right places, forcing them to slowly but surely move in the right direction. Installation of braces, in contrast to the ever-memorable dental plates, can be performed not only in childhood, but much later, although the greater effect can be achieved precisely in youth, when hard tissues are more pliable. And then, after all, it is youth that is a vulnerable and vulnerable time when looking good is especially important.
What do you need to install braces? To begin with, contact an orthodontist, who will conduct a thorough diagnosis, and then simulate the necessary changes. Moving bones is not a joke, mistakes are inadmissible here. Installation of braces will take time, but then for a long time only a small periodic correction will be needed, and that's it. Braces are worn for at least six months. At first, the teeth move in the right direction, and after the movement is over and everything is in place, a fixing period is required. During this time, the teeth will become stronger in a new position, and the musculo-articular apparatus will also be rebuilt in a new way. If this does not happen, and the bracket system is removed too early, then we can assume that the installation of braces was in vain, as the teeth will return to their places.
Of course, braces are inconvenient, but only in the early days. Then they get used to them, and they cease to be noticed. The disadvantages of braces include their relatively high cost, although dentists believe that it is worth it - after all, even teeth and deteriorate much less often, so in fact, installing braces will allow you to save money on dental treatment in the future. Another disadvantage is low cosmetic quality. Braces, to put it mildly, are noticeable. But society is very loyal to this, firstly, everyone knows that this is a temporary phenomenon, and secondly, the installation of braces speaks in favor of a person who takes care of both his appearance and his health.
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