How to avoid the appearance of moles

In order to understand how to prevent the appearance of moles, let's first find out why they appear. So far there is no definite answer to the question of what a mole is - a pathology or a norm. In many sources, you can find a definition that says that a mole is a pathological skin formation. However, it can hardly be called a pathology that everyone, even the healthiest person, has.
Usually, you can trace a hereditary predisposition - if the parents have many moles, then with a high probability, children will have many of them. A newborn baby does not have a single mole on the skin, the appearance of moles begins after one and a half to two years. Here it is necessary to make a reservation that the appearance of moles means the appearance of small birthmarks, and not hemangiomas, which are often also popularly called birthmarks. Thus, one of the theories of the appearance of moles is the genetic theory. Surprisingly, it has a mystical confirmation - in Tibet, some lamas by birthmarks determine not only a person's heredity, but also his past lives.
Moles behave too inexplicably. Some of them gradually age, fade, shrink. Some, on the contrary, coarse, darken and increase with age. Moles can degenerate into melanomas - this is the main reason why the appearance of moles is associated with pathology. However, it should be noted that this happens infrequently, and mainly with those moles that are subject to constant trauma. Melanomas, which have arisen by themselves, have only an external resemblance to moles - they are also small and rounded, but darker than moles, appear more often on the limbs or on the face, and very quickly become malignant.

Therefore, you need to be wary of only these two types: if you have a mole that suddenly began to behave strangely, become inflamed, enlarged, ulcerate, or if you have a new, very dark mole that behaves strangely.
The majority of moles appear during childhood and adolescence, but in smaller numbers they can appear throughout life. It was found that the appearance of moles in adulthood is associated with an increase in the release of hormones of the adrenal cortex and exposure to sunlight. So, finally, we got the answer to the question in the title of the topic. It is completely impossible to prevent the appearance of moles, but to reduce the appearance of new moles is completely. To do this, you need to hide from direct sunlight and monitor your health, in particular, the health of the endocrine system.
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