Discharge After Abortion

Discharge After Abortion
Discharge After Abortion

Discharge after abortion

Artificial termination of pregnancy - abortion, always accompanied by discharge.

What should be the discharge after an abortion
What should be the discharge after an abortion

This is due to the fact that with any type of abortion, the forced removal of the ovum from the uterine cavity occurs with damage to its walls, which have a large number of blood vessels.

Bloody discharge after an abortion is normal, but it can vary in nature. In addition, they can be protracted, the causes of which are various complications.

What discharge after an abortion is considered normal

In order to talk about normal discharge, it is necessary to recall that abortions are medication, vacuum and instrumental (surgical). These methods are different, therefore, the discharge after them differs in quantity and duration.

Often worried women ask the question of how long the discharge goes after an abortion. Their duration depends not only on the method of termination of pregnancy, but also on its duration, as well as the individual characteristics of the woman's body.

In classic surgical abortion, the ovum is instrumentally scraped out of the uterine cavity. The process is accompanied by pain and significant blood loss. Moreover, depending on the duration of pregnancy, the amount of discharge may be more or less. Usually, their volume significantly exceeds the usual discharge during menstruation. They last about 10 days. In the first days after an abortion, the discharge has a scarlet color, gradually their number decreases and they acquire a dark, often brown color.

After a medical abortion, carried out with hormonal drugs, the fetus is expelled from the uterus, along with profuse bleeding. If a woman monitors the discharge, then she can see the exit of a dense formation of pink color, i.e. fetal egg. The discharge can be abundant for 2 days, then it becomes more and more scarce, turning into smearing, they continue until the next menstruation.

Vacuum abortion occurs with less blood loss, and the discharge is short-lived. This is due to the fact that this method of abortion is used at the earliest stages, when the ovum has not yet had time to fully implant into the uterine mucosa.

Considering all that has been said, we can confidently say that there should be discharge after an abortion. But their character must be carefully monitored to avoid complications.

Pathology of discharge after abortion

There are cases when women who have undergone an abortion suddenly stop discharge. Unfortunately, this is not the best indicator. During the discharge, all particles remaining from the fetus leave the uterus. If the discharge has stopped within 3-4 days, then a spasm of the cervix may have occurred and a large amount of blood accumulates inside. As a result, sepsis may begin. An urgent need to see a doctor.

Excessive bleeding also requires urgent medical intervention. It is due to the fact that fetal particles remain in the body of the uterus. This condition requires emergency medical care - curettage of the uterine cavity.

If we talk about what kind of discharge after abortion are pathologies, then it must be said that a change in the color and smell of the discharge often indicates the development of an infectious and inflammatory process in the uterine cavity, which sometimes requires quite intensive and serious treatment.

Brown discharge after abortion

Sometimes women who have had an abortion are afraid of the appearance of brown discharge.

After an abortion, brown discharge is a norm or pathology
After an abortion, brown discharge is a norm or pathology

If this discharge is light brown in color and does not have a pungent odor, do not worry. This is coagulated blood leaving the uterine cavity.

But sometimes the appearance of brown discharge after an abortion indicates the formation of a placental polyp in the uterine cavity. This disease is not dangerous, but the polyp should still be removed, because prolonged bleeding can lead to the development of post-hemorrhagic anemia.

In order to decide individually the question of which discharge after an abortion is considered normal, it is best to consult a doctor. The doctor, against the background of additional examinations and analyzes, will give appropriate recommendations.

Therefore, if in doubt, consult your doctor. Take care of yourself, because after an abortion, a woman's body is very vulnerable.

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