Lithotherapy - Stone Treatment

Lithotherapy - Stone Treatment
Lithotherapy - Stone Treatment

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Lithotherapy - stone treatment

Lithotherapy is one of the oldest methods of treating diseases
Lithotherapy is one of the oldest methods of treating diseases

Lithotherapy is one of the oldest methods of treating diseases, in which minerals are used as a therapeutic agent. Since time immemorial, people have endowed stones with magical power, including the power to heal diseases of the soul and body. For example, it is believed that amethyst cures alcoholism, pomegranate cures insomnia and prevents fever, amber, especially white, helps to cure all diseases due to the fact that it strengthens the body's defenses and increases its vitality. Each stone from the point of view of lithotherapy has its own, only inherent properties.

Lithotherapy takes pride of place in the list of alternative medicine disciplines. Probably, there is not a single people in whose traditions minerals would not be used for medicinal purposes. The ancient science of health preservation, Ayurveda, which is the progenitor of modern medicine, both official and non-traditional, attaches great importance to the healing power of stones - lithotherapy. In Ayurveda, health is seen as the balance of the doshas, which can be described as the basic vitality. Accordingly, all diseases are the result of imbalance in the doshas. The energy of the stones can restore balance, and wearing the right mineral can not only cure, but also prevent the development of the disease.

In this case, the effect of the force of the stone increases if the stone is applied to acupuncture points, which are especially numerous on the fingers, wrists, neck, and earlobe. If we consider stones from the point of view of lithotherapy, then all the jewelry that people love so much - bracelets, rings, earrings, beads made of stones - are medicines that can be of benefit, and can also upset health. Therefore, the choice of jewelry should be approached responsibly. At the same time, it is believed that a person instinctively feels the power of a stone, and those products made of minerals that are not suitable for him and can cause harm, a person will not want to wear, or, putting on, he will feel uncomfortable. But if you have a favorite ring or necklace, then with a high degree of probability its energy helps you stay healthy.

Lithotherapy is not recognized by official medicine
Lithotherapy is not recognized by official medicine

Lithotherapy is not recognized by official medicine. However, unlike many methods of alternative medicine, which are controversial from the point of view of the official, lithotherapy has an undeniable advantage: safety. Not recognizing the healing power of influence for minerals, representatives of official medicine do not find in stones anything that could harm a person. Therefore, the method can be treated in different ways, but even if lithotherapy is a placebo, then the placebo also has a right to exist, and if a stone helps someone to restore mental balance and physical health, then this is much better than drinking potent medications by handfuls.

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