Stretching For Children - Benefits, Harms, Exercise

Stretching For Children - Benefits, Harms, Exercise
Stretching For Children - Benefits, Harms, Exercise

Stretching for children

In recent years, the fashion for rhythmic gymnastics has returned again. And, obeying her, many mothers bring their daughters to gyms, secretly dreaming of their great sports career.

Stretching for children - a set of exercises
Stretching for children - a set of exercises

But at the same time, many of the mothers do not give themselves a full account of what their beloved daughter will have to go through before she begins to show any sports achievements.

Stretching for children: harm or benefit

Rhythmic gymnastics and choreography are impossible without full body stretching. Therefore, children are forced to do stretching exercises constantly. It is believed that pain must be overcome to be effective. Children are absolutely not ready for this, and the coach is forced to use "force". As a result, many novice athletes refuse to attend training.

Doctors say that professional gymnastics has a negative impact on the health of athletes. Almost every adult gymnast suffers from various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and all this is the result of systematic stretching. The fact is that during stretch marks the ligamentous apparatus of the joints is stretched, which leads to their laxity in the future, creates the preconditions for the development of deforming osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis. Does your child need such a professional stretching for children or not? It's up to you to decide!

The situation is quite different if your baby is engaged in gymnastics or choreography for his own pleasure, i.e. in the case when classes are a kind of hobby. At the same time, physical activity will only benefit the health of the young athlete. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Stretching exercises for children in general health physical education

Stretch marks allow you to optimize and normalize the tone of various muscle groups. By relieving tonic tension, they are able to activate the corresponding structures of the brain. Therefore, within reasonable limits, children's stretching is beneficial.

Stretching exercises for children should be performed based on the natural process of movement. The child should feel a gentle stretch in his muscles, not accompanied by pain. Stretch marks help to optimize muscle tone, eliminate various muscular dystonia and clamps, and, in addition, help to increase the child's mental activity.

On their own, especially at the beginning of classes, children cannot stretch correctly. And an adult should help them in this. It is very important that when helping the child, he acts slowly and smoothly, avoiding jerking.

Children's stretching: goals and objectives

By playing sports and doing stretching exercises, the child should learn to:

  • Redistribute tonic tension from one muscle group to others;
  • Good body awareness;
  • Control muscle tone.

Unfortunately, modern children lead a sedentary lifestyle. Even elementary school students spend 5-6 hours at their desks, and then, when they come home, they again sit for several hours in a forced position at the table, doing their homework. And even after that, few of them rush out into the street to play active games with their peers. As a result, the child is overworked both physically and mentally. And in the evening it all turns into hysterics, tk. children still cannot fully control themselves.

Stretching for children just teaches the child the ability not only to feel their tension, but also to relieve it in a timely manner. This will allow him to make the most optimal use of his strength.

How to do stretching for children

In general strengthening and physiotherapy exercises, stretching exercises for children, borrowed from classical yoga, are mainly used. It is very important that the child does them correctly and does not rush.

Stretching for children will only be beneficial if the exercises are carried out regularly and for a sufficiently long time. This is due to the fact that it is impossible to eliminate muscle block quickly, the child must learn to feel his body and not rush.

As we have already said, most modern children have certain problems with the musculoskeletal system, in particular, many of them have increased muscle tone.

Baby stretching without tears
Baby stretching without tears

Later, painful seals form in the muscles, which are spasmodic muscle fibers that, depending on their location, can have a reflex effect on the activity of almost all internal organs. Stretching for children can save them all of these problems.

Children's stretching should precisely "stretch" a certain part of the body, only then it will make sense. In any stretching exercise, there are four phases: assuming the desired body position, stretching, slowly coming out of it, pause. The breathing rhythm depends on the specific exercise.

It is best for your child to learn the children's stretching complex with the guidance of a physical therapy instructor. He will then have to do it regularly at home under your supervision. After one and a half to two months from the beginning of classes, you can again turn to the instructor to learn new exercises for stretching for children.

With regular exercise, you will very soon notice that the child will feel better, his progress and mood will noticeably improve. And all this thanks to the stretching complex for children!

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