When are braces placed on the lower jaw?
Crooked teeth compromise the overall aesthetics of the oral cavity. If the problem is local in nature - only the curvature of the lower or upper jaw, then the dentist recommends using braces. If this is the lower jaw, then they are not so visible, they require less maintenance, the material and the procedure itself will be cheaper. You need to understand that bite correction is a complex procedure and the installation of braces on the lower jaw is not suitable for everyone.

What you need to know
Patients who go to an orthodontist pursue one goal - an aesthetic one. The dentist also takes into account the functionality of the teeth. Lower jaw braces may compromise occlusion; the incisal edges and chewing surfaces of the lower and upper rows may not match.
Incomplete closure of the teeth leads to an uneven distribution of pressure, which leads to a rapid erasure of the enamel, to overstrain of the facial muscles. This can provoke inflammation of the joints of the face.
Before deciding whether to install braces on the lower jaw, the orthodontist conducts diagnostics, which includes:
- examination of the oral cavity;
- x-ray;
- three-dimensional diagnostics.
An important step is recording the graphics of the movement of the lower jaw in 3D.
When installation is allowed
It is possible to install braces on the lower jaw without harming the upper row in such cases: if one or two teeth are bent (slight curvature); if the closing of the teeth is absolutely symmetrical.
Before installation, you need to choose the right braces. There are several types: metal, ceramic, sapphire, lingual. Installation is carried out only after diagnostics and preparation. In order for the braces to hold securely and stay in place, a small wire is attached to the inside.
Installation steps:
- Development of a correction plan.
- Diagnostics of the teeth and oral cavity.
- If there is not enough space, teeth are removed.
- Medical and preventive measures are being taken.
- A photograph of the face and an orthopantomogram are taken, on the basis of which the braces will be made.
- Installation.
Questions and recommendations
Cost is one of the most frequent questions asked by a client. How much does the service cost in Moscow, you will find out directly at the clinic. The price depends on a number of factors, for example, the material. Metal braces are cheaper, the most expensive are sapphire or lingual.

Another question that often interests patients is the condition of the teeth that are under braces. Dentists give recommendations for care, so that the enamel does not wear off, the teeth do not loose. Qualified specialists will take care of a healthy beautiful smile, become a client of the clinic you trust. Doctors will put on the braces that are right for you.
Source: InWhite Medical Dental Clinic
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